Objective: The objective of this study was to understand the effects of normal urea and controlled release urea on grain filling rate, yield and water use efficiency of different maize cultivars under different tillage modes. Method: Three sets of treatments were arranged in a split-split plot design. The whole-plot treatment factor was the tillage mode, stubble ploughing or subsoiling after stubble ploughing. The subplot treatment factor was maize cultivars Zhengdan 958 and Denghai 3. The sub-subplot treatment factor was the nitrogen level, including applied with 225 kg N.hm -2 normal urea, applied with 225 kg N.hm -2 controlled release urea, and no nitrogen fertilizer used as control. Result: At the same tillage mode, nitrogen level and maize cultivars, the soil water content in 0-100 cm soil layer applied with controlled release urea was higher at pre-tasselling stage, while lower at maturity stage than those applied with normal urea. It indicated that treatment applied with controlled release urea could realize higher use of soil water through time and space, and as a result increased the gain filling rate and water use efficiency. Subsoiling after stubble ploughing could also increase the grain filling rate and water use efficiency. Compared with Zhengdan 958, Denghai 3 had higher grain filling rate, yield and water use efficiency. And these were positive coupling effects between urea type, subsoiling, and maize cultivars, which was benefit for higher yield in dryland farm. Conclusion: Higher use of soil water through time and space and higher grain filling rate were the important reasons for higher yield and water use efficiency. Using suitable maize cultivars and applying controlled release urea, with subsoiling after stubble ploughing, could make the good use of soil water, and realize the space-time coincide between soil water supply and crop needs, which will be the important measures to achieve higher grain yield and higher benefit in semi-humid region of China.