A study was conducted at Dryland Farming Research Station, Arjia, Bhilwara during 1996 and 1997, to find out the tillage requirement for the maize, Seven tillage systems were evaluated for production of maize in kharif season. The tillage systems included were: A. Summer (T1 - Disc plough followed by cultivator, T2 - Cultivator followed by cultivator, T3 - Deshi plough followed by cultivator and T4 - Deshi plough followed by deshi plough), B. After pre monsoon (T5 - Disc plough followed by cultivator and T6 - Cultivator followed by cultivator) and C. At sowing (T7 - Cultivator followed by cultivator). The tillage system comprising of summer disc ploughing followed by cultivator was more beneficial as of this resulted in higher yield and net return supported by effective reduction in runoff, soil loss and increase water use efficiency for crops in the region. However, during good and low rainfall, for higher net return, there is a need of shift in tillage practices.