Citation Information

  • Title : Nitrogen absorption and allocation of spring maize on dryland of loess plateau in different farmland water management patterns.
  • Source : Scientia Agricultura Sinica
  • Publisher : Scientia Agricultura Sinica; Beijing; China
  • Volume : 43
  • Issue : 14
  • Pages : 2905-2912
  • Year : 2010
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : English
  • Authors:
    • Li, S.
    • Chen, X.
    • Liu, Y.
    • Zhu, L.
    • Xu, H.
  • Climates: Steppe (BSh, BSk).
  • Cropping Systems: Maize. Dryland cropping system.
  • Countries: China.


Objective: A field experiment was carried out on typical Hap-Ustic Isohumisol soil on dry highland of loess plateau to study the absorption and translocation of nitrogen in different farmland water management patterns under the same N fertilizer rate, therefore, the result would have good application values in guiding high yield cultivation of maize. Method: Four field water management practices, including supplementary irrigation, rain-fed, corn straw mulching and plastic film mulching, were adopted in spring maize Xianyu 335. The amount and proportion of N from different management practices at 6 growing stages (seedling, jointing, tasseling, blister, dough and maturity) were measured. Result: The experimental results showed that with the growing stage increasing, N absorption increased. After tasseling stage, with the center of growth changing the absorption quantity of organs absorbing N was changed. In every growing stage the N amount in supplementary irrigation treatment was higher than other three treatments, followed by plastic film mulching treatment, rain-fed treatment and corn straw mulching treatment. In supplementary irrigation treatment, the amount of organs N translocation was 235.5 -2, higher than other three treatments, followed by 225.3 -2 in plastic film mulching treatment; straw mulching treatment was higher than rain-fed treatment, but the difference was not significant. Supplementary irrigation treatment and plastic film mulching treatment were significantly higher than other two treatments. Conclusion: Under the conditions of this experiment, in dry highland of loess plateau area, different farmland water management patterns had significantly effects on spring maize nitrogen absorption, distribution and translocation. The management patterns which can increase the yield, the water utilization efficiency and the nitrogen utilization efficiency can also increase the N absorption and the grain N content. Supplementary irrigation treatment and plastic film mulching treatment were better treatments in this experiment. As for the comprehensive water saving and rainfall use efficiency, the recommended management practice should be the plastic film mulching treatment based on the results of this experiment.

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