This handbook is designed primarily for the practitioners of integrated pest management programmes in small grains, growers, crop consultants, extension agents, and company agronomists and sales representatives. Its primary objective is to provide fundamental and useful information about managing (through cultural, plant resistance, biological and chemical methods) small grain insects throughout the United States and Canada. Although it focuses on insect pests of small grains, noninsect pests (e.g. mites) also are covered. Crops covered in this handbook are wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale, with an emphasis on wheat. The first three sections provide information about small grains and their production, principles and practices of small grain insect management, and an overview of the pest injury to small grains by insects, weeds, and plant pathogens. The remainder of the handbook is devoted to discussions of insect and mite pests of small grains and to beneficial organisms, including insect pathogens, parasitoids and predators.