In a 3-year experiment carried out on a common chernozem in central Russia, woad ( Isatis costata) was grown as an intercrop in fodder crop rotations. The effect of early spring cover crops (barley or an oats + peas mixture) on woad cold resistance, the optimal sowing rate (1, 2 or 3 million seeds/ha), the effect of spring nitrogen fertilizer on yield, and the productivity and effectiveness of rotations were examined. Results showed that the cover crop - woad - Sudan grass rotations gave 3 harvests within 2 years. By including woad as an undersown intercrop (at 1 million seeds/ha), the yield of the rotation involving oats + peas as cover crop increased to 12.6 thousand fodder units/ha compared to 6.5 thousand/ha in a woad-Sudan grass control.