Emissions of N 2O were measured following cover crops management (oat - O and vetch - V) under tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT) in a silt loam Acrisol in South Brazil. Effects of tillage systems and residue management on N 2O emissions were examined over 55 days in 2007 and 54 days in 2008. Larger emissions were measured in 2008 compared to 2007. N 2O emissions increased in the presence of crops residues and were further increased in NT V/M in 2007 (19384 g N/m 2/ha) and in CT V/M in 2008 (431138 g N/m 2/ha) and they are related to high water content and available soil nitrogen. Smallest fluxes of N 2O were measured from the NT O/M treatments, which 28861 g N/m 2/ha in 2007 and 27419 g N/m 2/ha in 2008.