The aim of the study was to determine Fusarium head blight resistance of spring type genotypes from the genera Triticum, Avena and Hordeum, and to determine the content of Fusarium mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol - DON and its derivatives) in grain. Head and kernel infection of barley was low and amounted 7.3% and 8.3%, respectively. However, barley accumulated 1.23 ppm of DON in grain. As for oat varieties, 26.5% of panicles showed FHB symptoms. Fusarium kernel damage was low and amounted 6.0%. Oat accumulated low amounts of DON in grain (0.44 ppm). Significant variation was found in genotypes of the genus Triticum in head infection (1.0-34.7%), kernel damage (0.7-30.1%) and accumulation of deoxynivalenol in grain (0.26-6.61 ppm). The cultivars of bread wheat were the most susceptible. There was also a significant intraspecific diversity of resistance in wheat, spelt and emmer. Fusarium head blight resistant and medium-resistant genotypes were identified.