Nitrogen application up to 240 kg/ha consistently increased total and large-sized potato tuber yield over no N. However, higher levels of N led to the deterioration in nutritional, processing and storage quality of potato. Applying 75% of N as basal and 25% as top dressing improved the storage quality of potato. The effect of FYM was more pronounced in the absence of N. Use of biofertilizers in conjunction with organic fertilizers increased their efficiency and served as a supplementing source to increase nutrient availability for sustainable agriculture especially in heavy feeder crop like potato. This also reduced P dose without sacrificing yield and kept soil healthier at the same time. The optimum doses of K for mid hill soils of Himachal Pradesh were worked out to be 62 to 112 kg/ha with and without FYM, respectively. Significant improvement in storability of potato was observed up to 100 kg K 2O/ha. A significant response to application of micronutrients (Zn, Mn and Fe) was observed under Jammu and Himachal Pradesh soils. There was also a significant response to seed rate, sowing time and irrigation. Intercrops of cabbage, french bean and pea with potato were very productive and far more remunerative than sole potato. There was a good response to balanced and integrated nutrient management in potato.