Citation Information

  • Title : Environment friendly system of cropping.
  • Source : Journal of Environmental Research and Development
  • Publisher : Global Earth Society for Environmental Energy and Development
  • Volume : 4
  • Issue : 4
  • Pages : 222-232
  • Year : 2009
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : English
  • Authors:
    • Sanjay, K.
    • Sharma, S.
    • Kaushik, V.
  • Climates:
  • Cropping Systems: Conservation cropping systems. Maize. Cotton. Intercropping. Organic farming systems. Potatoes. Sorghum. Wheat.
  • Countries: India.


Suitable to environment or eco-friendly means not harmful to our system of environment i.e. not harmful to land, air etc. Presently, due to agriculture a lot of pollutants are added day by day in our environment. Because of these pollutants, the soil fertility is decreasing, the fear of disease in living beings are increasing, a lot of poisonous chemicals and gases prevails in the environment. There is a great need to the use of such a cropping system which is suitable to environment i.e Eco-friendly system of cropping. The Eco-friendliness of cropping system may be viewed from two different angles i.e systems which help in soil and water conservation and system which reduce the use of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, organic fertilizers. As far as the pesticides use is concerned at national level, it is a still for below the alarming proportions. Inclusion of such crops in the cropping systems in problem areas can play a significant role in minimizing the use of agro-chemicals in the crop production. Insecticides or fungicides use can also be minimized to a considerable extent through cropping system approach. It has been reported that sorghum ear-head fly damage is extremely rare where pigeon pea is planted in alternate rows. Intercropping of coriander in autumn planted sugarcane prevent top borer in sugarcane Sorghum helepense ( L) pers (Tohangen grass) becomes predominant weed in continuous maize cultivation but can be controlled by rotating with cotton. Adoption of sugarcane wheat system in place of rice-wheat decreases philaries minor infestation to almost negligible level which is otherwise not achieved through herbicides. In maize-potato cropping system raising of pearl millet for green fodder or sesamum for green manure during summer was also found advantageous in reducing Cyprus rotundas in succeeding crop of maize and potato. Position of ground water owing to leaching of nitrates is a selectively new concern in India. Because usage of N-fertilizer is low in India, nitrate is not likely to pose serious problems in most farming situations. Choice of appropriate system and management practices helped minimizing nitrate leaching besides improving N-use efficiency.

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