A field experiment was conducted during rainy (kharif) and winter (rabi) seasons of 2004-05 to 2007-08 on clay loam soils at the Dryland Farming Research Station, Arjia, Bhilwara under alkali water irrigation conditions, to find out effect of soil ameliorates viz., control (fallow), green manuring of dhaincha [ Sesbania aculeata (L.) Pers.], application of gypsum @ 50% gypsum requirement (G. R.) and green manuring alongwith gypsum 50% GR and nitrogen levels viz., 50, 75 and 100% RDN on growth, yield and economics of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.). The study revealed that soil ameliorates improved yield and yield attributes, nutrient uptake, protein content, net return and sustainable yield index (SYI). Green manuring alongwith gypsum 50% GR resulted in the highest grain and straw yield, N and P uptake, crude protein content, net return and sustainable yield index (SYI), wile maximum benefit:cost ratio (3.4) was recorded from green manuring treatment. Increasing dose of nitrogen upto 100% RDN improved significantly yield and yield attributes, crude protein, N and P uptake and recorded highest net return (Rs. 30208/ha), benefit:cost ratio (3.4) and sustainable yield index (0.83).