A survey was undertaken to determine the pest status of herbivorous blister beetles, Hycleus spp., in western Kenya where they attack crops such as Desmodium spp., other leguminous plants and sweetpotato. Desmodium spp. are important intercrops in the 'push-pull' strategy adopted for Striga and stemborer control in maize and sorghum. Production of desmodium seed is adversely affected by blister beetles, which feed on the flowers and negatively affect seed setting. To assess farmers' knowledge and perceptions of Hycleus spp. as pests, a questionnaire survey was conducted in three sites in Bungoma district, western Kenya, in 2007. The survey was followed by field sampling of Desmodium spp. and sweetpotato to compare the results with the responses received from farmers. Hycleus spp. were mentioned by 75% of the respondents as major pests of Desmodium spp. During field sampling Hycleus spp. comprised 70% of the insect pests collected. According to farmers, blister beetles were more abundant on desmodium than on sweetpotato. However, field sampling revealed that differences in beetle abundance on the two crops were not consistent across different sites, suggesting that these crops may function as alternative hosts. The study provides baseline information for the development of a management strategy for blister beetles.