'Tifton 85' bermudagrass [ Cynodon dactylon L. (Pers.) * C. transvaalensis Burt Davy] is a warm-season forage used on southeastern U.S. dairy concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO). Cool-season annual forages need to be identified that can be overseeded into Tifton 85 and remove the greatest quantity of P or N while minimizing suppression of bermudagrass spring regrowth. During 3 yr we overseeded six grass, five legume, and two Brassica spp. on a dairy CAFO Tifton 85 field on a Windthorst fine sandy loam (fine, mixed, active, thermic Udic Paleustalf) containing 83 mg plant-available P kg -1 soil. Hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth.), barley ( Hordium vulgare L.), oat ( Avena sativa L.), and rye ( Secale cereale L.) yielded the most (entry * year interaction P