Relations between grain yield and quality parameters of winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye and spring barley were analysed. The results are based on the official Austrian VCU trials from 1979/80 to 2009/10 and on trials performed for the Descriptive List of Varieties. With respect to the species the number of trials was between 319 and 514, with a total of 39 (winter rye) to 139 (spring barley) cultivars. Adjusted means were calculated and correlated intervarietaly. In some cases inverse (statistically negative) relations between yield and quality, e.g. protein content, extract yield difference and color of wort of malting barley, fiber content of feed barley, are desired, whereas the significant intervarietal inverse relation of grain yield and protein content of quality wheat ( r=-0.48** in the Pannonian region; -0.53* in humid areas) and normal bread wheat ( r=-0.73** in the Pannonian region; -0.83** in humid areas) represents a challenge for breeders. Protein quality, expressed as sedimentation value and swelling number, as well as kneading and stretching properties of doughs, baking volume and milling properties were less or not at all influenced. In winter and spring barley the breeding progress is accompanied by an increase in thousand kernel weight and better results of the sieving analysis ( r=0.42** to 0.86**). In rye, especially in hybrid rye, a higher grain yield may be combined with a more favourable falling number and viscosity (amylogram).