In 2006-2009, total annual production of food and feed grain crops in Russia's Volgograd Oblast' averaged 3 652 300 tonnes, of which the main food crops (winter and spring wheat, rye, buckwheat and millet) accounted for 85.8%, the main feed crops (barley, oats, cereal maize and legumes) 14.1%, and other food and feed crops 0.1%. In 2001-2005, the region's total annual production of food and feed grain crops averaged 3 075 500 tonnes, of which the main food crops accounted for 78.9%, the main feed crops 21.1%, and other food and feed crops 0.0%. Total production of food grains, increased significantly (29.1%) between the 2001-2005 and 2006-2009 periods, with this growth largely attributable to higher harvests of winter wheat (up 50.1%). Total production of feed grains fell by 20.4% between the 2001-2005 and 2006-2009 periods, with harvests of barley, oats and legumes falling by 45.9%, 34.8% and 37.2% respectively, although cereal maize output more than quadrupled. On average in the 2006-2009 period, 1 755 000 tonnes/year of cereal grains were exported outside the region, and 112 000 tonnes/year were imported. Analysis of actual consumption of cereal grains in Volgograd Oblast' shows that total regional consumption averaged 1 919 000 tonnes/year in 2006-2009, of which 19.3% was used for seeds, 62.1% for animal feeds, 13.0% for food purposes, and 2.4% for other industrial processing, with 3.2% losses. A very similar usage pattern was recorded in 2001-2005. It is anticipated that demand for feed grains will rise as a result of implementation of government agricultural policies aimed at stimulating animal production, including the priority national programme "Development of the agro-industrial complex". While 62.1% of cereal grains consumed in Volgograd Oblast' in 2006-2009 were used in animal feeds (1 191 000 tonnes/year), feed crops accounted for only 14.1% of the region's cereal grain output (515 200 tonnes/year). Consequently many enterprises in the animal production segment were forced to use significant volumes of food grains, particularly wheat, for production of animal feeds. This pushes up the price of feeds, and also causes imbalances in the nutrient composition of feeds. Production of food grains in Volgograd Oblast' significantly exceeds demand, and the percentage of total cereal grain production accounted for by food grains is continuing to rise. However the region's food industry still suffers from shortages of some types of cereal grain. In order to correct the problems that have been identified with regard to cereal grains production in Volgograd Oblast', a strategy based on formation of clusters of cereal grain producers, processors and end users is recommended. Recommendations for improvements to the structure of cereal grain production in the region are also presented. These include significant increases in volumes of production of feed crops, in particular oats, maize, legumes and triticale.