Citation Information

  • Title : Phosphorus fractions and soybean yield in succession to grasses fertilized with different phosphorus sources.; Crescimento e acumulo de fosforo pela soja cultivada em sucessao a diferentes gramineas forrageiras adubadas com super fosfato triplo e fosfato reativo de arad.
  • Volume : 33
  • Issue : 6
  • Year : 2009
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : English
  • Authors:
    • Oliveira, E.
    • Baliza, D.
    • Rodrigues, T.
    • Avila, F.
    • Faquin, V.
    • Rodrigues, C.
  • Climates: Tropical monsoonal (Am).
  • Cropping Systems: Cover cropping. No-till cropping systems. Sorghum. Soybean.
  • Countries: Brazil.


This study investigated the effect of the previous cultivation of different forage grasses fertilized with triple superphosphate (TSP) and reactive Arad phosphate (RAP) on growth, yield, and accumulation of P by soyabean. Two experiments were carried out: one in Haplic Cambisol typical distrophic, medium texture and the other in Red Latosol typical distrophic very clayey texture. For both experiments, the experimental design was a completely randomized one in a 4*2*2 factorial scheme; the previous crop being of four forage grasses utilized as cover plants in no-tillage system ( Brachiaria decumbens [Urochloa decumbens], Brachiaria brizantha [U. brizantha], millet and forage sorghum) fertilized with two sources of P (RAP and TSP) and two additional treatments, which are the cultivation of soyabean and bean plant without the previous growing of cover plants, and also fertilized with TSP and RAP. The plants were harvested after they had completed the development cycle. Grain and shoot dry matter yield and P accumulation in the shoot and in the grains of soyabean were determined. The forage plants immobilized the P of TSP, reducing the residual effect for soyabean. When forage grasses are fertilized with RAP, there is increased residual effect with increasing yield of soyabean in succession to the cover plants, with exception for the growing in succession to B. brizantha.

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