Results are presented of an experiment in the Plain of Danube (Romania) with genetically modified soyabean (0094RR) in successive culture after barley under no-stripping system. Roundup Ready (containing 360 g glyphosate/l) was used to control grassy weeds, including Sorghum halepense. Roundup Ready at 3+3 l/ha resulted in 100% control of annual and perennial grasses. It also recorded the highest yield of 2800 kg/ha under 2 irrigations with a watering rate of 400 m 3/ha. With barley culture+soyabean in successive culture on the traditional system, 122 l of fuel oil was consumed for mechanical work, whereas on the system of no-stripping only 48 l/ha. Calculations concerning economic efficiency revealed that barley culture+soyabean in successive culture recorded a profit of ~28 million lei/ha.