Citation Information

  • Title : Nitrous oxide emissions from a northern Great Plains soil as influenced by nitrogen management and cropping systems
  • Source : Journal of Environmental Quality
  • Publisher : American Society of Agronomy/Crop Science Society of America/Soil Science Society of America
  • Volume : 37
  • Issue : 2
  • Pages : 542-550
  • Year : 2008
  • DOI : 10.2134/jeq2006.
  • ISBN : 10.2134/jeq2006.
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : English
  • Authors:
    • Wallander, R.
    • Lemke, R. L.
    • Miller, P. R.
    • Engel, R. E.
    • Dusenbury, M. P.
  • Climates: Continental (D). Warm summer continental/Hemiboreal (Dsb, Dfb, Dwb).
  • Cropping Systems: No-till cropping systems. Till cropping systems. Wheat.
  • Countries: USA.


Field measurements of N2O emissions from soils are limited for cropping systems in the semiarid northern Great Plains (NGP). The objectives were to develop N2O emission-time profiles for cropping systems in the semiarid NGP, define important periods of loss, determine the impact of best management practices on N2O losses, and estimate direct N fertilizer-induced emissions (FIE). No-till (NT) wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)-fallow, wheat-wheat, and wheat-pea (Pisum sativum), and conventional till (CT) wheat-fallow, all with three N regimes (200 and 100 kg N ha-1 available N, unfertilized control); plus a perennial grass-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) system were sampled over 2 yr using vented chambers. Cumulative 2-yr N2O emissions were modest in contrast to reports from more humid regions. Greatest N2O flux activity occurred following urea-N fertilization (10-wk) and during freeze-thaw cycles. Together these periods comprised up to 84% of the 2-yr total. Nitrification was probably the dominant process responsible for N2O emissions during the post-N fertilization period, while denitrification was more important during freeze-thaw cycles. Cumulative -yr N2O-N losses from fertilized regimes were greater for wheat-wheat (1.31 kg N ha-1) than wheat-fallow (CT and NT) (0.48 kg N ha-1), and wheat-pea (0.71 kg N ha-1) due to an additional N fertilization event. Cumulative losses from unfertilized cropping systems were not different from perennial grass-alfalfa (0.28 kg N ha-1). Tillage did not affect N2O losses for the wheat-fallow systems. Mean FIE level was equivalent to 0.26% of applied N, and considerably below the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change mean default value (1.25%).

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