Eight biotypes of herbicide-resistant weeds have been described in Chile. All belong to grass weeds, specifically wild oat ( Avena fatua), ryegrass ( Lolium rigidum), Italian ryegrass ( L. multiflorum) and crested dogtailgrass ( Cynosurus echinatus), which are the most common in the main wheat, barley, oats, lupin and canola producing area (36degreesS to 39degreesS). The biotypes have shown resistance to ACCasa, ALS and EPSP inhibitors. Most biotypes have appeared in farm fields subjected to intensive land use, with annual crops, with a trend to wheat monoculture in some cases, and with intense use of no-till and herbicides with similar mode of action. Herbicides most frequently used have been glyphosate (EPSP), diclofop-methyl and clodinafop-propargyl (ACCasa). Cross-resistance to ACCasa was found in some biotypes of wild oat and ryegrass, with greater resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionates than to cyclohexanediones. All ACCasaresistant biotypes were susceptible to iodosulfuron and flucarbazone Na (ALS). These two herbicides are recommended for wheat and began to be used just recently in the country. Two biotypes of Italian ryegrass were found resistant to glyphosate. One of these biotypes showed, in addition, resistance to ALS; that is to say, showed multiple resistance. Also the crested dogtailgrass biotype showed multiple resistance to ACCasa and ALS.