Citation Information

  • Title : Influence of some foliar fertilizers on maize and sunflower yields, on cambic chernozem of Fundulea.; Influenta unor sortimente de ingrasaminte foliare asupra productiei de porumb si floarea-soarelui, pe cernoziomul cambic de la Fundulea.
  • Source : Probleme de agrofitotehnie teoretica si aplicata
  • Volume : 27
  • Issue : 1
  • Pages : 13-22
  • Year : 2005
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : English
  • Authors:
    • Barbu, S. A.
    • Gaina, V.
  • Climates:
  • Cropping Systems: Maize. Dryland cropping system.
  • Countries:


Aside from the chemical fertilizers applied into soil, foliar fertilizer application with complex solutions containing essential macro- and microelements which contribute to the plant nutrition balance has an important role in increasing crop yield. The paper presents the results obtained in maize and sunflower studies conducted at the ARDI Fundulea (Romania) under dryland conditions during 2001-03, years with special climatic conditions. Some new products, which contribute by supplementing the nutrient needs during vegetation and lead to increases in maize and sunflower yields as well as soil chemical pollution diminution, are tested. The analysis of results, depending on the special climatic conditions of the experimental years, has allowed the elaboration of some important conclusions for agricultural practice. Under the circumstances where no chemical fertilizer has been applied, the foliar fertilizer treatment could represent an important nutrient source for different crops. Both in maize and sunflower, the foliar fertilizers constitute a possibility to increase their yields even in basic fertilizer application.

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