These proceedings, containing 5 sections, include a report on an innovative seed vigour imaging system for soyabean and maize seedlings developed at the Ohio State University. Manuscripts on topics such as DNA extraction from soyabeans, enhancement of germination in tomato, antioxidant capacity in tomato genotypes, harvest maturity and drying of okra seed, breeding strategy for a Chinese cotton cultivar, fruit and seed development in cowpea and identification of seeds from landscape soils are presented. Reports on Phomopsis detection and pathogenicity in soyabean, a chromosomes squash technique to determine mitotic activity, utility of phenotypic traits in coconut palm for seed production and accelerated aging of oil palm seeds are also presented. Papers on the current state of vigour testing for cotton, groundnuts, rice, sorghum and soyabeans, as well as on hybrid purity testing of maize and germination and stand establishment of polymer coated rape seeds subjected to various stress conditions are included.