We evaluated the effect of no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) on soil penetration resistance (PR), bulk density (BD), gravimetric moisture content (MC), and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) during the fallow phase of a spring wheat-fallow rotation. The study was conducted on two soils mapped as Williams loam at the Froid and Sidney sites. Soil measurements were made on 19 May, 23 June, and 4 August 2005 at the Froid site and on 6 June and 8 July 2005 at the Sidney site. Tillage had no effect on either soil properties except on the PR at Sidney. However, soil PR, MC, and BD varied significantly with depth regardless of tillage and location. Further, soil PR and MC varied with the date of sampling at both locations, and PR generally increased with decreased MC at all soil depths. Soil Ks was slightly influenced by tillage at both locations.