This study was conducted in the experimental fields of Field Crops Department of Agriculture Faculty in Ege University, Bornova, Izmir-TURKEY under Mediterranean environmental conditions in the years, 2003-2009. Three legumes (Medicago satire, Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium resupinatum) and four grasses (Bromas inermis, Festuca erundinaceae, Dactylis glomerate and Arrhenatherum elatius) with Sanguisorha minor were sown in rows 15 cm apart and tested for some yield and quality characteristics under cattle grazing regime. Medicago satire and Festuca erundinaceae were the permanent and most successful legume and grass in the mixture in terms of botanical composition and cover traits throughout the experimental years. With respect to dry matter and crude protein yield characteristics, same components of the mixture also performed very well and have been evaluated as recommendable for all resembling Mediterranean environments. It was also suggested that Lotus corniculatus and Arrhenatherum elatius, both exhibiting stable and sustainable dry matter and crude protein yield contribution to overall performances of the sward, should be included in this type of Mediterranean pasture mixture. The general performance of this rotation pasture mixture was quite sustainable and suggested to utilize the sward economically for another couple of years.