Investigations were conducted during 1990-2007 on dark grey forest heavy loamy soils with intermediate content of nutrients using the standard technology of haylage mixture production, i.e. without the use of mineral fertilizers. The results showed that 12 variants of fodder crop mixtures were suitable for haylage production. Data are tabulated on energy indicators of mixtures of annual crops, i.e. oat + spring rape and spring vetch, oat + barley + pea, oat + field pea, barley + field pea, Sudan grass + oilseed radish, Sudan grass + spring vetch, Sudan grass + oat + pea, Sudan grass + field pea, Sudan grass + oat + soyabean, Sudan grass + barley + soyabean, Sudan grass + soyabean and Sudan grass + fodder bean. Data are included on energy value, energy consumption, green fodder yield and digestible protein content in crop mixtures. The results confirmed the possibility of development of continuous haylage production and high keeping quality of haylage made from the crop mixtures.