In 2001-03 at ARDS Teleorman, Romania, 14 maize hybrids were studied for their response to drought during the first part (2002) and second part (2001) of summer, and to prolonged drought (2003) under irrigated and dryland conditions. Paltin, Campion, Rapsodia, Danubiu, Faur and Olt performed well under irrigated and dryland conditions. Partizan, Orizont, Vultur, Octavian and Granit were sensitive to drought. During the dry years, the disparity in flowering (days) and the frequency of sterile plants resulted in a significant reduction in kernel yield. Prolonged drought throughout the growth period resulted in higher yield losses (76-77%) compared with partial drought experienced in the second part of summer (62-65%) or in the first part of maize growth (26-30%).