Citation Information

  • Title : Restoration of the Soil Structure by Crop Sequences Established in No-Till, as Related to Water Erosion in Distinct Surface Physical Conditions
  • Source : Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
  • Publisher : Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
  • Volume : 34
  • Issue : 4
  • Pages : 1353-1364
  • Year : 2010
  • DOI : 10.1590/S0100-06
  • ISBN : 10.1590/S0100-06832010000400032
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : Spanish
  • Authors:
    • Portz, G.
    • Chagas, J. P.
    • Bagatini, T.
    • Cogo, Neroli P.
    • Portela, J. C.
  • Climates: Temperate (C). Humid subtropical (Cwa, Cfa).
  • Cropping Systems: Irrigated cropping systems. No-till cropping systems. Intercropping. Legumes.
  • Countries: Brazil.


Soil structure plays a prominent role in plant growth and erosion control, and consequently in food production and soil and water conservation. This research was developed with the objective of implementing and accompanying the restoration process of the structure of a degraded soil, by planting crop sequences under no-tillage (autumn-winter and spring-summer, grass and legume, in single and intercropped systems), and later verifying the relations with water and soil losses caused by rainfall erosion, under distinct surface physical conditions (untitled soil, with and without crust; freshly-tilled soil by chiseling and by chiseling followed by disking after one month, and crop residue covering 100, 18, and 0 %). The field study was developed under simulated rainfall, at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (EEA/UFRGS), in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, from May 2004 to Decembe, 2007. The six erosion tests, in intervals of about a week, were performed from October to December, 2007. The soil used is an Ultisol, with a sandy clay loam texture in the surface layer and 0.115 in m(-1) average slope steepness, and an advanced degree of degradation. The rains were applied with a rotating-boom rainfall simulator, at a constant intensity of 64 mm h(-1), for 1-3 h. For this study, water and soil loss data were adjusted to a rainfall duration of 1.5 h. Properties of soil and plants were measured in the experimental plots and water erosion in the surface runoff The crop sequences and erosion tests influenced the results of the study significantly, with greater differences in the latter than in the former. The erosive process was more influenced by the external or soil surface than the internal or subsurface physical conditions. In general, all crop sequences were effective in restoring the soil structure in the experimental period. The sequence involving teosinte controlled the rainfall erosion process most effectively with regard to soil and water loss and the one involving corn+cowpea and pearl millet with regard to soil loss. The highest soil and water losses in the study were observed from the soil surface with no mobilization and little crop residue cover, regardless of the presence or type of crust, but especially when this latter was slightly cracked prior to rainfall application. The soil surface entirely covered by crop residue, be it untilled or freshly chiseled, controlled runoff effectively and impeded erosion completely. Soil and water losses from the freshly-disked soil surface chiseled a month earlier, although the soil was the most mobilized of all and bare, were practically zero, opposite to what was expected.

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