At Teleorman, Romania, during 2002-2003, the flowering biology of 17 inbred lines, which were the parental forms of 11 Romanian maize hybrids (Milcov, Paltin, Campion, Faur, Fulger, Partizan, Neptun, Panciu, Ileana, Star and Premier), under varying conditions (as a result of irrigation and sowing date treatments) was studied. The genotype * environment interaction had significant effects on the flowering biology of the genotypes. Under the ecological conditions of Draganesti-Vlasca, Lc-574, Lc-553 and Lc-607 lines exhibited stability in stigma appearance, while Lc-403, Lc-686 and Lc-607 lines proved to be more stable in tassel flowering dynamics. The parental forms of single crosses Faur, Campion and Neptun showed good stability and adaptability. The parental forms of single crosses Campion and Neptun showed satisfactory performance under normal conditions (irrigation), but exhibited significant disparities in flowering under dryland conditions. The parental forms of single cross Fulger showed good adaptability (reduced disparity at flowering) under dryland conditions but exhibited large disparities under irrigated conditions. The parental forms of single cross Star have manifested constant disparities in flowering under almost all experimental conditions.