The production of bio diesel from rape seed, in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC (RED), requires estimation on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the life cycle of bio fuels and reduction size in comparison to diesel as fossil fuel. The study sought a reduction in GHG emissions from agriculture, in the full life cycle of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) by optimisation of nitrogen fertilisation of rape seed, the selection of fertilisers with lower emissions arising from their production and increased organic carbon sequestration in the soil by the use of reduced or no tillage (direct sowing). It was found that an optimisation of the nitrogen (N) dose and manipulations of fertiliser N type does not guarantee a 50% reduction in GHG emissions. The reduction of GHG emissions under reduced tillage, which increases the organic carbon sequestration in the soil, is achievable only at a dose of 150 kg N ha(-1) in the form of a urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution or mixture of ammonium nitrate + ammonium sulphate. The increase of organic carbon sequestration in the soil through the conversion of conventional oilseed rape cultivation to a no tillage system increases the reduction of GHG emissions by 58-63% at a dose of 150 kg N ha(-1) and 54-59% at a dose of 180 kg N ha(-1).