A greenhouse rhizobox experiment was carried out to investigate the fate and turnover of 13C- and 15N-labeled rhizodeposits within a rhizosphere gradient from 08?mm distance to the roots of wheat. Rhizosphere soil layers from 01, 12, 23, 34, 46, and 68?mm distance to separated roots were investigated in an incubation experiment (42 d, 15 degrees C) for changes in total C and N and that derived from rhizodeposition in total soil, in soil microbial biomass, and in the 0.05 M K2SO4extractable soil fraction. CO2-C respiration in total and that derived from rhizodeposition were measured from the incubated rhizosphere soil samples. Rhizodeposition C was detected in rhizosphere soil up to 46?mm distance from the separated roots. Rhizodeposition N was only detected in the rhizosphere soils up to 34?mm distance from the roots. Microbial biomass C and N was increased with increasing proximity to the separated roots. Beside 13C and 15N derived from rhizodeposits, unlabeled soil C and N (native SOM) were incorporated into the growing microbial biomass towards the roots, indicating a distinct acceleration of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and N immobilization into the growing microbial biomass, even under the competition of plant growth. During the soil incubation, microbial biomass C and N decreased in all samples. Any decrease in microbial biomass C and N in the incubated rhizosphere soil layers is attributed mainly to a decrease of unlabeled (native) C and N, whereas the main portion of previously incorporated rhizodeposition C and N during the plant growth period remained immobilized in the microbial biomass during the incubation. Mineralization of native SOM C and N was enhanced within the entire investigated rhizosphere gradient. The results indicate complex interactions between substrate input derived from rhizodeposition, microbial growth, and accelerated C and N turnover, including the decomposition of native SOM (i.e., rhizosphere priming effects) at a high spatial resolution from the roots.