Citation Information

  • Title : Nitrogen dynamics in grain crop and legume pasture systems under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration: a meta-analysis.
  • Source : Global Change Biology
  • Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell
  • Volume : 18
  • Issue : 9
  • Pages : 2853-2859
  • Year : 2012
  • DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02758.x
  • ISBN : 1354-1013
  • Document Type : Journal Article
  • Language : English
  • Authors:
    • Armstrong, R.
    • Norton, R.
    • Chen, D. L.
    • Lam, S. K.
    • Mosier, A. R.
  • Climates:
  • Cropping Systems:
  • Countries: Australia.


Understanding nitrogen (N) removal and replenishment is crucial to crop sustainability under rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO 2]). While a significant portion of N is removed in grains, the soil N taken from agroecosystems can be replenished by fertilizer application and N 2 fixation by legumes. The effects of elevated [CO 2] on N dynamics in grain crop and legume pasture systems were evaluated using meta-analytic techniques (366 observations from 127 studies). The information analysed for non-legume crops included grain N removal, residue C:N ratio, fertilizer N recovery and nitrous oxide (N 2O) emission. In addition to these parameters, nodule number and mass, nitrogenase activity, the percentage and amount of N fixed from the atmosphere were also assessed in legumes. Elevated [CO 2] increased grain N removal of C 3 non-legumes (11%), legumes (36%) and C 4 crops (14%). The C:N ratio of residues from C 3 non-legumes and legumes increased under elevated [CO 2] by 16% and 8%, respectively, but the increase for C 4 crops (9%) was not statistically significant. Under elevated [CO 2], there was a 38% increase in the amount of N fixed from the atmosphere by legumes, which was accompanied by greater whole plant nodule number (33%), nodule mass (39%), nitrogenase activity (37%) and %N derived from the atmosphere (10%; non-significant). Elevated [CO 2] increased the plant uptake of fertilizer N by 17%, and N 2O emission by 27%. These results suggest that N demand and removal in grain cropping systems will increase under future CO 2-enriched environments, and that current N management practices (fertilizer application and legume incorporation) will need to be revised.

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