Several methods were developed for the redistribution of nitrogen (N) fertilizer within fields with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on plant and soil sensors, and topographical information. The methods were based on data from nine field experiments in nine different fields for a 3-year period. Each field was divided into 80 or more subplots fertilized with 60, 120, 180 or 240 kg N ha-1. The relationships between plot yield, N application rate, sensor measurements and the interaction between N application and sensor measurements were investigated. Based on the established relations, several sensor-based methods for within-field redistribution of N were developed. It was shown that plant sensors predicted yield at harvest better than soil sensors and topographical indices. The methods based on plant sensors showed that N fertilizer should be moved from areas with low and high sensor measurements to areas with medium values.The theoretical increase in yield and N uptake, and the reduced variation in grain protein content resulting from the application of the above methods were estimated. However, the estimated increases in crop yield, N-uptake and reduced variation in grain protein content were small.