- Authors:
- North Carolina Department of Revenue
- Year: 2009
- Authors:
- Niandou, M. A. S.
- Watts, D. W.
- Ahmedna, M.
- Laird, D. L.
- Busscher, W. J.
- Novak, J. M.
- Source: Soil Science
- Volume: 174
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Agricultural soils in the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain region have meager soil fertility characteristics because of their sandy textures, acidic pH values, kaolinitic clays, low cation exchange capacities, and diminutive soil organic carbon contents. We hypothesized that biochar additions will help ameliorate some of these fertility problems. The study objectives were to determine the impact of pecan shell-based biochar additions on soil fertility characteristics and water.
- Authors:
- Bauer, P. J.
- Watts, D. W.
- Frederick, J. R.
- Novak, J. M.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 73
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Long-term disk tillage (DT) for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production in the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain has resulted in soil organic C (SOC) content reductions. Conservation tillage (CT) management in some studies can rebuild SOC levels. A field study, with two adjacent 3.5-ha fields, both containing soil series formed in upland and depressional areas, was conducted using a 6-yr rotation of corn (Zea mays L.) and cotton to determine the CT and DT effects on SOC contents and residue characteristics returned to the soil. Annual soil samples were collected from 50 locations per field at 0- to 3- and 3- to 15-cm. After 6 yr under CT, residue accumulation promoted a significant SOC increase in the 0- to 3-cm depth in the upland soil series (about 0.7 Mg SOC ha(-1)). The lack of residue mixing in the 3- to 15-cm depth in upland Soils under CT however, resulted in a significant SOC content decline at this depth (1.25-2.51 Mg SOC ha(-1)). There was no significant SOC content change in soils under CT formed in depressional areas or in all soils under DT During 6 yr, 14.8 Mg ha(-1) of organic C from both corn and cotton residues was returned to Soils under CT but <4% was incorporated into the SOC pool. Levels of SOC in sandy upland soils can be increased at the surface after 6 yr of CT under a corn and cotton rotation, with the increase coming at the expense of an SOC decline at a deeper topsoil depth.
- Authors:
- Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
- Year: 2009
- Summary: The DNDC model is a process-base model of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry in agricultural ecosystems. This document describes how to use the PC Windows versions of the DNDC model for predicting crop yield, C sequestration, nitrate leaching loss, and emissions of C and N gases in agroecosystems. Part I provides a brief description of the model structure with relevant scientific basis. Part II describes how to install the model. Part III and IV demonstrate how to conduct simulations with the site and regional versions of DNDC, respectively. Part V provides basic information for uncertainty analysis with DNDC. Part VI contains six case studies demonstrating the input procedures for simulating crop yield, soil C dynamics, nitrate leaching loss, and trace gas emissions. A list of relevant publications is included in Part VII. These publications provide more information about the scientific background and applications of DNDC far beyond this User's Guide. DNDC9.3 can run in two modes: site or regional. By selecting the mode, the users will open a corresponding interface to manage their input information for the modeled site or region.
- Authors:
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 105
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Soil degradation associated with tillage is a major problem in Uruguayan agriculture. Either rotation of crops with pastures (ROT) or no-till (NT) cropping have been proposed as alternatives to minimize the impact of agriculture on soil quality. The combined impact on soil properties of ROT and NT has not been evaluated. In this study, we report results of the first 12 years of a long-term experiment established on a clay loam soil in western Uruguay. The objective was to determine the influence of conventional tillage (CT) and NT on systems under continuous cropping (CC, two crops per year) or ROT (3.5-year annual crops/2.5-year pastures). Soil samples taken at the beginning of the experiment in 1994 and in 2004 were analyzed for organic carbon (SOC), total organic carbon (TSOC) and total nitrogen content (STN), and for water-stable aggregation (WAS). Soil loss and erodibility indicators were studied using microrain simulator. With 12 years, the cumulative carbon (C) inputs of aboveground biomass were similar between tillage, but C input in CC was 50% higher than ROT. This difference was explained because 84% of the pastures dry matter was consumed by animals. Nevertheless we estimated a higher below ground biomass in ROT compared to CC systems (24.9 Mg ha-1 vs. 10.9 Mg ha-1). NT presented 7% higher SOC than CT (0-18 cm) with no differences between rotation systems. While all treatments declined in STN during 12 years, ROT had 11% and 58% higher STN and WAS than CC systems, with a large impact of the pasture under CT. Runoff and erosion were minimized under NT in both rotations systems. Thus, including pastures in the rotation, or switching from CT to NT improved soil quality properties. The expected benefit of combining NT and ROT will likely require more years for the cumulative effect to be detectable in both C input and soil properties.
- Authors:
- Stuedemann, J. A.
- Franzluebbers, A. J.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 129
- Issue: 1-3
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Soil organic C (SOC) and total soil N (TSN) sequestration estimates are needed to improve our understanding of management influences on soil fertility and terrestrial C cycling related to greenhouse gas emission. We evaluated the factorial combination of nutrient source (inorganic, mixed inorganic and organic, and organic as broiler litter) and forage utilization (unharvested, low and high cattle grazing pressure, and hayed monthly) on soil-profile distribution (0-150 cm) of SOC and TSN during 12 years of pasture management on a Typic Kanhapludult (Acrisol) in Georgia, USA. Nutrient source rarely affected SOC and TSN in the soil profile, despite addition of 73.6 Mg ha-1 (dry weight) of broiler litter during 12 years of treatment. At the end of 12 years, contents of SOC and TSN at a depth of 0-90 cm under haying were only 82 ± 5% (mean ± S.D. among treatments) of those under grazed management. Within grazed pastures, contents of SOC and TSN at a depth of 0-90 cm were greatest within 5 m of shade and water sources and only 83 ± 7% of maximum at a distance of 30 m and 92 ± 14% of maximum at a distance of 80 m, suggesting a zone of enrichment within pastures due to animal behavior. During 12 years, the annual rate of change in SOC (0-90 cm) followed the order: low grazing pressure (1.17 Mg C ha-1 year-1) > unharvested (0.64 Mg C ha-1 year-1) = high grazing pressure (0.51 Mg C ha-1 year-1) > hayed (-0.22 Mg C ha-1 year-1). This study demonstrated that surface accumulation of SOC and TSN occurred, but that increased variability and loss of SOC with depth reduced the significance of surface effects.
- Authors:
- Wong, C. P.
- Neely, C. L.
- Schohr, T.
- Oldfield, J. T.
- Laca, E. A.
- Kustin, C.
- George, M. R.
- Brown, J. R.
- Alvarez, P.
- Fynn, A. J.
- Year: 2009
- Authors:
- Jordan, D.
- Owen, M. D. K.
- Wilson, R. G.
- Young, B. G.
- Weller, S. C.
- Johnson, W. G.
- Kruger, G. R.
- Shaw, D. R.
- Givens, W. A.
- Source: Weed Technology
- Volume: 23
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2009
- Summary: A phone survey was administered to 1,195 growers in six states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Nebraska, and North Carolina). The survey measured producers' crop history, perception of glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds, past and present weed pressure, tillage practices, and herbicide use as affected by the adoption of GR crops. This article describes the changes in tillage practice reported in the survey. The adoption of a GR cropping system resulted in a large increase in the percentage of growers using no-till and reduced-till systems. Tillage intensity declined more in continuous GR cotton and GR soybean (45 and 23%, respectively) than in rotations that included GR corn or non-GR crops. Tillage intensity declined more in the states of Mississippi and North Carolina than in the other states, with 33% of the growers in these states shifting to more conservative tillage practices after the adoption of a GR crop. This was primarily due to the lower amount of conservation tillage adoption in these states before GR crop availability. Adoption rates of no-till and reduced-till systems increased as farm size decreased. Overall, producers in a crop rotation that included a GR crop shifted from a relatively more tillage-intense system to reduced-till or no-till systems after implementing a GR crop into their production system.
- Authors:
- Lu, Y.
- Conklin, A. E.
- Teasdale, J. R.
- Hanson, J. C.
- Hima, B. L.
- Cavigelli, M. A.
- Source: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Volume: 24
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Interest in organic grain production is increasing in the United States but there is limited information regarding the economic performance of organic grain and forage production in the mid-Atlantic region. We present the results from enterprise budget analyses for individual crops and for complete rotations with and without organic price premiums for five cropping systems at the US Department of A(Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) Beltsville Farming Systems Project (FSP) from 2000 to 2005. The FSP is a long-term cropping systems trial established in 1996 to evaluate the sustainability of organic and conventional grain crop production. The five FSP cropping systems include a conventional. three-year no-till corn (Zea mays L.)-rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop/soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/soybean rotation (no-till (NT)), a conventional, three-year chisel-till corn-rye/soybean-wheat/soybean rotation (chisel tillage (CT)), a two-year organic hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth)/corn-rye/soybean rotation (Org2), a three-year organic vetch/corn-rye/soybean-wheat rotation (Org3) and a four- to six-year organic corn-rye/soybean-wheat-red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)/orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) rotation (Org4+). Economic returns were calculated for rotations present from 2000 to 2005, which included some slight changes in crop rotation sequences due to weather conditions and management changes additional analyses were conducted for 2000 to 2002 when all crops described above were present in all organic rotations. Production costs were, in general, greatest for CT, while those for the organic systems were lower than or similar to those for NT for all crops. Present value of net returns for individual crops and for full rotations were greater and risks were lower for NT than for CT. When price premiums for organic crops were included in the analysis, cumulative present value of net returns for organic systems (US$3933 to 5446 ha(-1), 2000 to 2005. US$2653 to 2869 ha(-1), 2000 to 2002) were always Substantially greater than for the conventional systems (US$1309 to 1909 ha(-1),2000 to 2005; US$634 to 869 ha(-1), 2000 to 2002). With price premiums, Org2 had greater net returns but also greater variability of returns and economic risk across all years than all other systems, primarily because economic Success of this short rotation was highly dependent on the success of soybean, the crop with the highest returns. Soybean yield variability was high due to the impact of weather on the success of weed control in the organic systems. The longer, more diverse Org4+ rotation had the lowest variability of returns among organic systems and lower economic risk than Org2. With no organic price premiums, economic returns for corn and soybean in the organic systems were generally lower than those for the conventional systems due to lower grain yields in the organic systems. An exception to this pattern is that returns for corn in Org4+ were equal to or greater than those in NT in four of six years due to both lower production costs and greater revenue than for Org2 and Org3. With no organic premiums, present value of net returns for the full rotations was greatest for NT in 4 of 6 years and greatest for Org4+ the other 2 years, when returns for hay crops were high. Returns for individual crops and for full rotations were, in general, among the lowest and economic risk was, in general, among the highest for Org2 and Org3. Results indicte that Org4+, the longest and most diverse rotation, had the most stable economic returns among organic systems but that short-term returns could be greatest with Org2. This result likely explains, at least in part, why some organic farmers in the mid-Atlantic region, especially those recently converting to organic methods, have adopted this relatively short rotation. The greater stability of the longer rotation, by contrast, may explain why farmers who have used organic methods for longer periods of time tend to favor rotations that include perennial forages.
- Authors:
- Raison, R. J.
- Dalal, R. C.
- Wang, W.
- Bhupinderpal-Singh
- Cowie, A.
- Mendham, D. S.
- Allen, D. E.
- Source: Soil Research
- Volume: 47
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Land use change from agriculture to forestry offers potential opportunities for carbon (C) sequestration and thus partial mitigation of increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The effects of land use change of grazed pastures on in situ fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) from soil were examined across 3 forest types in Australian temperate, Mediterranean, and subtropical regions, using a network of paired pasture-forest sites, representing 3 key stages of forest stand development: establishment, canopy-closure, and mid to late rotation. During the 12-month study, soil temperature ranged from 6° to 40°C and total rainfall from 487 to 676 mm. Rates of N2O flux ranged between 1 and 100 micrograms/m^2.h in pasture soils and from -5 to 50 micrograms/m2.h in forest soils; magnitudes were generally similar across the 3 climate zones. Rates of CH4 flux varied from -1 to -50 micrograms/m2.h in forest soil and from +10 to 30 micrograms/m2.h in pasture soils; CH4 flux was highest at the subtropics sites and lowest at the Mediterranean sites. In general, N2O emissions were lower, and CH4 consumption was higher, under forest than pasture soils, suggesting that land use change from pasture to forest can have a positive effect on mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil as stands become established. The information derived from this study can be used to improve the capacity of models for GHG accounting (e.g. FullCAM, which underpins Australia's National Carbon Accounting System) to estimate N2O and CH4 fluxes resulting from land use change from pasture to forest in Australia. There is still, however, a need to test model outputs against continuous N2O and CH4 measurements over extended periods of time and across a range of sites with similar land use, to increase confidence in spatial and temporal estimates at regional levels.