• Authors:
    • Black, A. L.
    • Bauer, A.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 58
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 1994
  • Summary: The positive effects of soil organic matter (OM) on soil properties that influence crop performance are well documented. But definitive and quantitative information of differential effects of soil OM contents is lacking for the northern Great Plains. The objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of a unit quantity of soil OM to productivity. Experiments were conducted on Williams loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Typic Argiboroll) for 4 yr in the same field. The variables were soil OM content of the upper 30.5 cm together with all combinations of three postplanting soil available N levels (55, 90, and 125 kg N ha-1 as NO3-N to 1.2 m) and three water levels. Water levels were uniformly maintained with a trickle system that independently metered water to each plot for each soil available N level. Pretillering spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant population decreased as soil OM content decreased in 3 of 4 yr. On an annual basis, highest total aerial dry matter and grain yields were associated with highest OM contents. The contribution of 1 Mg OM ha-1 to soil productivity, across the range of 64 to 142 Mg OM ha-1, was calculated as equivalent to 35.2 kg ha-1 for spring wheat total aerial dry matter and 15.6 kg ha-1 for grain yield. Loss of productivity associated with a depletion of soil OM in the northern Great Plains is primarily a consequence of a concomitant loss of fertility.
  • Authors:
    • Milchunas, D.
    • Vose, J.
    • Rice, C. W.
    • Fisher,Frederick M.
    • Parmenter, R. R.
    • Tilman, D.
    • Zak, D. R.
    • Martin, C. W.
  • Source: Ecology
  • Volume: 75
  • Issue: 8
  • Year: 1994
  • Summary: Annual C inputs from plant production in terrestrial ecosystems only meet the maintenance energy requirements of soil microorganisms, allowing for little or no net annual increase in their biomass. Because microbial growth within soil is limited by C availability, we reasoned that plant production should, in part, control the biomass of soil microorganisms. We also reasoned that soil texture should further modify the influence of plant production on soil C availability because fine-textured soils typically support more microbial biomass than coarse-textured soils. To test these ideas, we quantified the relationship between aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and soil microbial biomass in late-successional ecosystems distributed along a continent-wide gradient in North America. We also measured labile pools of C and N within the soil because they represent potential substrate for microbial activity. Ecosystems ranged from a Douglas-fir forest in the western United States to the grasslands of the mid-continent to the hardwood forests in the eastern U.S. Estimates of ANPP obtained from the literature ranged from 82 to 1460 g cntdot m-2 cntdot yr-1. Microbial biomass C and N were estimated by the fumigation-incubation technique. Labile soil pools of C and N and first-order rate constants for microbial respiration and net N mineralization were estimated using a long-term (32 wk) laboratory incubation. Regression analyses were used to relate ANPP and soil texture with microbial biomass and labile soil C and N pools. Microbial biomass carbon ranged from 2 g/m-2 in the desert grassland to 134 g/m-2 in the tallgrass prairie; microbial N displayed a similar trend among ecosystems. Labile C pools, derived from a first-order rate equation, ranged from 115 g/m-2 in the desert grassland to 491 g/m-2 in the southern hardwood forest. First-order rate constants for microbial respiration (k) fell within a narrow range of values (0.180 to 0.357 wk-1), suggesting that labile C pools were chemically similar among this diverse set of ecosystems. Potential net N mineralization rates over the 32-wk incubation were linear in most ecosystems with first-order responses only in the alpine tundra, tallgrass prairie, and forests. Microbial biomass C displayed a positive, linear relationship with ANPP (r-2 = 0.51), but was not significantly related to soil texture. Labile C also was linearly related to ANPP (r-2 = 0.32) and to soil texture (r-2 = 0.33). Results indicate that microbial biomass and labile organic matter pools change predictably across broad gradients of ANPP, supporting the idea that microbial growth in soil is constrained by C availability.
  • Authors:
    • Smith, J. L.
    • Johnstone, D. L.
    • Geyer, D. J.
    • Keller, C. K.
  • Source: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1-2
  • Year: 1992
  • Summary: Increased nitrate concentrations in groundwater associated with the application of nitrogen fertilizers have led to inquiries concerning the fate of nitrate beneath agricultural fields. This study was conducted to identify the processes affecting the distribution of nitrate in the unsaturated and saturated zones beneath an agricultural field and to assess how each process is influenced by factors associated with slope position. Nested piezometers were installed at two slope positions at the study site in southeastern Washington, U.S.A. Unsaturated- and saturated-zone sediment cores were analyzed for water content, pH, total and soluble organic carbon, ammonium, nitrate, and denitrification potential. Waters from the piezometers showed decreasing nitrate concentrations with depth below the water table. Trends in measured parameters indicated depth intervals where the distribution of nitrate could be attributed either solely to transport or to a combination of transport and biological denitrification. Denitrification explained the distribution of nitrate in the root zone while transport explained the interval between the root zone and the water table. There was a higher potential for denitrification below the water table at the bottom slope than at the top slope. Factors associated with slope position, such as a shallow water table and impeding stratigraphic layers, may explain this higher potential. Regardless of slope position, comparing nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide production from nitrate- and carbon-amended or -unamended samples indicated that denitrifier populations present in high-potential zones arc nitrate-limited. Results from spherical microsite modelling suggest that anoxic conditions are possible in the bulk sediment despite the presence of oxygenated groundwaters beneath both slope positions. Advective-dispersive transport will continue to transport nitrate through the unsaturated and saturated zones. The data from this study suggest that there is greater potential for nitrate attenuation by denitrification beneath the bottom slope than the top slope. The data also show that large masses of nitrate reside in deep subsoil vadose zones. These regions must therefore be monitored to detect threats to future groundwater quality.
  • Authors:
    • Kitchen, N. R.
  • Source: Dissertation Abstracts International. B, Sciences and Engineering
  • Volume: 51
  • Issue: 8
  • Year: 1990
  • Summary: A long-term study was conducted at 2 sites in E. Colorado to study the influence of N fertilizer rate and source/placement/timing (NSP), and crop rotation wheat/fallow (WF), and wheat, maize or sorghum/fallow (MSF) on no-tillage dryland cropping systems. Grain yield and vegetative biomass increased linearly with fertilizer N rate up to 84 kg/ha for wheat and 101 kg/ha for maize indicating that current N recommendations at Colorado State University may be insufficient for meeting N needs of no-tillage crops. N fertilizer recovery efficiency (NFRE) decreased with N fertilizer rate. Production increased more with N fertilizer additions in the MSF than in the WF rotation system. If differences occurred with NSP treatments, banding gave greater production and NFRE than broadcast application. In 1989 at one location, wheat production from the MSF rotation was greater than from the WF rotation. The av. annual grain and vegetative production from MSF was approx. double that produced in the WF cropping system. Water conservation with no-tillage systems allowed more intense cropping than a WF rotation. N loss from the MSF rotation was significant, increased with N rate and was attributed to N loss in both inorganic- and organic-N pools. Nitrate leaching in the no-tillage MSF rotation was unlikely since NO 3 decreased with soil depth.
  • Authors:
    • Harman, W.
    • Jones, O.
    • Smith, S.
  • Source: Optimum erosion control at least cost. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Conservation Systems, December 14-15, 1987, Chicago, IL, USA
  • Year: 1987
  • Summary: Graded-terraced field-size watersheds have been cropped in a dryland wheat - fallow - sorghum - fallow (2 crops in 3 years) sequence with no-till and conventional (stubble-mulch) tillage systems at Bushland, Texas since 1982. No-till had little effect on wheat yields but increased sorghum yields 14% due to reduced evaporation, as a result of surface residue. No-till reduced erosion by 66%; however, soil loss with conventional tillage was also low due to terracing and contouring. NPK loss was very low. Economically, no-till performed very well, due mainly to reduced equipment inventories and lower operating costs. No-till gave increased storm runoff due to soil crusting, and there were problems with grass weeds. A system consisting of successive no-tillage and stubble-mulch tillage is proposed.
  • Authors:
    • Ojima, D. S.
    • Cole, C. V.
    • Schimel, D. S.
    • Parton, W. J.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 51
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 1987
  • Summary: We analyzed climatic and textural controls of soil organic C and N for soils of the U.S. Great Plains. We used a model of soil organic matter (SOM) quantity and composition to simulate steady-state organic matter levels for 24 grassland locations in the Great Plains. The model was able to simulate the effects of climatic gradients on SOM and productivity. Soil texture was also a major control over organic matter dynamics. The model adequately predicted aboveground plant production and soil C and N levels across soil textures (sandy, medium, and fine); however, the model tended to overestimate soil C and N levels for fine textured soil by 10 to 15%. The impact of grazing on the system was simulated and showed that steady-state soil C and N levels were sensitive to the grazing intensity, with soil C and N levels decreasing with increased grazing rates. Regional trends in SOM can be predicted using four site-specific variables, temperature, moisture, soil texture, and plant lignin content. Nitrogen inputs must also be known. Grazing intensity during soil development is also a significant control over steady-state levels of SOM, and since few data are available on presettlement grazing, some uncertainty is inherent in the model predictions.
  • Authors:
    • Doran, J. W.
    • Linn, D. M.
  • Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Volume: 48
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 1984
  • Summary: Surface soils from long-term tillage comparison experiments at six U.S. locations were characterized for aerobic and anaerobic microbial populations and denitrification potential using an in situ acetylene blockage technique. Measurements of soil water content, bulk density, and relative differences in pH, NO-3-N, water-soluble C, and total C and N contents between tillage treatments were also determined at the time of sampling. Numbers of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in surface (0-75 mm) no-till soils averaged 1.35 to 1.41 and 1.27 to 1.31 times greater, respectively, than in surface-plowed soils. Bulk density, volumetric water content, water-filled pore space, and water-soluble C and organic C and N values were similarly greater for surface no-till soils compared to conventionally tilled soils. Deeper in the soil (75-300 mm), however, aerobic microbial populations were significantly greater in conventionally tilled soils. In contrast, below 150 mm, the numbers of anaerobic microorganisms differed little between tillage treatments. In no-till soils, however, these organisms were found to comprise a greater proportion of the total bacterial population than in conventionally tilled soils. Measurements of the denitrification potential from soils at three locations generally followed the observed differences in anaerobic microbial populations. Denitrifying activity, after irrigation with 15 mm of water, was substantially greater in surface 0- to 75-mm no-till soils than in conventionally tilled soils at all locations. At the 75- to 150-mm soil depth, however, the denitrification potential in conventionally tilled soils was the same or higher than that of no-till soils. In surface no-till soils, increased numbers of anaerobic microorganisms and a substantially greater denitrification potential, following irrigation, indicate the presence of less-aerobic conditions in comparison to conventionally tilled soils. This condition appears to result from greater soil bulk densities and/or water contents of no-till soils, which act to increase water-filled porosity and the potential for water to act as a barrier to the diffusion of oxygen through the soil profile.
  • Authors:
    • Woody, W. M.
    • Papendick, R. I.
    • Cochran, V. L.
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 65
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 1973
  • Summary: Potassium azide (KN3) and 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine (N-Serve) were evaluated as nitrification inhibitors for anhydrous NH3 field applied on irrigated and nonirrigated Ritzville silt loam and on nonirrigated Naff silt loam in eastern Washington. Formulations of KN3, N-Serve in liquid NH3, or NH3 alone were applied to fallow soil in midsummer at a rate of 90 kg N/ha. Irrigations were 15 cm of water sprinkler applied 1 day or 2 weeks after fertilizer application, and 10 to 15 cm of water each time at 4, 8, and 13 weeks after NH3 application. The NH3 retention zone was sampled for NH+4 and NO-3 periodically through December for the Naff soil and through February for the Ritzville soil. Both KN3 and N-Serve effectively inhibited nitrification of the applied NH3 on nonirrigated Ritzville soil when temperature and soil moisture were favorable for rapid nitrification. However, KN3 was completely ineffective following irrigation or, for the Naff soil, after rainwater penetrated below the retention zone 2 weeks after N application. Where irrigated 1 day or 2 weeks after fertilization application, all of the applied N had disappeared from the initial NH3 retention zone in the Ritzville soil in 8 to 13 weeks for both NH3 alone and NH3 + KN3. Results with the Naff soil for these applications were similar to results with the irrigated Ritzville soil. By contrast, N-Serve effectively suppressed nitrification under leaching and nonleaching conditions. For the Ritzville soil, total N uptake by the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop for different rates of fertilizer application followed the order of NH3 + KN3 > NH3 + N-Serve > NH3 alone, but grain yields with NH3 + inhibitor were not different from yields with NH3 alone. For the Naff soil there was no N-uptake or grain-yield response to N rates, and thus no response to the inhibitors.
  • Authors:
    • Bement, R. E.
  • Source: Journal of Range Management
  • Volume: 22
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 1969
  • Summary: A stocking-rate guide for cattle on blue-grama range was developed at Central Plains Experimental Range. The guide is based on the amount of herbage left ungrazed at the end of the summer season as it relates to gain per animal and gain per acre. Maximum dollar returns per acre from yearlings were obtained when 300 lb of air-dry herbage were left at the end of the season. The average optimum stocking rate was 2.6 acres/yearling month.
  • Authors:
    • Rixon, A. J.
  • Source: Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
  • Volume: 17
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 1966
  • Summary: Changes in phosphorus applied as superphosphate to irrigated pastures on a red-brown earth were studied for a 4 year period commencing 1 year after the establishment of the pastures. The pastures consisted of Wimmera ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.), perennial ryegrass (L. perenne L.), subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), and white clover (T. repens L.). Measurements of phosphorus fractions were made on the 0-3 in. soil horizon over this period and, for the final 2 years, on the organic matter layer (mat) which was present on the soil surface under all pastures. The mat was shown to be an important accumulation site for organic phosphorus, as well as for inorganic phosphorus which accumulates from interception of broadcast applications of superphosphate. Of the 155 lb phosphorus per acre added as fertilizer, 82-100%; was accounted for principally as increases in the acetic acid-soluble fraction or as organic phosphorus. There were no significant changes in the inorganic phosphorus fraction soluble in sodium hydroxide. It was concluded that the amount of phosphorus converted to the organic form will determine the level for maintenance applications of phosphorus on the irrigated pastures.