• Authors:
    • Lemke, R. L.
    • Vandenbygaart, A. J.
    • Campbell, C. A.
    • Lafond, G. P.
    • McConkey, B. G.
    • Grant, B.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 92
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Carbon sequestration in soil is important due to its influence on soil fertility and its impact on the greenhouse gas (GHG) phenomenon. Carbon sequestration is influenced by agronomic factors, but to what extent is still being studied. Long-term agronomic studies provide one of the best means of making such assessments. In this paper we discuss and quantify the effect of cropping frequency, fertilization, legume green manure (LGM) and hay crops in rotations, and tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC) changes in a thin Black Chernozemic fine-textured soil in southeastern Saskatchewan. This was based on a 50-yr (1958-2007) crop rotation experiment which was initiated on land that had previously been in fallow-wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) (F-W), or F-W-W receiving minimum fertilizer for the previous 50 yr. We sampled soil in 1987, 1996 (6 yr after changing from conventional tillage to no-tillage management and increasing N rates markedly) and again in 2007. The SOC (0-15 cm depth) in unfertilized F-W and F-W-W appears not to have changed from the assumed starting level, even after 20 yr of no-till, but SOC in unfertilized continuous wheat (Cont W) increased slightly [not significant ( P>0.05)] in 30 yr, but increased more after 20 yr of no-till (but still not significant). No-till plus proper fertilization for 20 yr increased the SOC of F-W, F-W-W and Cont W in direct proportion to cropping frequency. The SOC in the LGM-W-W (unfertilized) system was higher than unfertilized F-W-W in 1987, but 20 yr of no-tillage had no effect, likely because grain yields and C inputs were depressed by inadequate available P. Soil organic carbon in the two aggrading systems [Cont W (N+P) and F-W-W-hay(H)-H-H (unfertilized)] increased significantly ( P<0.05) in the first 30 yr; however, a further 20 yr of no-tillage (and increased N in the case of the Cont W) did not increase SOC suggesting that the SOC had reached a steady-state for this soil and management system. The Campbell model effectively simulated SOC changes except for Cont W(N+P), which it overestimated because the model is ineffective in simulating SOC in very fertile systems. After 50 yr, efficiency of conversion of residue C inputs to SOC was negligible for unfertilized F-W and F-W-W, was 3 to 4% for fertilized fallow-containing systems, was about 6 or 7% for Cont W, and about 11% for the unfertilized F-W-W-H-H-H systems.
  • Authors:
    • Lemke, R. L.
    • Vandenbygaart, A. J.
    • Campbell, C. A.
    • Lafond, G. P.
    • McConkey, B. G.
    • Grant, B.
  • Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Volume: 92
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Carbon sequestration in soil is important due to its influence on soil fertility and its impact on the greenhouse gas (GHG) phenomenon. Carbon sequestration is influenced by agronomic factors, but to what extent is still being studied. Long-term agronomic studies provide one of the best means of making such assessments. In this paper we discuss and quantify the effect of cropping frequency, fertilization, legume green manure (LGM) and hay crops in rotations, and tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC) changes in a thin Black Chernozemic fine-textured soil in southeastern Saskatchewan. This was based on a 50-yr (1958-2007) crop rotation experiment which was initiated on land that had previously been in fallow-wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) (F-W), or F-W-W receiving minimum fertilizer for the previous 50 yr. We sampled soil in 1987, 1996 (6 yr after changing from conventional tillage to no-tillage management and increasing N rates markedly) and again in 2007. The SOC (0-15 cm depth) in unfertilized F-W and F-W-W appears not to have changed from the assumed starting level, even after 20 yr of no-till, but SOC in unfertilized continuous wheat (Cont W) increased slightly [not significant ( P>0.05)] in 30 yr, but increased more after 20 yr of no-till (but still not significant). No-till plus proper fertilization for 20 yr increased the SOC of F-W, F-W-W and Cont W in direct proportion to cropping frequency. The SOC in the LGM-W-W (unfertilized) system was higher than unfertilized F-W-W in 1987, but 20 yr of no-tillage had no effect, likely because grain yields and C inputs were depressed by inadequate available P. Soil organic carbon in the two aggrading systems [Cont W (N+P) and F-W-W-hay(H)-H-H (unfertilized)] increased significantly ( P<0.05) in the first 30 yr; however, a further 20 yr of no-tillage (and increased N in the case of the Cont W) did not increase SOC suggesting that the SOC had reached a steady-state for this soil and management system. The Campbell model effectively simulated SOC changes except for Cont W(N+P), which it overestimated because the model is ineffective in simulating SOC in very fertile systems. After 50 yr, efficiency of conversion of residue C inputs to SOC was negligible for unfertilized F-W and F-W-W, was 3 to 4% for fertilized fallow-containing systems, was about 6 or 7% for Cont W, and about 11% for the unfertilized F-W-W-H-H-H systems.
  • Authors:
    • Anderson, R. L.
    • Liebig, M. A.
    • Krupinsky, J. M.
    • Hanson, J. D.
    • Tanaka, D. L.
    • Merrill, S. D.
  • Source: Agricultural Systems
  • Volume: 107
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: The dynamic cropping systems concept proposes a long-term strategy of crop sequencing to achieve production, economic and soil care goals through sound ecological management. This requires that agriculturalists have comprehensive information about how crop species affect following years' crops. Little research exists about how differences in soil type and properties change crop sequence effects. Sandy loam, alluvial-derived soil in south central North Dakota, USA (400 mm/yr precipitation) was the site of a crop sequence experiment in which four species - maize ( Zea mays L.), dry pea ( Pisum sativum L.), spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), and soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr.) - were grown in strips one year and in perpendicular strips the following, with spring wheat planted a third year. No-till management was used with three replications in land and two in time. Results were compared with those from two 10*10 sequence experiments on silt loam, glacial till-derived soil. Soil water depletion (SWD) and root growth were deeper in sandy loam soil than in silt loam. During a year of above average precipitation, prior year soybean enhanced spring wheat yield on sandy loam soil by 14% above average, but prior year spring wheat reduced it by 14%. During a year of deficient precipitation, prior crop effects on spring wheat yield ranked in order of expected springtime soil water storage: dry pea, 11%; spring wheat, 4%; soybean, -5%; maize, -10%. Prior crops' SWD largely determined spring soil water, with maize having greatest depletion. Excluding results from a year of low precipitation, prior crops' effects on spring wheat yield on sandy loam soil were similar to results found at two sequence experiments on silt loam soil: dry pea - generally positive effect (N-production, water conservation); spring wheat - negative (disease); soybean - positive (N-production); maize - generally negative (heavier water use). Same year comparison of three crops (nine sequences) on sandy loam soil vs. silt loam showed average dry pea and spring wheat yields being equivalent ( P<0.10). However, average maize yield was 37% lower on silt loam, with maize-after-maize yielding 54% less. The site with sandy loam land had topsoil with lower soil quality indicators (organic C, water holding capacity) than silt loam. However, no-till management and previous grass rendered productivity of the soils equivalent, and superior capacity of the sandy loam site subsoil to conduct water and be conducive to root growth lessened negative, water-generated crop sequence effects.
  • Authors:
    • Rodionov, A.
    • Nii-Annang, S.
    • Bens, O.
    • Trimborn, M.
    • Schillem, S.
    • Schneider, B. U.
    • Huttl, R. F.
    • Raab, T.
  • Source: Pedosphere
  • Volume: 22
  • Issue: 3
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Opencast lignite mining in the Lusatia region of Germany has resulted in large scale landscape disturbances, which require suitable recultivation techniques in order to promote plant growth and establishment in the remaining nutrient-poor substrates with low water-holding capacity. Thus, the effects of two commercial soil additives (CSA), a hydrophilic polymer mixed with volcanic rock flour and bentonite (a-CSA), and digester solids from biogas plants enriched with humic acids and bentonite (b-CSA), on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, plant yields and root biomass were assessed after cultivating perennial crops ( Dactylis glomerata L.) in monoculture and Helianthus annuus L.- Brassica napus L. in crop rotation systems. The CSA were incorporated into the top 20 cm soil depth using a rotary spader. The results indicated that a-CSA led to a significant increase in plant yield during the first year, and improved root biomass in the following year. As a result, SOC stocks increased, especially in the 0-10 cm soil layer. No significant sequestration of additional SOC was observed on b-CSA-amended plots at the end of both years. Bulk density values decreased in all treatments under the monoculture system. It can be concluded that application of a-CSA enhanced soil water availability for plant uptake and consequently promoted plant growth and organic carbon sequestration. The relative enrichment of organic matter without effects on water-holding capacities of b-CSA treatments suggested that it was not suitable for rapid land reclamation.
  • Authors:
    • Shirtliffe, S. J.
    • Johnson, E. N.
  • Source: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
  • Volume: 27
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Organic farmers in western Canada rely on tillage to control weeds and incorporate crop residues that could plug mechanical weed-control implements. However, tillage significantly increases the risk of soil erosion. For farmers seeking to reduce or eliminate tillage, potential alternatives include mowing or using a roller crimper for terminating green manure crops (cover crops) or using a minimum tillage (min-till) rotary hoe for mechanically controlling weeds. Although many researchers have studied organic crop production in western Canada, few have studied no-till organic production practices. Two studies were recently conducted in Saskatchewan to determine the efficacy of the following alternatives to tillage: mowing and roller crimping for weed control, and min-till rotary hoeing weed control in field pea ( Pisum sativum L.). The first study compared mowing and roller crimping with tillage when terminating faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) and field pea green manure crops. Early termination of annual green manure crops with roller crimping or mowing resulted in less weed regrowth compared with tillage. When compared with faba bean, field pea produced greater crop biomass, suppressed weeds better and had less regrowth. Wheat yields following pea were not affected by the method of termination. Thus, this first study indicated that roller crimping and mowing are viable alternatives to tillage to terminate field pea green manure crops. The second study evaluated the tolerance and efficacy of a min-till rotary harrow in no-till field pea production. The min-till rotary hoe was able to operate in no-till cereal residues and multiple passes did not affect the level of residue cover. Field pea exhibited excellent tolerance to the min-till rotary hoe. Good weed control occurred with multiple rotary hoe passes, and pea seed yield was 87% of the yield obtained in the herbicide-treated check. Therefore, this second study demonstrated that min-till rotary hoeing effectively controls many small seeded annual weeds in the presence of crop residue and thus can reduce the need for tillage in organic-cropping systems.
  • Authors:
    • Roger-Estrade, J.
    • Basch, G.
    • Moreno, F.
    • Soane, B. D.
    • Ball, B. C.
    • Arvidsson, J.
  • Source: Soil & Tillage Research
  • Volume: 118
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Recent literature on no-till is reviewed with particular emphasis on research on commercial uptake and environmental concerns in northern, western and south-western Europe. Increased interest in no-till, and minimum or reduced tillage, results from changes in the economic circumstances of crop production, the opportunity to increase the area of more profitable autumn-sown crops and increased concern about environmental damage associated with soil inversion by ploughing. Highly contrasting soil and climate types within and between these regions exert a strong influence on the success of no-till. While no-till may often result in crop yields which equal or exceed those obtained after ploughing, modest reductions in yield may be tolerated if production costs are lower than with ploughing. The relative costs of fuel and herbicides have changed appreciably in recent years making no-till more attractive commercially. While effective weed control is an essential aspect of no-till, current herbicide technology may not yet fully achieve this. In northern regions no-till usually allows earlier drilling of winter-sown crops but will give lower soil temperature and higher moisture content in spring, causing delayed drilling of spring-sown crops. No-till soils have greater bulk density and bearing capacity than ploughed soils with a pronounced vertical orientation of macroporosity allowing penetration of roots and water, especially in view of the increased population of deep-burrowing earthworms. Particular care must be taken with no-till to minimise soil damage at harvest and to ensure the even distribution of crop residues prior to drilling. Reduced erosion and runoff after adoption of no-till are widely observed and are of particular importance in southwestern Europe. No-till reduces losses of phosphorus in runoff and, in some cases, reduces the loss of nitrate through leaching. Emissions of greenhouse gases CO 2 and N 2O from no-till soils are highly variable and depend on complex interactions of soil properties. Emission of CO 2 from fuel during machinery usage is always appreciably reduced with no-till. Increased soil organic carbon in surface layers of no-till soils is widely found but may not be associated with increased carbon sequestration throughout the profile. The evaluation of the relative carbon balance for no-till and ploughing depends upon complex inter-relationships between soil and climate factors which are as yet poorly understood. Adoption of no-till could be encouraged by government financial assistance in recognition of environmental benefits, although future restrictions on the use of herbicides may be a deterrent. Opportunities for further research on no-till are outlined.
  • Authors:
    • Robertson, G.
    • Tausig, J.
    • Hamilton, S.
    • Basso, B.
    • Syswerda, S.
  • Source: Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment
  • Volume: 149
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Nitrate (NO 3-) loss from intensively farmed cropland is a long-standing, recalcitrant environmental problem that contributes to surface and groundwater pollution and coastal zone hypoxia. Here nitrate leaching losses are reported from nine replicated cropped and unmanaged ecosystems in southwest Michigan, USA. Ecosystems include four annual corn-soybean-winter wheat rotations under conventional, no-till, reduced-input, and organic/biologically-based management, two perennial cropping systems that include alfalfa and hybrid poplar trees, and three unmanaged successional communities including an early successional community analogous to a cellulosic biofuel system as well as a mature deciduous forest. The organic, alfalfa, and unmanaged systems received no synthetic, manure, or compost nitrogen. Measured nitrate concentrations were combined with modeled soil water drainage to provide estimates of nitrate lost by leaching over 11 years. Among annual crops, average nitrate losses differed significantly ( pno-till (41.33.0)>reduced-input (24.30.7) > organic (19.00.8) management. Among perennial and unmanaged ecosystems, nitrate loss followed the pattern alfalfa (12.81.8 kg N ha -1 yr -1)=deciduous forest (11.04.2) >> early successional (1.10.4)=mid-successional (0.90.4) > poplar (<0.010.007 kg N ha -1 yr -1) systems. Findings suggest that nitrate loss in annual row crops could be significantly mitigated by the adoption of no-till, cover crops, and greater reliance on biologically based inputs, and in biofuel systems by the production of cellulosic rather than grain-based feedstocks.
  • Authors:
    • Bryant, R. B.
    • Schmidt, J. P.
    • Zhu, Q.
  • Source: Journal of Hydrology
  • Volume: 414-415
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Non-point nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pollution from agriculture has increasingly received more public attention. In this study. NO3-N, dissolved P (DP) and particulate P (PP) concentrations and loads were investigated for four sub-basins (labeled 1-4 going up the watershed) within a mixed land use watershed (39.5 ha) in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province. The hot moments of NO3-N concentration and load occurred in base flow and during the non-growing season. Great and temporally variable DP and PP concentrations were observed in storm flow. The hot moments of DP concentration and load were in storm flow from May to December and from September to Nov, respectively, while the hot moments of PP concentration and load were in storm flow from January to June. The NO3-N, DP, and PP loads were compared for all four sub-basins on a loss per length of stream reach basis to determine the hot spots and their corresponding losses. The hot spots and hot moments of NO3-N loads were in Sub-basins 1 and 4 during the non-growing season base flow period and Sub-basin 2 during the post-growing season base flow period (>110 g m(-1) mo(-1)). The hot spots of DP loads were also in Subbasins 1 and 4, but during the growing and post-growing season storm flow period (>1.4 g m(-1) mo(-1)). In contrast, the hot spots and hot moments of PP load were in Sub-basin 3 during the pre-growing and growing season storm flow, as much as 13.4 and 14.1 g m(-1) mo(-1), respectively. Controlling factors of nutrient export were discussed in this study, including season, hydrology (base flow, storm flow, surface and subsurface runoff), and land use. Although different hot moments and hot spots within the watershed were identified for NO3-N, DP, and PP losses, the implementation of a couple of management practices (cover crops and no-till) might be sufficient to effectively reduce nutrient losses from this and similar Valley and Ridge watersheds.
  • Authors:
    • Gerhards, R.
    • Brust, J.
  • Source: Julius-Kuhn-Archiv
  • Volume: 1
  • Issue: 434
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: Lopsided oat ( Avena strigosa) has been cultivated for many years, especially in Brazil, as a summer annual cover crop. Experiments were conducted in Stuttgart-Hohenheim in 2010 to estimate the capability of lopsided oat, yellow mustard ( Sinapis alba), phacelia ( Phacelia tanacetifolia) and a cover crop mixture to suppress weeds and volunteer wheat. A pot experiment was conducted to analyze the emergence and growth of the different cover crop species. Twelve weeks after planting, lopsided oat produced 20.7 dt/ha of shoot- and 5.5 dt/ha of root dry matter. A field experiment was established in the summer after harvest of winter wheat. The soil was cultivated with a disc harrow and the cover crops were sown one day later. At four week intervals, the plant density and dry matter of cover crops, weeds and volunteer wheat were determined. Twelve weeks after planting, lopsided oat produced 17.8 dt/ha shoot- and 6.2 dt/ha root dry matter. In the lopsided oat plots, shoot dry matter of weeds and volunteer wheat were reduced by 98% compared with control plots without cover crops. This was the highest weed reduction of all cover crops studied. The root dry matter of weeds and volunteer wheat was reduced by 55% to 97% in all cover crops, compared to the control plots. Lopsided oat reduced the plant density of weeds and volunteer wheat. While there were 54.5 plants/m 2 in the control plots, only 5.5 plants/m 2 were counted in the lopsided oat plots. The results showed that lopsided oat has a high potential for suppression of weeds and volunteer wheat in autumn. It also enlarges the number of cultivated cover crops in Central Europe.
  • Authors:
    • Chapagain, T.
    • Riseman, A.
  • Source: American Journal of Plant Sciences
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2012
  • Summary: A cultivar trial, including commercial and heirloom cultivars of major cereals and grain legumes was conducted in Vancouver, BC, under low input organic conditions. We assessed 19 wheat (6 commercial and 13 heirloom), 17 barley (8 commercial and 9 heirloom), 5 pea, 5 favabean, 5 kidneybean, 2 lentil, and 2 soyabean cultivars for plant performance metrics, and their potential in a small grain:legume intercropping system. Heirloom wheat cultivars showed notable response in a number of parameters including late maturity, taller plants, greatest number of spikes per m 2, longest spike, highest number of seed per spike, greater seed weight to volume ratio, and resistance to stripe rust compared with commercial cultivars. For the heirloom-type, 6 of 14 wheat cultivars, ( i.e., "Reward", "Glenn", "Cerebs", "Red Bobs", "Sounders" and "Black Bearded") produced yields comparable to the commercial cultivars ( i.e., nearly 5 t/h or higher). Also, heirloom cultivars typically contained higher protein levels most suitable for baking and blending purposes with "Einkorn" displaying the highest level (16.2%). Heirloom and commercial barley cultivars did not differ significantly with respect to plant height, spike length, and seed weight to volume ratio. However, a number of heirloom cultivars (e.g., "Jet", "Dolma", "Andie" and "Himalayan") displayed greater responses on earliness, number of spikes per m 2, grain yield, protein content and seed weight to volume ratio. Pea and lentil yielded lower than the national average under trial conditions. However, heirloom peas "Corgi", "De Grace", "Snowbird", and "Golden" were earlier compared to the commercial cultivar "Reward". All kidney bean cultivars yielded ~3 t/h with the highest yield from "Red Kidney" (3.8 t/h). Fava and soyabean appeared as promising crops as the cultivars produced good growth and yields. Neither lentil ("Crimson" and "Essex") produced satisfactory responses though they had excellent vegetative growth and flowered. Therefore, significant variation was observed including several heirloom cultivars displayed great potential in terms of yield, protein content, and disease resistance and that specific cultivars were better suited for an intercropping system.