- Authors:
- Acciaresi, H. A.
- Zuluaga, M. S.
- Source: Planta Daninha
- Volume: 24
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2006
- Summary: The use of narrow plant spacing in corn (Zea mays) has been suggested as a
technological alternative to obtain grain yield increases, due to a better use of resources. The
regular pattern could diminish intraspecific competition while favoring interspecific competition
with weeds. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of corn row spacing on weed
aboveground biomass and corn grain yield. Field experiments were conducted during 2002/
2003 and 2003/2004 growing seasons. Three corn hybrids with two-row width (0.70 and 0.35 m) were tested. A greater photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) interception with a
lower weed aboveground dry matter in narrow row arrangement was obtained. Corn grain
yield was greater in the narrow row arrangement than in the wide row spacing. This increase
in grain yield was related to a better resource use that allows for a reduced interspecific competition. The use of reduced spatial arrangement appeared to be an interesting alternative
to increase both the grain yield potential and corn suppressive ability against weeds in corn dryland production systems.
- Authors:
- Deregibus, V. A.
- Bartoloni, N.
- Rodriguez, A. M.
- Jacobo, E. J.
- Source: Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Volume: 59
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2006
- Summary: We evaluated the adequacy of rotational grazing to improve rangeland condition in the Flooding Pampa region, eastern Argentina, comparing the floristic composition dynamic of the 2 main plant communities under rotational and continuous grazing over a study period of 4 years (1993-1996). The experiment was conducted in commercial farms located in 4 sites of the Flooding Pampa region. In each site, a couple of farms, one managed under rotational grazing (implemented in 1989) and an adjacent one managed under continuous grazing at a similar stocking rate (1 AU(.)ha(-1)), constituted the replications of the experiment. Basal cover of species, litter, and bare soil were monitored in midslope and lowland grassland communities on each farm. Total plant basal cover in midslope and in lowland communities remained unchanged over the whole experimental period under both grazing methods. Under rotational grazing, litter cover was higher in both communities while the amount of bare soil showed a significant reduction in lowlands and a tendency to be lower in midslope. Basal cover of legumes, C-3 annual and C-3 perennial grasses was higher, while cover of C-4 prostrate grasses was lower under rotational grazing in the midslope community. In the lowland community, rotational grazing effects were evident only in the drier years, when higher cover of hydrophytic grasses and legumes and lower cover of forbs occurred. Plant species diversity did not change in response to grazing. In conclusion, rotational grazing promoted functional groups composed of high forage value species and reduced bare soil through the accumulation of litter. These changes indicate an improvement in rangeland condition and in carrying capacity. As the stocking rate was approximately 60% higher than the average stocking rate of the Flooding Pampa region, we believe that productivity and sustainability may be compatible by replacing continuous with rotational grazing.
- Authors:
- Source: Agricultural Economics
- Volume: 32
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- Source: Environment and Development Economics
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2005
- Summary: This article analyzes effects of insect-resistant Bt cotton on pesticide use and agricultural productivity in Argentina. Based on farm survey data, it is shown that the technology reduces application rates of toxic chemicals by 50 per cent, while significantly increasing yields. Using a damage control framework, the effectiveness of Bt versus chemical pesticides is estimated, and technological impacts are predicted for different farm types.Gross benefits could be highest for smallholder farmers, who are not currently using the technology. The durability of the advantages is analyzed by using biological models to simulate resistance development in pest populations. Rapid resistance buildup and associated pest outbreaks appear to be unlikely if minimum non-Bt refuge areas are maintained. Thus, promoting a more widespread diffusion of Bt cotton could amplify the efficiency, equity, and environmental gains. Conclusive statements about the technology's sustainability, however, require longer-term monitoring of possible secondary effects and farmers' behavior in maintaining refuges.
- Authors:
- Duvick, D. N.
- Rosegrant, Mark
- Derner, Justin D.
- Schuman, Gerald E.
- Verchot, Louis
- Steinfeld, Henning
- Gerber, Pierre
- De Freitas, Pedro Luiz
- Lal, Rattan
- Desjardins, Raymond L.
- Dumanski, Julian
- Source: Advances in Agronomy
- Volume: 86
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Maize (Zea mays L.) yields have risen continually wherever hybrid maize has been adopted, starting in the U.S. corn belt in the early 1930s. Plant breeding and improved management practices have produced this gain jointly. On average, about 50% of the increase is due to management and 50% to breeding. The two tools interact so closely that neither of them could have produced such progress alone. However, genetic gains may have to bear a larger share of the load in future years. Hybrid traits have changed over the years. Trait changes that increase resistance to a wide variety of biotic and abiotic stresses (e.g., drought tolerance) are the most numerous, but morphological and physiological changes that promote efficiency in growth, development, and partitioning (e.g., smaller tassels) are also recorded. Some traits have not changed over the years because breeders have intended to hold them constant (e.g., grain maturity date in U.S. corn belt). In other instances, they have not changed, despite breeders' intention to change them (e.g., harvest index). Although breeders have always selected for high yield, the need to Select Simultaneously for overall dependability has been a driving force in the selection of hybrids with increasingly greater stress tolerance over the years. Newer hybrids yield more than their predecessors in unfavorable as well as favorable growing conditions. Improvement in the ability of the maize plant to overcome both large and small stress bottlenecks, rather than improvement in primary productivity, has been the primary driving force of higher yielding ability of newer hybrid.
- Authors:
- Díaz, S.
- Cabido, M.
- Bonamici, I.
- Pucheta, E.
- Source: Austral Ecology
- Volume: 29
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2004
- Summary: We estimated the below-ground net plant productivity (BNPP) of different biomass components in an intensively and continuously 45-ha grazed site and in a neighbouring exclosure ungrazed for 16 years for a natural mountain grassland in central Argentina. We measured approximately twice as much dead below-ground biomass in the grazed site as in the ungrazed site, with a strong concentration of total below-ground biomass towards the upper 10 cm of the soil layer in both sites. The main contribution to total live biomass was accounted for by very fine (1 mm) in the grazed site. The seasonal variation of total live below-ground biomass mainly reflected climate, with the growing season being limited to the warmer and wetter portion of the year, but such variation was higher in the grazed site. Using different methods of estimation of BNPP, we estimated maximum values of 1241 and 723 g m-2 year-1 for the grazed and ungrazed sites, respectively. We estimated that very fine root productivity was almost twice as high at the grazed site as at the ungrazed one, despite the fact that both sites had similar total live biomass, and root turnover rate was twofold at the grazed site.
- Authors:
- Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.
- Bongiovanni, R.
- Anselin, L.
- Source: American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Volume: 86
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2004
- Summary: The objective of this study is to determine the potential for using spatial econometric analysis of
combine yield monitor data to estimate the site-specific crop response functions. The specific case
study is for site-specific nitrogen (N) application to corn production in Argentina. Spatial structure
of the yield data is modeled with landscape variables, spatially autoregressive error and groupwise
heteroskedasticity. Results suggest that N response differs by landscape position, and that site-specific
application may be modestly profitable. Profitability depends on the model specification used, with all
spatial models consistently indicating profitability, whereas the nonspatial models do not.
- Authors:
- Source: Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
- Volume: 22
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2003
- Summary: An increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 from 280 ppmv in 1750 to 367 ppmv in 1999 is attributed to emissions from fossil fuel combustion estimated at 270 +/- 30 Pg C and land use change at 136 +/- 55 Pg. Of the emissions from land use change, 78 +/- 12 Pg is estimated from depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. Most agricultural soils have lost 50 to 70% of their original SOC pool, and the depletion is exacerbated by further soil degradation and desertification. The restoration of degraded soils, conversion of agriculturally marginal lands to appropriate land use, and the adoption of recommended management practices on agricultural soils can reverse degradative trends and lead to SOC sequestration. Technological options for SOC sequestration on agricultural soils include adoption of conservation tillage, use of manures, and compost as per integrated nutrient management and precision fanning strategies, conversion of monoculture to complex diverse cropping systems, meadow-based rotations and winter cover crops, and establishing perennial vegetation on contours and steep slopes. The global potential of SOC sequestration and restoration of degraded/desertified soils is estimated at 0.6 to 1.2 Pg C/y for about 50 years with a cumulative sink capacity of 30 to 60 Pg. The SOC sequestration is a cost-effective strategy of mitigating the climate change during the first 2 to 3 decades of the 21(st) century. While improving soil quality, biomass productivity and enhanced environment quality, the strategy of SOC sequestration also buys us time during which the non-carbon fuel alternatives can take effect.
- Authors:
- Yang, H.
- Walters, D. T.
- Dobermann, A.
- Cassman, K. G.
- Source: Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Volume: 28
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Agriculture is a resource-intensive enterprise. The manner in which food production systems utilize resources has a large influence on environmental quality. To evaluate prospects for conserving natural resources while meeting increased demand for cereals, we interpret recent trends and future trajectories in crop yields, land and nitrogen fertilizer use, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emissions to identify key issues and challenges. Based on this assessment, we conclude that avoiding expansion of cultivation into natural ecosystems, increased nitrogen use efficiency, and improved soil quality are pivotal components of a sustainable agriculture that meets human needs and protects natural resources. To achieve this outcome will depend on raising the yield potential and closing existing yield gaps of the major cereal crops to avoid yield stagnation in some of the world's most productive systems. Recent trends suggest, however, that increasing crop yield potential is a formidable scientific challenge that has proven to be an elusive goal.
- Authors:
- Sadras, V. O.
- Andrade, F. H.
- Calvino, P. A.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 95
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2003
- Summary: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of rainfall, soil depth, and crop management practices on the yield of dryland maize ( Zea mays L.) crops of the Argentine Pampas. We were concerned with the relevance of known physiological mechanisms in commercial crops and with developing a framework to quantify the impact of improved management practices on crop yield. Our approach included three steps. First, baseline functions were developed to quantify the relationship between yield and water availability (W) during the critical period for kernel set. Second, baseline functions were tested using an independent data set. Third, using the baseline functions as benchmarks, the effects on yield of soil depth and crop management practices were evaluated. Yield varied between 4.2 and 10 t ha -1, and most of this variation (>84%) was accounted for by W during the period bracketing flowering. Shallow soils presented lower yield than deep soils at a given rainfall. Using yield vs. W functions to account for the effect of variation in W, we quantified the impact of crop management on productivity. Technology-related yield increases were (a) 2.3 t ha -1 from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, mainly explained by P fertilization, better and earlier weed control, and improved hybrids; (b) 0.9 t ha -1 from the mid-1990s to 1996-1998, related to no-till and higher plant density; and (c) 0.8 t ha -1 from 1996-1998 to 1999-2000, mainly explained by enhanced rates of N fertilization.