- Authors:
- Wang, D. P.
- Zheng, L.
- Zhang, Z. H.
- Meng, F. Q.
- Wu, W. L.
- Shi, Y. F.
- Volume: 95
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2013
- Summary: In the North China Plain, a field experiment was conducted to measure nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a typical winter wheat-summer maize rotation system under five integrated agricultural management practices: conventional regime [excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization, flood irrigation, and rotary tillage before wheat sowing; CON], recommended regime 1 (balanced N fertilization, decreased irrigation, and deep plowing before wheat sowing; REC-1), recommended regime 2 (balanced N fertilization, decreased irrigation, and no tillage; REC-2), recommended regime 3 (controlled release N fertilizer, decreased irrigation, and no tillage; REC-3), and no N fertilizer (CK). Field measurements indicated that pulse emissions after N fertilization and irrigation contributed 19-49 % of annual N2O emissions. In contrast to CON (2.21 kg N2O-N ha(-1) year(-1)), the other treatments resulted in significant declines in cumulative N2O emissions, which ranged from 0.96 to 1.76 kg N2O-N ha(-1) year(-1), indicating that the recommended practices (e.g., balanced N fertilization, controlled release N fertilizer, and decreased irrigation) offered substantial benefits for both sustaining grain yield and reducing N2O emissions. Emission factors of N fertilizer were 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, and 0.37 % under CON, REC-1, REC-3, and REC-2, respectively. Emissions of N2O during the freeze-thaw cycle period and the winter freezing period accounted for 9.7 and 5.1 % of the annual N2O budget, respectively. Thus, we recommend that the monitoring frequency should be increased during the freeze-thaw cycle period to obtain a proper estimate of total emissions. Annual CH4 fluxes from the soil were low (-1.54 to -1.12 kg CH4-C ha(-1) year(-1)), and N fertilizer application had no obvious effects on CH4 uptake. Values of global warming potential were predominantly determined by N2O emissions, which were 411 kg CO2-eq ha(-1) year(-1) in the CK and 694-982 kg CO2-eq ha(-1) year(-1) in the N fertilization regimes. When comprehensively considering grain yield, global warming potential intensity values in REC-1, REC-2, and REC-3 were significantly lower than in CON. Meanwhile, grain yield increased slightly under REC-1 and REC-3 compared to CON. Generally, REC-1 and REC-3 are recommended as promising management regimes to attain the dual objectives of sustaining grain yield and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the North China Plain.
- Authors:
- Liu, G.
- Takigawa, M.
- Zhu, J. G.
- Tang, H. Y.
- Kobayashi, K.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 19
- Issue: 9
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Using a high-resolution (40*40 km) chemical transport model coupled with the Regional Emission inventory in Asia (REAS), we simulated surface ozone concentrations ([O 3]) and evaluated O 3-induced wheat production loss in China and India for the years 2000 and 2020 using dose-response functions based on AOT40 (accumulated [O 3] above 40 ppb) and POD Y (phytotoxic O 3 dose, accumulated stomatal flux of O 3 above a threshold of Y nmol m -2 s -1). Two O 3 dose metrics (90 days AOT40 and POD 6) were derived from European experiments, and the other two (75 days AOT40 and POD 12) were adapted from Asian studies. Relative yield loss (RYL) of wheat in 2000 was estimated to be 6.4-14.9% for China and 8.2-22.3% for India. POD 6 predicted greater RYL, especially for the warm regions of India, whereas the 90 days AOT40 gave the lowest estimates. For the future projection, all the O 3 dose metrics gave comparable estimates of an increase in RYL from 2000 to 2020 in the range 8.1-9.4% and 5.4-7.7% for China and India, respectively. The lower projected increase in RYL for India may be due to conservative estimation of the emission increase in 2020. Sensitivity tests of the model showed that the POD Y -based estimates of RYL are highly sensitive to perturbations in the meteorological inputs, but that the estimated increase in RYL from 2000 to 2020 is much more robust. The projected increase in wheat production loss in China and India in the near future is substantially larger than the uncertainties in the estimation and indicates an urgent need for curbing the rapid increase in surface [O 3] in these regions.
- Authors:
- Deng, J.
- Zhou, Z. X.
- Yao, Z. S.
- Cui, F.
- Zheng, X. H.
- Yan, G. X.
- Xu, Y.
- Volume: 178
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Given the common problem of fertilizer overuse, agronomists are calling for a reduction of the high nitrogen dose by 1/3. We carried out a field experiment over two full winter wheat-summer maize rotations in the North China Plain (NCP) to determine whether this degree of nitrogen reduction will significantly reduce the emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2O) and nitric oxide (NO). Three treatments were investigated in the field trial: a control with no nitrogen application, the conventional practice with nitrogen over-application and the optimal practice with a reduced dose of nitrogen by 1/3. Our observations across all treatments over the experimental period reveal significant correlations of the fluxes of either gas with soil temperature and moisture as well as the concentrations of soil ammonium, nitrate and dissolvable organic carbon. There were strong correlations within the functions of the dual Arrhenius and Michaelis-Menten kinetics, giving apparent activation energy values of 40-97 and 59-92 kJ mol -1 for N 2O and NO fluxes, respectively. Our results provide annual direct emission factors of 0.48-0.96% for N 2O and 0.15-0.47% for NO and demonstrate a significant correlation between N 2O emission induced by fertilization and fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). The correlation indicates a significant potential of N 2O mitigation via enhancing NUEs. A reduction in the nitrogen dose did not obviously mitigate either the annual NO emission in both rotations or the annual N 2O emission in the second one. However, nitrogen reduction significantly decreased the annual total N 2O emission by 38% during the first rotation. These inconsistencies in the responses of N 2O emission to the reduced nitrogen dose can be attributed to improper fertilization practices, such as broadcasting urea prior to heavy rainfalls or irrigation events during the maize season, which implies a need for further fertilization practice options/techniques in addition to the reduction of nitrogen doses.
- Authors:
- Christie, P.
- Gao, B.
- Huang, T.
- Ju, X.
- Source: Biogeosciences
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 12
- Year: 2013
- Summary: The effects of nitrogen and straw management on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) in a winter wheat-summer maize double-cropping system on the North China Plain were investigated. We measured nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and studied net GWP (NGWP) and GHGI by calculating the net exchange of CO2 equivalent (CO2-eq) from greenhouse gas emissions, agricultural inputs and management practices, as well as changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), based on a long-term field experiment established in 2006. The field experiment includes six treatments with three fertilizer N levels (zero N (control), optimum and conventional N) and straw removal (i.e. N-0 N-opt and N-con) or return (i.e. SN0, SNopt and SNcon). Optimum N management (N-opt, SNopt) saved roughly half of the fertilizer N compared to conventional agricultural practice (N-con, SNcon), with no significant effect on grain yields. Annual mean N2O emissions reached 3.90 kg N2O-N ha(-1) in N-con and SNcon, and N2O emissions were reduced by 46.9% by optimizing N management of N-opt and SNopt. Straw return increased annual mean N2O emissions by 27.9 %. Annual SOC sequestration was 0.40-1.44Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) in plots with N application and/or straw return. Compared to the conventional N treatments the optimum N treatments reduced NGWP by 51 %, comprising 25% from decreasing N2O emissions and 75% from reducing N fertilizer application rates. Straw return treatments reduced NGWP by 30% compared to no straw return because the GWP from increments of SOC offset the GWP from higher emissions of N2O, N fertilizer and fuel after straw return. The GHGI trends from the different nitrogen and straw management practices were similar to the NGWP. In conclusion, optimum N and straw return significantly reduced NGWP and GHGI and concomitantly achieved relatively high grain yields in this important winter wheat-summer maize double-cropping system.
- Authors:
- Zhang, X-C.
- Zheng, Z-Q.
- Lu, Z.-Y.
- Lu, C.-Y.
- Sivelli,A.
- Li, H.-W.
- Wang, Q-J.
- He, J
- Li, H.
- Source: Soil Science
- Volume: 178
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Traditional tillage (TT) in the North China Plain has maintained grain productivity in the past 50 years. Nonetheless, it has also been a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity and soil fertility loss, soil degradation, and even desertification. Permanent raised beds (PRB) have been proposed as a viable solution to achieve sustainable farming in this plain. The effects on soil chemical properties of the PRB treatment and two other treatments, namely, no-tillage and TT treatments, were measured between 2005 and 2011 in the annual double cropping regions of the North China Plain. The soil properties significantly ( P1.35) were significantly ( P<0.05) higher than those under no-tillage and TT. In the cropping zone of PRB, the bulk density was significantly reduced by 14.4%, whereas soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the 0- to 10-cm soil layer were significantly increased by 24.8%, 78.8%, 121.9%, 81.8%, 46.2%, 7.0%, 2.9%, respectively, in comparison with those of TT treatments. Winter wheat and summer maize yields in PRB also underwent a slight increase. Permanent raised beds seem to be an improvement on current farming systems in the North China Plain and valuable for the sustainability of farming in this region.
- Authors:
- Zhao, J.-S.
- Hu, R.-G.
- Iqbal, J.
- Lin, S.
- Source: Pedosphere
- Volume: 23
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2013
- Summary: To compare the CH4 oxidation potential among different land uses and seasons, and to observe its response to monsoon precipitation pattern and carbon and nitrogen parameters, a one-year study was conducted for different land uses (vegetable field, tilled and non-tilled orchard, upland crops and pine forest) in central subtropical China. Results showed significant differences in CH4 oxidation potential among different land uses (ranging from -3.08 to 0.36 kg CH4 ha(-1) year(-1)). Upland with corn-peanut-sweet potato rotation showed the highest CH4 emission, while pine forest showed the highest CH4 oxidation potential among all land uses. Non-tilled citrus orchard (-0.72 +/- 0.08 kg CH4 ha(-1) year(-1)) absorbed two times more CH4 than tilled citrus orchard.(-0.38 +/- 0.06 kg CH4 ha(-1) year(-1)). Irrespective of different vegetation, inorganic N fertilizer application significantly influenced CH4 fluxes across the sites (R-2 = 0.86, P = 0.002). Water-filled pore space, soil microbial biomass carbon, and dissolved nitrogen showed significant effects across different land uses (31% to 38% of variability) in one linear regression model. However, their cumulative interaction was significant for pine forest only, which might be attributed to undisturbed microbial communities legitimately responding to other variables, leading to net CH4 oxidation in the soil. These results suggested that i) natural soil condition tended to create win-win situation for CH4 oxidation, and agricultural activities could disrupt the oxidation potentials of the soils; and ii) specific management practices including but not limiting to efficient fertilizer application and utilization, water use efficiency, and less soil disruption might be required to increase the CH4 uptake from the soil.
- Authors:
- Managanvi, K.
- Erayya
- Makanur, B
- Jagdish, J.
- Source: Environment and Ecology
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2013
- Summary: The evidence for climate change is now considered to be unequivocal, and trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2), temperature and sealevel rise are tracking the upper limit of model scenarios elaborated in the Fourth Assessment (AR4) undertaken by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Agriculture directly contributes almost 14% of total Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and indirectly accounts for a further 7% incurred by the conversion of forests to agriculture (mostly conversion to rangeland in the Amazon), currently at the rate of 7.3 million ha/year. It focuses on specific aspects of agriculture and agricultural water management that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and offer prospects for mitigation. In addition to the impacts of cycles of wetting and drying, the concentration of inorganic and organic fertilizer on land with some form of water management means that the practice of irrigation has scope to mitigate GHG emissions. Global atmospheric temperature is predicted to rise by approximately 4°C by 2080, consistent with a doubling of atmospheric CO 2 concentration. Increased atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 enhance photosynthetic efficiency and reduce rates of respiration, offsetting the loss of production potential due to temperature rise. Early hopes for substantial CO 2 mitigation of production losses due to global warming have been restrained. A second line of reasoning is that by the time CO 2 levels have doubled, temperatures will also have risen by 4°C, negating any benefit.
- Authors:
- Giltrap, D.
- Hernandez-Ramirez, G.
- Kim, D.-G.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 168
- Issue: March
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Rising atmospheric concentrations of nitrous oxide (N2O) contribute to global warming and associated climate change. It is often assumed that there is a linear relationship between nitrogen (N) input and direct N2O emission in managed ecosystems and, therefore, direct N2O emission for national greenhouse gas inventories use constant emission factors (EF). However, a growing body of studies shows that increases in direct N2O emission are related by a nonlinear relationship to increasing N input. We examined the dependency of direct N2O emission on N input using 26 published datasets where at least four different levels of N input had been applied. In 18 of these datasets the relationship of direct N2O emission to N input was nonlinear (exponential or hyperbolic) while the relationship was linear in four datasets. We also found that direct N2O EF remains constant or increases or decreases nonlinearly with changing N input. Studies show that direct N2O emissions increase abruptly at N input rates above plant uptake capacity. The remaining surplus N could serve as source of additional N2O production, and also indirectly promote N2O production by inhibiting biochemical N2O reduction. Accordingly, we propose a hypothetical relationship to conceptually describe in three steps the response of direct N2O emissions to increasing N input rates: (1) linear (N limited soil condition), (2) exponential, and (3) steady-state (carbon (C) limited soil condition). In this study, due to the limited availability of data, it was not possible to assess these hypothetical explanations fully. We recommend further comprehensive experimental examination and simulation using process-based models be conducted to address the issues reported in this review. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Zhang, X.
- Zheng, Z.
- Lu, Z.
- Lu, C.
- Sivelli, A.
- Li, H.
- Wang, Q.
- He, J.
- Li, H.
- Source: Soil Science
- Volume: 178
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2013
- Summary: Traditional tillage (TT) in the North China Plain has maintained grain productivity in the past 50 years. Nonetheless, it has also been a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity and soil fertility loss, soil degradation, and even desertification. Permanent raised beds (PRB) have been proposed as a viable solution to achieve sustainable farming in this plain. The effects on soil chemical properties of the PRB treatment and two other treatments, namely, no-tillage and TT treatments, were measured between 2005 and 2011 in the annual double cropping regions of the North China Plain. The soil properties significantly (P 1.35) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those under no-tillage and TT. In the cropping zone of PRB, the bulk density was significantly reduced by 14.4%, whereas soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the 0- to 10-cm soil layer were significantly increased by 24.8%, 78.8%, 121.9%, 81.8%, 46.2%, 7.0%, 2.9%, respectively, in comparison with those of TT treatments. Winter wheat and summer maize yields in PRB also underwent a slight increase. Permanent raised beds seem to be an improvement on current farming systems in the North China Plain and valuable for the sustainability of farming in this region.
- Authors:
- Wang, S.
- Wang, J.
- Yang, F.
- Zhao, L.
- Cao, X.
- Li, F.
- Source: Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
- Volume: 59
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2013
- Summary: A short-term study was conducted to investigate the greenhouse gas emissions in five typical soils under two crop residue management practices: raw rice straw (Oryza sativa L., cv) and its derived biochar application. Rice straw and its derived biochar (two biochars, produced at 350 and 500 degrees C and referred to as BC350 and BC500, respectively) were incubated with the soils at a 5% (weight/weight) rate and under 70% water holding capacity for 28 d. Incorporation of BC500 into soils reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emission in all five soils by 4-40% and 62-98%, respectively, compared to the untreated soils, whereas methane (CH4) emission was elevated by up to about 2 times. Contrary to the biochars, direct return of the straw to soil reduced CH4 emission by 22-69%, whereas CO2 increased by 4 to 34 times. For N2O emission, return of rice straw to soil reduced it by over 80% in two soils, while it increased by up to 14 times in other three soils. When all three greenhouse gases were normalized on the CO2 basis, the global warming potential in all treatments followed the order of straw > BC350 > control > BC500 in all five soils. The results indicated that turning rice straw into biochar followed by its incorporation into soil was an effective measure for reducing soil greenhouse gas emission, and the effectiveness increased with increasing biochar production temperature, whereas direct return of straw to soil enhanced soil greenhouse gas emissions.