- Authors:
- Zyskowski, R.
- Ruiter, J.
- Johnstone, P.
- Brown, H.
- Fletcher, A.
- Source: Field Crops Research
- Volume: 124
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2011
- Summary: Crop growth is driven by the capture and utilisation of solar radiation. The most productive crop sequences are those that maximise the interception and use of solar radiation. However, there are yield trade-offs because of the timing of transitions between successive crops. A longer duration of one crop will mean that the following crop is sown later and will therefore produce a lower yield. Maximising the yield of a sequence involves a compromise between the yields of successive crops. We describe a case study of a forage cropping rotation in New Zealand, demonstrating how simulation models can be used to define the best compromise between the yields of successive crops, and thereby maximise the total yield of the full sequence. A case study using a series of long-term simulation experiments for four diverse environments in New Zealand was undertaken in a continuous, summer maize - winter cereal, cropping sequence. Maize sowing dates and hybrid durations, and cereal sowing and harvest times were varied systematically. The actual simulated crop and sequence yields varied from site to site, but there was a consistent trend identifying the most productive combinations of sowing date and hybrid duration. The sequence of comparatively late sowing date of maize (1 December) and a long-season hybrid maximised the total yield of the sequence. The highest sequence yields were achieved by balancing the need to capture a high level of annual solar radiation and the need to have a large proportion of solar radiation captured by maize, which has the greater RUE in summer. This analysis illustrates how crop simulation models can be used to design and understand the processes that give the most productive cropping sequences.
- Authors:
- van Groenigen, K. J.
- van Kessel, C.
- Oenema, O.
- Velthof, G. L.
- van Groenigen, J. W.
- Source: European Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 61
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Agricultural soils are the main anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O), largely because of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use. Commonly, N2O emissions are expressed as a function of N application rate. This suggests that smaller fertilizer applications always lead to smaller N2O emissions. Here we argue that, because of global demand for agricultural products, agronomic conditions should be included when assessing N2O emissions. Expressing N2O emissions in relation to crop productivity (expressed as above-ground N uptake: "yield-scaled N2O emissions") can express the N2O efficiency of a cropping system. We show how conventional relationships between N application rate, N uptake and N2O emissions can result in minimal yield-scaled N2O emissions at intermediate fertilizer-N rates. Key findings of a meta-analysis on yield-scaled N2O emissions by non-leguminous annual crops (19 independent studies and 147 data points) revealed that yield-scaled N2O emissions were smallest (8.4 g N2O-N kg-1N uptake) at application rates of approximately 180-190 kg Nha-1 and increased sharply after that (26.8 g N2O-N kg-1 N uptake at 301 kg N ha-1). If the above-ground N surplus was equal to or smaller than zero, yield-scaled N2O emissions remained stable and relatively small. At an N surplus of 90 kg N ha-1 yield-scaled emissions increased threefold. Furthermore, a negative relation between N use efficiency and yield-scaled N2O emissions was found. Therefore, we argue that agricultural management practices to reduce N2O emissions should focus on optimizing fertilizer-N use efficiency under median rates of N input, rather than on minimizing N application rates.
- Authors:
- Paré, D.
- Angers, D. A.
- Laganière, J.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Deforestation usually results in significant losses of soil organic carbon (SOC). The rate and factors determining the recovery of this C pool with afforestation are still poorly understood. This paper provides a review of the influence of afforestation on SOC stocks based on a meta-analysis of 33 recent publications (totaling 120 sites and 189 observations), with the aim of determining the factors responsible for the restoration of SOC following afforestation. Based on a mixed linear model, the meta-analysis indicates that the main factors that contribute to restoring SOC stocks after afforestation are: previous land use, tree species planted, soil clay content, preplanting disturbance and, to a lesser extent, climatic zone. Specifically, this meta-analysis (1) indicates that the positive impact of afforestation on SOC stocks is more pronounced in cropland soils than in pastures or natural grasslands; (2) suggests that broadleaf tree species have a greater capacity to accumulate SOC than coniferous species; (3) underscores that afforestation using pine species does not result in a net loss of the whole soil-profile carbon stocks compared with initial values (agricultural soil) when the surface organic layer is included in the accounting; (4) demonstrates that clay-rich soils (>33%) have a greater capacity to accumulate SOC than soils with a lower clay content (<33%); (5) indicates that minimizing preplanting disturbances may increase the rate at which SOC stocks are replenished; and (6) suggests that afforestation carried out in the boreal climate zone results in small SOC losses compared with other climate zones, probably because trees grow more slowly under these conditions, although this does not rule out gains over time after the conversion. This study also highlights the importance of the methodological approach used when developing the sampling design, especially the inclusion of the organic layer in the accounting.
- Authors:
- Saggar, S.
- de Klein, C. A. M.
- Ledgard, S. F.
- Luo, J.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 136
- Issue: 3-4
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grazed pastures represent a significant source of atmospheric N2O. With an improved understanding and quantification of N sources, transformation processes, and soil and climatic conditions controlling N2O emissions, a number of management options can be identified to reduce N2O emissions from grazed pasture systems. The mitigation options discussed in this paper are: optimum soil management, limiting the amount of N fertiliser or effluent applied when soil is wet; lowering the amount of N excreted in animal urine by using low-N feed supplements as an alternative to fertiliser N-boosted grass; plant and animal selection for increased N use efficiency, using N process inhibitors that inhibit the conversion of urea to ammonium and ammonium to nitrate in soil; use of stand-off/feed pads or housing systems during high risk periods of N loss. The use of single or multiple mitigation options always needs to be evaluated in a whole farm system context and account for total greenhouse gas emissions including methane and carbon dioxide. They should focus on ensuring overall efficiency gains through decreasing N losses per unit of animal production and achieving a tighter N cycle. Whole-system life-cycle-based environmental analysis should also be conducted to assess overall environmental emissions associated the N2O mitigation options. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Rosegrant, M.
- Derner, J. D.
- Schuman, G. E.
- Verchot, L.
- Steinfeld, H.
- Gerber, P.
- De Freitas, P. L.
- Lal, R.
- Desjardins, R. L.
- Dumanski, J.
- Source: Applied Agrometeorology
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Agriculture can make significant contributions to climate change mitigation by (a) increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) sinks, (b) reducing GHG emissions, and (c) off-setting fossil fuel by promoting biofuels. The latter has the potential to counter-balance fossil fuel emissions to some degree, but the overall impact is still uncertain compared to emissions of non-CO2 GHGs, which are likely to increase as production systems intensify. Agricultural lands also remove CH4 from the atmosphere by oxidation, though less than forestlands (Tate et al. 2006; Verchot et al. 2000), but this effect is small compared to other GHG fluxes (Smith and Conen 2004).
- Authors:
- Sherlock, R. R.
- Wells, N. S.
- O'Callaghan, M.
- Condron, L. M.
- Ray, J. L.
- Bertram, J. E.
- Clough, T. J.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 74
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Low-temperature pyrolysis of biomass produces a product known as biochar. The incorporation of this material into the soil has been advocated as a C sequestration method. Biochar also has the potential to influence the soil N cycle by altering nitrification rates and by adsorbing NH or NH3. Biochar can be incorporated into the soil during renovation of intensively managed pasture soils. These managed pastures are a significant source of N2O, a greenhouse gas, produced in ruminant urine patches. We hypothesized that biochar effects on the N cycle could reduce the soil inorganic-N pool available for N2O-producing mechanisms. A laboratory study was performed to examine the effect of biochar incorporation into soil (20 Mg ha-1) on N2O-N and NH3-N fluxes, and inorganic-N transformations, following the application of bovine urine (760 kg N ha-1). Treatments included controls (soil only and soil plus biochar), and two urine treatments (soil plus urine and soil plus biochar plus urine). Fluxes of N2O from the biochar plus urine treatment were generally higher than from urine alone during the first 30 d, but after 50 d there was no significant difference (P = 0.11) in terms of cumulative N2O-N emitted as a percentage of the urine N applied during the 53-d period; however, NH3-N fluxes were enhanced by approximately 3% of the N applied in the biochar plus urine treatment compared with the urine-only treatment after 17 d. Soil inorganic-N pools differed between treatments, with higher NH concentrations in the presence of biochar, indicative of lower rates of nitrification. The inorganic-N pool available for N2O-producing mechanisms was not reduced, however, by adding biochar.
- Authors:
- Sim, R.
- Maley, S.
- Fletcher, A.
- Ruiter, J. M. de
- George, M.
- de Ruiter, J. M.
- Source: Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association
- Volume: 71
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Dairy industry strategies have demanded feeding systems with high productivity and high quality. A 45 t DM/ha annual target for feed production was addressed. Six crop sequence treatments were established in large plots (40*12 m) at Lincoln, Canterbury, in the first year of a 2-year experiment to determine practical upper limits for yield. Summer crops included maize, kale and whole crop barley and these were followed by combinations of winter crops (oats, Italian ryegrass, forage rape, tick beans and triticale). Crops were grown with minimal transition time to reduce potential yield losses, and with optimum nitrogen and irrigation management. Highest plot yield in the first annual crop cycle was 11.9 t DM/ha short of the 45 t DM/ha target. Best productivity was with a maize - triticale+tick bean (32.5 t DM/ha) sequence followed by maize - wheat (30.0 t DM/ha), barley - oats+Italian ryegrass (28.1 t DM/ha) and kale - triticale+tick bean (26.1 t DM/ha). Fertiliser management, crop water use in high input cropping systems are discussed together with practical issues around handling crops with large accumulated biomass.
- Authors:
- Aarndt, S. K.
- Eckard, R.
- Livesley, S. J.
- Source: Plant and Soil
- Volume: 309
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2008
- Authors:
- Hedderley, D. I.
- Barlow, H. E.
- Francis, G. S.
- Beare, M. H.
- Thomas, S. M.
- Source: Plant and Soil
- Volume: 309
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2008
- Summary: Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to the atmosphere from grazed pasture can be high, especially from urine-affected areas. When pastoral soils are damaged by animal treading, N2O emissions may increase. In New Zealand, autumn-sown winter forage crops are often grown as a break-crop prior to re-sowing pasture. When these crops are grazed in situ over winter (as is common in New Zealand) there is high risk of soil damage from animal treading as soil moisture contents are often high at this time of year. Moreover, the risk of soil damage during grazing increases when intensive tillage practices are used to establish these forage crops. Consequently, winter grazed forage crops may be an important source of N2O emissions from intensive pastoral farming systems, and these emissions may be affected by the type of tillage used to establish them. We conducted a replicated field experiment to measure the effects of simulated cattle grazing (mowing followed by simulated treading and the application of synthetic urine) at three soil moisture contents ( field capacity) on measured N2O emissions from soil under an autumn (March) sown winter forage crop (triticale) established with three levels of tillage intensity: (a) intensive, IT, (b) minimum, MT, or (c) no tillage, NT. In all treatments, bulk density in the top 7.5 cm of the soil was unaffected by treading when simulated grazing occurred at field capacity, and by 10% in the MT plots trodden at > field capacity. Treading did not significantly increase the bulk density in the NT plots. Emissions of N2O from the tillage treatments decreased in the order IT > MT > NT. N2O emissions were greatest from plots that were trodden at > field capacity and least from plots trodden at field capacity. The N2O emission from urine-amended NT plots that were trodden at < field capacity was 2.0 kg ha(-1) over 90 days (0.25% of the total urine N applied). Decreasing the intensity of tillage used to establish crops and restricting grazing when soils are wet are two of the most effective ways to minimise the risk of high N2O emissions from grazed winter forage crops.
- Authors:
- Paton, R. J.
- Morton, J. D.
- Littlejohn, R. P.
- Houlbrooke, D. J.
- Source: Soil Use and Management
- Volume: 24
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2008
- Summary: The North Otago Rolling Downlands (NORD) of New Zealand is currently undergoing a large change in land use with subsequent intensification as a result of a new large community irrigation scheme. To assess the effect of this change, a 4-year monitoring survey was established on two common Pallic soil types of the area to determine the influence of irrigation term (short, 5 years) and grazing animal (cattle vs. sheep) on a range of physical and organic matter soil quality parameters. This 4-year survey also included the historical land use of dryland sheep farming in the absence of irrigation water. Irrigation term had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on soil physical parameters (percentage macroporosity and bulk density) for 3 of 4 years and no significant effect (P > 0.05) on topsoil total carbon or nitrogen contents. However, irrigation term had a significant (P < 0.01) but biologically small effect on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen with narrowing of the range under longer term irrigation. A significant difference between the dryland and irrigated surveys was found for macroporosity (dryland sheep 17.3% v/v vs. irrigated sheep 13.4% v/v; P < 0.001) and for the C:N ratio (dryland sheep 10.7 vs. irrigated sheep 10.2; P < 0.05). The change in macroporosity under irrigation is likely to take effect within 1 or 2 years of land-use change as little discernable differences in soil physical properties were evident from land under short- or long-term irrigation.