• Authors:
    • Lohr, L.
    • Paudel, K. P.
    • Cabrera, M.
  • Source: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
  • Volume: 21
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Cotton production is the number one crop enterprise in Georgia in terms of revenue generation. However, due to continuous deterioration of soil quality with conventional tillage and chemical fertilizer application, the economic viability and sustainability of cotton production in Georgia are questionable. Residue management systems (RMSs) comprising winter cover crops were analyzed as an alternative to the existing system, which consists of conventional tillage and chemical fertilizer using yield benefit, net revenue, carbon sequestration, and yield efficiency criteria. Four different RMSs were examined for profitability and input efficiency. Four RMSs encompassing tillage versus no-till and chemical versus organic sources of plant nutrients were compared for their yield and net return differences. No-till and poultry litter with a cover crop was the only system with a positive return and crop yield based on the results from experimental data. Limited results from the experimental field were reinforced using a simulation study. When cotton yield is simulated with an alternative level of organic matter and nitrogen application, production function shows efficiency in input application at the higher level of organic matter. Regression results based on an erosion productivity impact calculator/environmental policy integrated climate (EPIC) simulation indicated that, in the long term, a no-till and poultry litter system may have promise in the region. The results from simulation confirm the results from the experimental study. This study reflected a need to change the cotton management system from the 200-year-old practice of employing intensively cultivated conventional tillage and chemical fertilizers to a new renewable resource-based system where residue management and organic sources of nutrients would be the key components.
  • Authors:
    • Mallory-Smith, C.
    • William, R. D.
    • Peachey, B. E.
  • Source: Weed Technology
  • Volume: 20
  • Issue: 1
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The effects of spring tillage sequence on summer annual weed populations were evaluated over two cycles of a 3-year crop rotation of snap beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris), sweetcorn ( Zea mays), and winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum). Continuous no-till (N) planting of vegetable crops each spring (NNNN) reduced summer annual weed density by 63-86% compared with that of continuous conventional tillage (CCCC), depending upon the site and herbicide level. Hairy nightshade ( Solanum sarrachoides) populations were reduced by 88 to 96% when spring tillage was eliminated from the crop rotation. The effects of the NNNN spring tillage sequence on weed density were similar at two sites even though the crop rotations at the two sites began with different crops. The rotational tillage sequence of NCNC at the East site, in a crop rotation that began with maize, reduced summer annual weed density by 46-51% compared with that of continuous conventional tillage and planting (CCCC) at low and medium herbicide rates, respectively. In contrast, the tillage sequence of CNCN in the same crop rotation and at the same site increased weed density by 80% compared with that of CCCC at a low herbicide rate. The effects of the NCNC and CNCN rotational tillage sequences on weed density were reversed at the West site, and was probably caused by pairing sweetcorn with conventional tillage rather than no-tillage. The reduction in summer annual weed density caused by reduced spring tillage frequency did not significantly increase crop yields.
  • Authors:
    • Whitehead, W. F.
    • Singh, B. P.
    • Sainju, U. M.
    • Wang, S.
  • Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
  • Volume: 35
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Soil carbon (C) sequestration in tilled and nontilled areas can be influenced by crop management practices due to differences in plant C inputs and their rate of mineralization. We examined the influence of four cover crops (legume [hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth)], non-legume [rye (Secale cereale L.)], biculture of legume and nonlegume (vetch and rye), and no cover crops (or winter weeds)) and three nitrogen (N) fertilization rates (0, 60 to 65, and 120 to 130 kg N ha(-1)) on C inputs from cover crops, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)], and soil organic carbon (SOC) at the 0- to 120-cm depth in tilled and nontilled areas. A field experiment was conducted on Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Plinthic Paleudults) from 1999 to 2002 in central Georgia. Total C inputs to the soil from cover crops, cotton, and sorghum from 2000 to 2002 ranged from 6.8 to 22.8 Mg ha(-1). The SOC at 0 to 10 cm fluctuated with C input from October 1999 to November 2002 and was greater from cover crops than from weeds in no-tilled plots. In contrast, SOC values at 10 to 30 em in no-tilled and at 0 to 60 cm in chisel-tilled plots were greater for biculture than for weeds. As a result, C at 0 to 30 cm was sequestered at rates of 267, 33, -133, and -967 kg C ha(-1) yr(-1) for biculture, rye, vetch, and weeds, respectively, in the no-tilled plot. In strip-tilled and chisel-tilled plots, SOC at 0 to 30 cm decreased at rates of 233 to 1233 kg C ha(-1) yr(-1). The SOC at 0 to 30 cm increased more in cover crops with 120 to 130 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) than in weeds with 0 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) regardless of tillage. In the subtropical humid region of the southeastern United States, cover crops and N fertilization can increase the amount of C input and storage in tilled and nontilled soils, and hairy vetch and rye biculture was more effective in sequestering C than monocultures or no cover crop.
  • Authors:
    • Hoitink, H. A. J.
    • Yu, W. T.
    • Durkalski, J. T.
    • Wang, P.
    • Dick, W. A.
  • Source: Soil Science
  • Volume: 171
  • Issue: 6
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: No-till is a commonly used crop production system in many countries. Crop yields may be initially decreased when soils are converted from a plow tillage system to no-till. Increasing the organic matter concentration in the soil at the surface seems a key in overcoming these initial yield declines. To test this hypothesis, we applied organic amendments consisting of fresh and composted wheat straw-bedded cow ( Bos taurus) manure at initial rates up to 170 Mg (dry weight) ha -1 to two newly established no-till field sites in Ohio, USA, where crops had previously been grown. The Wooster site is on a silt loam soil and the Hoytville site is on a silty clay loam soil. Maize ( Zea mays) was grown for consecutive years, and the impacts of the organic amendments on maize seedling emergence and grain yields and on soil quality factors were measured. In general, the organic amendments significantly ( P
  • Authors:
    • Schillinger, W. F.
    • Wuest, S. B.
    • Williams, J. D.
    • Gollany, H. T.
  • Source: Soil & Tillage Research
  • Volume: 86
  • Issue: 2
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Water erosion and runoff can be severe due to poor infiltration through frozen soil in the dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production region of the inland Pacific Northwest (PNW), USA. For more than 70 years, farmers and researchers have used various methods of subsoiling to reduce runoff and erosion and to improve infiltration and soil moisture storage. The practice and equipment have evolved from chiseling continuous open channels across hillslopes to the rotary subsoiler that pits the soil. Farmers often subsoil wheat stubble after harvest, but do not employ this practice on newly planted winter wheat fields. These fields are especially vulnerable to erosion because of meager residue cover after a year of fallow. A 6-year field study was conducted in eastern Washington to determine the effect of rotary subsoiling in newly planted winter wheat on over-winter water storage. erosion, infiltration, and grain yield. There were two treatments, rotary subsoiling and control. The rotary subsoiler created one 40 cm-deep pit with 4 L capacity every 0.7 m(2). Natural precipitation did not cause rill erosion in either treatment because of mild winters during the study period. Net change in water stored over winter was significantly (P < 0.05) improved with rotary subsoiling compared to the control in 2 of 6 years. Grain yield was not affected by treatments in any year or when averaged over years. In 2003, we simulated rainfall for approximately 3 h at a rate of 18 mm/h on both subsoiled and control plots to determine runoff and erosion responses on frozen soils. Rotary subsoiling reduced runoff (P < 0.01) by 38%. Rotary subsoiling also significantly reduced erosion (P < 0.01) during the 20-45 min period after runoff had begun. The total quantities of eroded soils were 1.3 and 3.4 Mg/ha for the subsoiled and control treatments, respectively, with inter-rill the dominant erosion process. The average infiltration rate for the control treatment (3.3 mm/h) was half of the rate for the subsoiled treatment (6.6 mm/h), at the end of the 3 h simulation. Rotary subsoiling of newly-planted winter wheat can increase soil moisture stored over-winter and reduce runoff and soil loss on frozen soils, but the benefit of this practice for increasing grain yield has not been proven.
  • Authors:
    • Franzluebbers, A. J.
    • Causarano, H. J.
    • Reeves, D. W.
    • Shaw, J. N.
  • Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
  • Volume: 35
  • Issue: 4
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Past agricultural management practices have contributed to the loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) and emission of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide). Fortunately, however, conservation-oriented agricultural management systems can be, and have been, developed to sequester SOC, improve soil quality, and increase crop productivity. Our objectives were to (i) review literature related to SOC sequestration in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production systems, (ii) recommend best management practices to sequester SOC, and (iii) outline the current political scenario and future probabilities for cotton producers to benefit from SOC sequestration. From a review of 20 studies in the region, SOC increased with no tillage compared with conventional tillage by 0.48 +/- 0.56 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) (H(0): no change,p
  • Authors:
    • Cavigelli, M. A.
    • Szlavecz, K.
    • Clark, S.
    • Purrington, F.
  • Source: Environmental Entomology
  • Volume: 35
  • Issue: 5
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: Ground beetle assemblages were compared in organic, no-till, and chisel-till cropping systems of the USDA Farming Systems Project in Maryland. The cropping systems consisted of 3-yr rotations of corn ( Zea mays L.), soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.), and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) that were planted to corn and soybean during the 2 yr of field sampling (2001-2002). Each year, ground beetles were sampled using pitfall traps during three 9- to 14-d periods corresponding to spring, summer, and fall. A total of 2,313 specimens, representing 31 species, were collected over the 2 yr of sampling. The eight most common species represented 87% of the total specimens collected and included Scarites quadriceps Chaudoir, Elaphropus anceps (LeConte), Bembidion rapidum (LeConte), Harpalus pensylvanicus (DeGeer), Poecilus chalcites (Say), Clivina impressefrons LeConte, Agonum punctiforme (Say), and Amara aenea (DeGeer). Canonical variates analysis based on the 10 most abundant species showed that the carabid assemblages in the three cropping systems were distinguishable from each other. The organic system was found to be more different from the no-till and chisel-till systems than these two systems were from each other. In 2002, ground beetle relative abundance, measured species richness, and species diversity were greater in the organic than in the chisel-till system. Similar trends were found in 2001, but no significant differences were found in these measurements. Relatively few differences were found between the no-till and chisel-till systems. The estimated species richness of ground beetles based on several common estimators did not show differences among the three cropping systems. The potential use of ground beetles as ecological indicators is discussed.
  • Authors:
    • Cook, R. J.
  • Source: PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Volume: 103
  • Issue: 49
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The defining features of any cropping system are (i) the crop rotation and (ii) the kind or intensity of tillage. The trend worldwide starting in the late 20th century has been (i) to specialize competitively in the production of two, three, a single, or closely related crops such as different market classes of wheat and barley, and (ii) to use direct seeding, also known as no-till, to cut costs and save soil, time, and fuel. The availability of glyphosate- and insect-resistant varieties of soybeans, corn, cotton, and canola has helped greatly to address weed and insect pest pressures favored by direct seeding these crops. However, little has been done through genetics and breeding to address diseases caused by residue- and soil-inhabiting pathogens that remain major obstacles to wider adoption of these potentially more productive and sustainable systems. Instead, the gains have been due largely to innovations in management, including enhancement of root defence by antibiotic-producing rhizosphere-inhabiting bacteria inhibitory to root pathogens. Historically, new varieties have facilitated wider adoption of new management, and changes in management have facilitated wider adoption of new varieties. Although actual yields may be lower in direct-seed compared with conventional cropping systems, largely due to diseases, the yield potential is higher because of more available water and increases in soil organic matter. Achieving the full production potential of these more-sustainable cropping systems must now await the development of varieties adapted to or resistant to the hazards shown to account for the yield depressions associated with direct seeding.
  • Authors:
    • Easterly, J. L.
    • Haq, Z.
  • Source: Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Volume: 129
  • Issue: 1/3
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) is used by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to forecast US energy production, consumption, and price trends for a 25-yr-time horizon. Biomass is one of the technologies within NEMS, which plays a key role in several scenarios. An endogenously determined biomass supply schedule is used to derive the price-quantity relationship of biomass. There are four components to the NEMS biomass supply schedule including: agricultural residues, energy crops, forestry residues, and urban wood waste/mill residues. The EIA's Annual Energy Outlook 2005 includes updated estimates of the agricultural residue portion of the biomass supply schedule. The changes from previous agricultural residue supply estimates include: revised assumptions concerning corn stover and wheat straw residue availabilities, inclusion of non-corn and non-wheat agricultural residues (such as barley, rice straw, and sugarcane bagasse), and the implementation of assumptions concerning increases in no-till farming. This article discusses the impact of these changes on the supply schedule.
  • Authors:
    • Robertson, G. P.
    • Grandy, A. S.
    • Thelen, K. D.
  • Source: Agronomy Journal
  • Volume: 98
  • Issue: 6
  • Year: 2006
  • Summary: No-till management has been shown to increase soil aggregation, reduce erosion rates, and increase soil organic matter across a range of soil types, cropping systems, and climates. Few agricultural practices provide similar opportunities to deliver positive benefits for farmers, society, and the environment. The potential benefits of no-till are not being fully realized, however, in large part because no-till is rarely practiced continuously and many fields suitable for no-till are still conventionally tilled. We present here three arguments, based on recent research, in support of the agronomic and environmental benefits of continuous no-till: (i) although there exist agronomic challenges with no-till, long-term yields in these systems can equal or exceed those in tilled soils; (ii) cultivating no-till systems can decrease soil aggregation and accelerate C and N losses so rapidly that years of soil restoration can be undone within weeks to months; and (iii) over time, changes in soil structure and organic matter, coupled with producer adaptation to the need for spatially and temporally explicit chemical applications, increase plant N availability and reduce environmental N losses. At least in theory, then, continuous no-till can be widely practiced to improve the environment and maintain yields with little or no economic sacrifice by producers. In practice, however, many diverse challenges still limit no-till adoption in different regions. These challenges are surmountable, but potential solutions need to be interdisciplinary and address the ecological and especially the social and economic constraints to deploying continuous no-till.