- Authors:
- Brady,M. V.
- Hedlund,K.
- Rong-Gang Cong
- Hemerik,L.
- Hotes,S.
- Machado,S.
- Mattsson,L.
- Schulz,E.
- Thomsen,I. K.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 107
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Soil biodiversity through its delivery of ecosystem functions and attendant supporting ecosystem services - benefits soil organisms generate for farmers - underpins agricultural production. Yet lack of practical methods to value the long-term effects of current farming practices results, inevitably, in short-sighted management decisions. We present a method for valuing changes in supporting soil ecosystem services and associated soil natural capital - the value of the stock of soil organisms - in agriculture, based on resultant changes in future farm income streams. We assume that a relative change in soil organic C (SOC) concentration is correlated with changes in soil biodiversity and the generation of supporting ecosystem services. To quantify the effects of changes in supporting services on agricultural productivity, we fitted production functions to data from long-term field experiments in Europe and the United States. The different agricultural treatments at each site resulted in significant changes in SOC concentrations with time. Declines in associated services are shown to reduce both maximum yield and fertilizer-use efficiency in the future. The average depreciation of soil natural capital, for a 1% relative reduction in SOC concentration, was 144 Euro ha -1 (SD 47 Euro ha -1) when discounting future values to their current value at 3%; the variation was explained by site-specific factors and the current SOC concentration. Moreover, the results show that soil ecosystem services cannot be fully replaced by purchased inputs; they are imperfect substitutes. We anticipate that our results will both encourage and make it possible to include the value of soil natural capital in decisions.
- Authors:
- Du YuNeng
- Huffman,T.
- Daneshfar,B.
- Green,M.
- Feng Feng
- Liu JianGui
- Liu TingTing
- Liu HuanJun
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 95
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Canada's terrestrial ecostratification framework provides nested spatial units for organizing national data related to soils, landforms and land use. In the agricultural domain, the lack of national, uniform crop yield data on the ecostratification framework severely hinders our ability to evaluate the biophysical data with respect to economic and climatic conditions. We developed a national crop yield database at the regional (ecodistrict) level by aggregating individual records of an existing but very broad-level sample-derived yield database according to the ecostratification hierarchy. Issues related to the different sampling frameworks and the need for confidentiality of individual records were resolved in order to generate an ecostratified crop yield dataset at a reasonably detailed spatial scale. Sixty crops were first statistically arranged into 37 agronomically similar crop groups in order to increase class size, and these crop groups were aggregated into increasingly large spatial units until confidentiality was assured. The methodology maintained data quality and confidentiality while producing crop yield estimates at the ecodistrict level. Comparison to independent crop insurance data confirmed that the resulting crop yield data are valid where estimates were derived from data released at the level of an ecodistrict or an ecoregion, but not at the ecoprovince level. Our crop yield estimates offer a reasonably high level of spatial precision while remaining within standard confidentiality constraints.
- Authors:
- Hou,Yong
- Ma,Lin
- Sardi,Katalin
- Sisak,Istvan
- Ma,Wenqi
- Source: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
- Volume: 102
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Nitrogen (N) emissions from food production can cause serious environmental problems. Mitigation strategies require insights of N cycles in this complex system. A substance flow analysis for N in the Hungary food production and processing chain over the period 1961-2010 was conducted. Our results show that the history of the total N input and output for the Hungary food chain consists of four distinct periods: 1961-1974 a rapid increase; 1974-1988 a steady increase; 1988-1992 a sharp decrease; 1992-2010 a period of large annual variations. The total N input to the food chain largely depended on N fertilizer input (on average 83 % of total input). Nitrogen losses were the largest outflows, particularly via ammonia emissions and denitrification from agricultural systems. The N use efficiency (NUE) for crop production sharply decreased from 1961 to 1974, but went up since the late 1980s. The NUE of animal production increased from 11 % in 1961 to 20 % in 2010. The N cost of food production in Hungary largely varied from 3 to 10 kg kg(-1) during 1961-2010, which was related to changes in fertilizer use and human dietary preferences. Increased dependence of crop yield on weather was observed since the early 1990s where large decrease in N fertilizer use occurred. The observed weather-dependence has resulted in large yearly variations in crop yields, the NUE of crop production and also the food N cost, which may pose a threat to food security of Hungary.
- Authors:
- Banger,Kamaljit
- Tian,Hanqin
- Tao,Bo
- Ren,Wei
- Pan,Shufen
- Dangal,Shree
- Yang,Jia
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 132
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2015
- Summary: India is very important but relatively unexplored region in terms of carbon studies, where significant environmental changes have occurred in the 20th century that can alter terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP). Here, we used a process-based, Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM), driven by land cover and land use change (LCLUC), climate change, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, atmospheric nitrogen deposition (NDEP), and tropospheric ozone (O-3) pollution to estimate terrestrial NPP in India during 1901-2010. Over the country, terrestrial NPP showed significant inter-annual variations ranging 1.2 Pg C year(-1) to 1.7 Pg C year(-1) during the 1901-2010. Overall, multiple environmental changes have increased terrestrial NPP by 0.23 Pg C year(-1). Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased NPP by 0.29 Pg C; however climate change has offset a portion of terrestrial NPP (0.11 Pg C) during this study period. On an average, terrestrial NPP reduced by 0.12 Pg C year(-1) in drought years; when precipitation was 100 mm year(-1) lower than long term average, suggesting that terrestrial carbon cycle in India is strongly linked to climate change. LCLUC, including land conversions and cropland management practices, increased terrestrial NPP by 0.043 Pg C year(-1) over the country. Tropospheric O-3 pollution reduced terrestrial NPP by 0.06 Pg C year(-1) and the decrease was comparatively higher in croplands than other biomes after the 1980s. Our results have shown that climate change and tropospheric O-3 pollution may partially offset terrestrial NPP increase caused by elevated CO2 concentration, LCLUC, and NDEP over India.
- Authors:
- Bosco,S.
- Volpi,I.
- o Di Nasso,N. N.
- Triana,F.
- Roncucci,N.
- Tozzini,C.
- Villani,R.
- Laville,P.
- Neri,S.
- Mattei,F.
- Virgili,G.
- Nuvoli,S.
- Fabbrini,L.
- Bonari,E.
- Source: Italian Journal of Agronomy
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Agricultural activities are co-responsible for the emission of the most important greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Development of methodologies to improve monitoring techniques for N2O are still needful. The LIFE+IPNOA project aims to improve the emissions monitoring of nitrous oxide from agricultural soils and to identify the agricultural practices that can limit N2O production. In order to achieve this objective, both a mobile and a stationary instrument were developed and validated. Several experimental field trials were set up in two different sites investigating the most representative crops of Tuscany (Central Italy), namely durum wheat, maize, sunflower, tomato and faba bean. The field trials were realized in order to test the effect on N2O emissions of key factors: tillage intensity, nitrogen fertiliser rate and irrigation. The field trial on durum wheat was set up in 2013 to test the effect of tillage intensity (minimum and conventional tillage) and nitrogen fertilisation rate (0, 110, 170 kg N ha-1) on soil N2O flux. Monitoring was carried out using the IPNOA mobile prototype. Preliminary results on N2O emissions for the durum wheat growing season showed that mean daily N2O fluxes ranged from –0.13 to 6.43 mg m-2 day-1 and cumulative N2O-N emissions over the period ranged from 827 to 2340 g N2O-N ha-1. Tillage did not affect N2O flux while increasing nitrogen fertilisation rate resulted to significantly increase N2O emissions. The IPNOA mobile prototype performed well during this first year of monitoring, allowing to catch both very low fluxes and peaks on N2O emissions after nitrogen supply, showing a good suitability to the field conditions. © S. Bosco et al., 2015 Licensee PAGEPress, Italy.
- Authors:
- Lee,Hyunok
- Sumner,Daniel A.
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 132
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2015
- Summary: This article establishes quantitative relationships between the evolution of climate and cropland using daily climate data for a century and data on allocation of land across crops for six decades in a specific agro-climatic region of California. These relationships are applied to project how climate scenarios reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change would drive cropland patterns into 2050. Projections of warmer winters, particularly from 2035 to 2050, cause lower wheat area and more alfalfa and tomato area. Only marginal changes in area were projected for tree and vine crops, in part because although lower, chill hours remain above critical values.
- Authors:
- Meshalkina,J.
- Yaroslavtsev,A.
- Mazirov,I.
- Samardzic,M.
- Valentini,R.
- Vasenev,I.
- Source: Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2015
- Summary: The eddy covariance (EC) technique as a powerful statistics-based method of measurement and calculation the vertical turbulent fluxes of greenhouses gases within atmospheric boundary layers provides the continuous, long-term flux information integrated at the ecosystem scale. An attractive way to compare the agricultural practices influences on GHG fluxes is to divide a crop area into subplots managed in different ways. The research has been carried out in the Precision Farming Experimental Field of the Russian Timiryazev State Agricultural University (RTSAU, Moscow) in 2013 under the support of RF Government grant # 11.G34.31.0079, EU grant # 603542 LUC4C (7FP) and RF Ministry of education and science grant # 14-120-14-4266-ScSh. Arable Umbric Albeluvisols have around 1% of SOC, 5.4 pH (KCl) and NPK medium-enhanced contents in sandy loam topsoil. The CO 2 flux seasonal monitoring has been done by two eddy covariance stations located at the distance of 108 m. The LI-COR instrumental equipment was the same for the both stations. The stations differ only by current crop version: barley or vetch and oats. At both sites, diurnal patterns of NEE among different months were very similar in shape but varied slightly in amplitude. NEE values were about zero during spring time. CO 2 fluxes have been intensified after crop emerging from values of 3 to 7 mol/s.m 2 for emission, and from 5 to 20 mol/s.m 2 for sink. Stabilization of the fluxes has come at achieving plants height of 10-12 cm. Average NEE was negative only in June and July. Maximum uptake was observed in June with average values about 8 mol CO 2 m -2 s -1. Although different kind of crops were planted on the fields A and B, GPP dynamics was quite similar for both sites: after reaching the peak values at the mid of June, GPP decreased from 4 to 0.5 g C CO 2 m -2 d -1 at the end of July. The difference in crops harvesting time that was equal two weeks did not significantly influence the daily GPP patterns. Cumulative assimilation of CO 2 at the end of the growing season was about 150 g C m -2 for both sites. So the difference in NEE was the consequence of essentially higher respiration rates in case of vetch and oats (about 350 g C m -2) comparing to barley (250 g C m -2) that needs additional research. The results have shown high daily and seasonal dynamic of CO 2 emission too as a result of different and contrasted conditions: crop type, crop development stage, soil moisture and air temperature. Obtained unique for Russian agriculture data are useful for land-use practices environmental assessment, for soil organic carbon dynamics analysis and agroecological evaluation.
- Authors:
- Garcia,G. A.
- Dreccer,M. F.
- Miralles,D. J.
- Serrago,R. A.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 21
- Issue: 11
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Warm nights are a widespread predicted feature of climate change. This study investigated the impact of high night temperatures during the critical period for grain yield determination in wheat and barley crops under field conditions, assessing the effects on development, growth and partitioning crop-level processes driving grain number per unit area (GN). Experiments combined: (i) two contrasting radiation and temperature environments: late sowing in 2011 and early sowing in 2013, (ii) two well-adapted crops with similar phenology: bread wheat and two-row malting barley and (iii) two temperature regimes: ambient and high night temperatures. The night temperature increase (ca. 3.9°C in both crops and growing seasons) was achieved using purpose-built heating chambers placed on the crop at 19:000 hours and removed at 7:00 hours every day from the third detectable stem node to 10 days post-flowering. Across growing seasons and crops, the average minimum temperature during the critical period ranged from 11.2 to 17.2°C. Wheat and barley grain yield were similarly reduced under warm nights (ca. 7% °C -1), due to GN reductions (ca. 6% °C -1) linked to a lower number of spikes per m 2. An accelerated development under high night temperatures led to a shorter critical period duration, reducing solar radiation capture with negative consequences for biomass production, GN and therefore, grain yield. The information generated could be used as a starting point to design management and/or breeding strategies to improve crop adaptation facing climate change.
- Authors:
- Pikula, D.
- Faber, A.
- Syp, A.
- Source: Plant Soil Environ.
- Volume: 61
- Issue: 10
- Year: 2015
- Summary: The study presents the impact of management practices on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and nitrogen (N) losses calculated with a denitrification-decomposition model. Two cropping systems were analysed. The first rotation (A) consisted of potato, winter wheat, spring barley and corn. The second (B) included potato, winter wheat, spring barley and clover with grasses mixture. In A1 and B1 scenarios, fluxes were estimated on the basis of mineral fertilizers input, whereas in A2 and B2 scenarios the assessment of emissions was made with regards to manure. The results indicated that the application of manure in A rotation led to the increase of nitrous oxide (N 2O) emission, N leaching, N surplus, crop yields, and the decrease of nitrogen use efficiency higher than in B rotation. Additional doses of manure in A2 scenario increased the potential of the accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) and global warming potential (GWP) by 157%. In B2 scenario, SOC augmented more than three-fold but GWP increased only by 10%. The N losses and GHG emissions could be minimised by controlling N application through the implementation of nutrient management plan in which N doses are defined based on the crop needs and soil quality.
- Authors:
- Soegaard, K.
- Rasmussen, J.
- Askegaard, M.
- Eriksen, J.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 212
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Intensive dairy farming, with grass-arable crop rotations is challenged by low N use efficiency that may have adverse environmental consequences. We investigated nitrate leaching and N fertility effects of grass-clover leys for five years in two organic crop rotations with different grassland proportions (33 and 67%) and five grassland managements in terms of cutting, grazing, fertilization and combinations thereof. In grass-clover, the combination of fertilization and grazing caused excessive leaching (average 60 kg N ha -1) but leaving out either fertilization or full-time grazing substantially reduced leaching losses to on average 23 kg N ha -1. There was no linear relationship between sward age and nitrate leaching. The annual N surplus of the grasslands was only weakly related to nitrate leaching ( R2=0.05, P50 kg N ha -1) with lupin and maize, where especially maize was consistently high in all five years (average 81 kg N ha -1). Great care should be taken during all phases of the dairy crop rotation where grasslands cause considerable build-up of fertility. With due care and the best management practice, nitrate leaching losses may be reduced to low levels.