- Authors:
- Grace, P.
- Kiese, R.
- Butterbach-Bahl, K.
- Rowlings, D.
- Rochester, I.
- Source: Soil Solutions for a Changing World: proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science
- Year: 2010
- Authors:
- Maraseni, T. N.
- Cockfield, G.
- Maroulis, J.
- Source: The Journal of Agricultural Science
- Volume: 148
- Year: 2010
- Authors:
- Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-Level Economics and Sustainability
- National Research Council
- Year: 2010
- Authors:
- Source: The New York Times
- Volume: 4 May
- Year: 2010
- Summary: A 2010 article in the New York times about Round-Up resistant weeds in the United States.
- Authors:
- Year: 2010
- Summary: From exec. summary: ...The purpose of the study was to develop a methodology that could be used to calculate emission reduction offsets from activities associated with nitrogen-based fertilizers in US agriculture. To have credibility in the developing carbon market the methodology would have to accurately represent the impact on the atmosphere and would involve the input of significant site-specific data. Thus the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s Tier 1 approach is far from sufficient as it simply multiplies the quantity applied by defaults to calculate emissions. Yet a methodology must not be excessively expensive to implement as it would preclude the possibility of any project being implemented thus direct measurement of nitrous oxide from fields using measurement chambers could not be considered. A methodology was chosen for testing that included site specific information on type of fertilizer, soil carbon concentration, drainage, pH, soil texture and crop type. The highly parameterized, tested and peer-reviewed model DNDC (Denitrification-Decomposition) was used to estimate the "real" atmospheric impact at the test sites. Test sites were chosen in Arkansas (cotton), Iowa (corn) and California (lettuce) for the 2009 growing season.... Neither the IPCC Tier 1 method nor the new method proposed here based on Bouwman et al (2002) are sufficient for an offset project methodology that would be able to evaluate atmospheric impact of a broad range on fertilizer management practices. Therefore alternative approaches must be considered.... This comparison highlighted a further weakness of the simplified models; the simplified models can only evaluate the impacts of changes in quantify of fertilizer applied not in the methods of application....The recommendation arising from this report is to develop an offset methodology based on the application of DNDC for projects. A DNDC methodology will require expertise but atmospheric integrity is better guaranteed, monitoring would likely be inexpensive and costs would be low considering that offset projects are likely to consist of aggregations of large numbers of farms.
- Authors:
- Brown, S.
- Grimland, S.
- Pearson, T. R. H.
- Year: 2010
- Summary: From exec summary: "....The basis of the direct and indirect emission calculations is a detailed empirical model that is discussed in the companion report to this work (hereafter referred to as the modified Bouwman model-MBM). The MBM incorporates various factors including quantity of fertilizer used, type of fertilizer, soil texture and drainage, pH and soil carbon concentration to predict nitrous oxide emissions. The companion report shows that the approach of the MBM is not sufficient at the project level, however, for a broad national analysis the approach is ideal....Our analysis resulted in an estimate of total annual N2O emission of 61 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent for the three crops across the 31 states. Seventy percent of these emissions were from corn fields, 25% from wheat fields and 5% from cotton.
- Authors:
- Yang, Z.
- Chen, D.
- Li, M.
- Liang, W.
- Wang, K.
- Wang, Y.
- Han, S.
- Zhou, Z.
- Zheng, X.
- Liu, C.
- Source: Plant and Soil
- Volume: 332
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Cotton is one of the major crops worldwide and delivers fibers to textile industries across the globe. Its cultivation requires high nitrogen (N) input and additionally irrigation, and the combination of both has the potential to trigger high emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO), thereby contributing to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Using an automated static chamber measuring system, we monitored in high temporal resolution N2O and NO fluxes in an irrigated cotton field in Northern China, between January 1st and December 31st 2008. Mean daily fluxes varied between 5.8 to 373.0 µg N2O-N m-2 h-1 and -3.7 to 135.7 µg NO-N m-2 h-1, corresponding to an annual emission of 2.6 and 0.8 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for N2O and NO, respectively. The highest emissions of both gases were observed directly after the N fertilization and lasted approximately 1 month. During this time period, the emission was 0.85 and 0.22 kg N ha-1 for N2O and NO, respectively, and was responsible for 32.3% and 29.0% of the annual total N2O and NO loss. Soil temperature, moisture and mineral N content significantly affected the emissions of both gases (p<0.01). Direct emission factors were estimated to be 0.95% (N2O) and 0.24% (NO). We also analyzed the effects of sampling time and frequency on the estimations of annual cumulative N2O and NO emissions and found that low frequency measurements produced annual estimates which differed widely from those that were based on continuous measurements.
- Authors:
- Sun, O. J.
- Wang, E.
- Luo, Z.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 139
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Adopting no-tillage in agro-ecosystems has been widely recommended as a means of enhancing carbon (C) sequestration in soils. However, study results are inconsistent and varying from significant increase to significant decrease. It is unclear whether this variability is caused by environmental, or management factors or by sampling errors and analysis methodology. Using meta-analysis, we assessed the response of soil organic carbon (SOC) to conversion of management practice from conventional tillage (CT) to no-tillage (NT) based on global data from 69 paired-experiments, where soil sampling extended deeper than 40 cm. We found that cultivation of natural soils for more than 5 years, on average, resulted in soil C loss of more than 20 t ha-1, with no significant difference between CT and NT. Conversion from CT to NT changed distribution of C in the soil profile significantly, but did not increase the total SOC except in double cropping systems. After adopting NT, soil C increased by 3.15 +- 2.42 t ha-1 (mean ± 95% confidence interval) in the surface 10 cm of soil, but declined by 3.30 ± 1.61 t ha-1 in the 20-40 cm soil layer. Overall, adopting NT did not enhance soil total C stock down to 40 cm. Increased number of crop species in rotation resulted in less C accumulation in the surface soil and greater C loss in deeper layer. Increased crop frequency seemed to have the opposite effect and significantly increased soil C by 11% in the 0-60 cm soil. Neither mean annual temperature and mean annual rainfall nor nitrogen fertilization and duration of adopting NT affected the response of soil C stock to the adoption of NT. Our results highlight that the role of adopting NT in sequestrating C is greatly regulated by cropping systems. Increasing cropping frequency might be a more efficient strategy to sequester C in agro-ecosystems. More information on the effects of increasing crop species and frequency on soil C input and decomposition processes is needed to further our understanding on the potential ability of C sequestration in agricultural soils.
- Authors:
- Six, J.
- Lee, J.
- Temple, S. R.
- Rolston, D. E.
- Mitchell, J.
- Kaffka, S. R.
- Wolf, A.
- De Gryze, S.
- Source: Ecological Applications
- Volume: 20
- Issue: 7
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Despite the importance of agriculture in California's Central Valley, the potential of alternative management practices to reduce soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been poorly studied in California. This study aims at (1) calibrating and validating DAYCENT, an ecosystem model, for conventional and alternative cropping systems in California's Central Valley, (2) estimating CO2, N2O and CH4 soil fluxes from these systems, and (3) quantifying the uncertainty around model predictions induced by variability in the input data. The alternative practices considered were cover cropping, organic practices, and conservation tillage. These practices were compared with conventional agricultural management. The crops considered were beans, corn, cotton, safflower, sunflower, tomato, and wheat. Four field sites for which at least five years of measured data were available, were used to calibrate and validate the DAYCENT model. The model was able to predict 86% to 94% of the measured variation in crop yields and 69% to 87% of the measured variation in soil organic carbon (SOC) contents. A Monte-Carlo analysis showed that the predicted variability of SOC contents, crop yields and N2O fluxes was generally smaller than the measured variability of these parameters, in particular for N2O fluxes. Conservation tillage had the smallest potential to reduce GHG emissions among the alternative practices evaluated, with a significant reduction of the net soil GHG fluxes in two of the three sites of 336 ± 47 (mean ± standard error) and 550 ± 123 kg CO2-eq ha-1 yr-1. Cover cropping had a larger potential, with net soil GHG flux reductions of 752 ± 10, 1072 ± 272 and 2201 ± 82 kg CO2-eq ha-1 yr-1. Organic practices had the greatest potential for soil GHG flux reduction, with 4577 ± 272 kg CO2-eq ha-1 yr-1. Annual differences in weather or management conditions contributed more to the variance in annual GHG emissions than soil variability did. We concluded that the DAYCENT model was successful at predicting GHG emissions of different alternative management systems in California, but that a sound error analysis must accompany the predictions to understand the risks and potentials of GHG mitigation through adoption of alternative practices.
- Authors:
- Volume: 2010
- Year: 2010