- Authors:
- Steenwerth,K. L.
- Strong,E. B.
- Greenhut,R. F.
- Williams,L.
- Kendall,A.
- Source: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
- Volume: 20
- Issue: 9
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Purpose: This study assesses life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy use, and freshwater use in wine grape production across common vineyard management scenarios in two representative growing regions (Napa and Lodi) of the US state of California. California hosts 90 % of US grape growing area, and demand for GHG emissions estimates of crops has increased due to consumer interest and policies such as California’s Global Warming Solutions Act. Methods: The study’s scope includes the annual cycle for wine grape production, beginning at raw material extraction for production of vineyard inputs and ending at delivery of wine grapes to the winery gate, and excludes capital infrastructure. Two hundred forty production scenarios were modeled based on data collected from land owners, vineyard managers, and third-party vineyard management companies. Thirty additional in-person interviews with growers throughout Napa and Lodi were also conducted to identify the diversity of farming practices, site characteristics, and yields (among other factors) across 90 vineyards. These vineyards represent a cross-section of the regional variability in soil, climate, and landscape used for wine grape production. Results and discussion: Energy use and global warming potential (GWP) per metric ton (t) across all 240 production scenarios range between 1669 and 8567 MJ and 87 and 548 kg CO2e. Twelve scenarios were selected for closer inspection to facilitate comparison of the two regions and grower practices. Comparison by region shows energy use, GWP, and water use for typical practices were more than twice as great in Napa (6529 MJ/t, 456 kg CO2e/t, and 265 m3 H2O/t) than Lodi (2759 MJ/t, 203 kg CO2e/t, and 141 m3 H2O/t), but approximately 16 % greater on a per hectare basis. Hand harvest (versus mechanical harvesting) and frost protection processes in Napa contributed to higher values per hectare, and lower yields in Napa account for the even larger difference per metric ton. Hand harvesting and lower yields reflect the higher value of Napa wine grapes. Conclusions: The findings underscore the regional distinctions in wine grape production, which include different management goals, soils, and climate. When vineyards are managed for lower yields, as they are in Napa, energy, water, and GWP will likely be higher on a per mass basis. Strategies to reduce emissions in these regions cannot rely on increasing yields (a common approach), and alternative strategies are required, for example developing high-value co-products. © 2015 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Authors:
- van Dijl,E. A.
- Grogan,K. A.
- Borisova,T.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 70
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2015
- Summary: In the United States, Florida ranks second among states for both value and land area of vegetable production, but this production is affected by periodic droughts. Florida has experienced at least one severe and widespread drought every decade since 1900, and climate change projections show that meteorological droughts will occur more often in the future. While drought and climate change affect the supply side, population growth is expected to affect the demand side of water availability. Given these threats to future water availability, the adoption of drought adaptation and water conservation measures is of increasing importance in Florida. Using a 2013 survey of Florida vegetable growers, this paper addresses two main components of this problem. First, we assess the current rates of adoption of drought adaptation measures. Second, we analyze which factors influence or impede the adoption of these measures to provide policy recommendations to increase adoption in the future. We find low rates of adoption of adaptations, ranging from 13% to 55%, and factors determining who adopts a given adaptation vary by adaptation. Factors can have opposite effects on the probability of adoption across different adaptations. Unlike most previous work, we find that growers with more education have lower rates of adoption of water augmentation measures, and lack of land ownership does not necessarily impede adoption of adaptations with large initial investment.
- Authors:
- Verheijen,L. M.
- Aerts,R.
- Brovkin,V.
- Cavender-Bares,J.
- Cornelissen,J. H. C.
- Kattge,J.
- Bodegom,P. M. van
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 21
- Issue: 8
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Earth system models demonstrate large uncertainty in projected changes in terrestrial carbon budgets. The lack of inclusion of adaptive responses of vegetation communities to the environment has been suggested to hamper the ability of modeled vegetation to adequately respond to environmental change. In this study, variation in functional responses of vegetation has been added to an earth system model (ESM) based on ecological principles. The restriction of viable mean trait values of vegetation communities by the environment, called 'habitat filtering', is an important ecological assembly rule and allows for determination of global scale trait-environment relationships. These relationships were applied to model trait variation for different plant functional types (PFTs). For three leaf traits (specific leaf area, maximum carboxylation rate at 25°C, and maximum electron transport rate at 25°C), relationships with multiple environmental drivers, such as precipitation, temperature, radiation, and CO 2, were determined for the PFTs within the Max Planck Institute ESM. With these relationships, spatiotemporal variation in these formerly fixed traits in PFTs was modeled in global change projections (IPCC RCP8.5 scenario). Inclusion of this environment-driven trait variation resulted in a strong reduction of the global carbon sink by at least 33% (2.1 Pg C yr -1) from the 2nd quarter of the 21st century onward compared to the default model with fixed traits. In addition, the mid- and high latitudes became a stronger carbon sink and the tropics a stronger carbon source, caused by trait-induced differences in productivity and relative respirational costs. These results point toward a reduction of the global carbon sink when including a more realistic representation of functional vegetation responses, implying more carbon will stay airborne, which could fuel further climate change.
- Authors:
- Veum,K. S.
- Kremer,R. J.
- Sudduth,K. A.
- Kitchen,N. R.
- Lerch,R. N.
- Baffaut,C.
- Stott,D. E.
- Karlen,D. L.
- Sadler,E. J.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 70
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2015
- Summary: The Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP). was initiated in 2002 to quantify the potential benefits of conservation management practices throughout the nation. Within the Central Claypan Region of Missouri, the Salt River Basin was selected as a benchmark watershed for soil and water quality assessments. This study focuses on two objectives: (1) assessing soil quality for 15 different annual cropping and perennial vegetation systems typically employed in this region, and (2) evaluating relationships among multiple measured soil quality indicators (SQIs). Management practices included annual versus perennial vegetation, and varying grass species composition (cool-season versus warm-season), tillage intensity (no-till versus mulch-till), biomass removal, rotation phase, crop rotation (corn [Zea mays L.]-soybean [Glycine max L. Merr] versus corn-soybean-wheat [Triticum aestivum L.]) and incorporation of cover crops into the rotation. Soil samples were obtained in 2008 from 0 to 5 cm (0 to 2 in) and 5 to 15 cm (2 to 6 in) depth layers. Ten biological, physical, chemical, and nutrient SQIs were measured and scored using the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF). Across SQIs, biological and physical indicators were the most sensitive to management effects, reflecting significant differences in organic carbon (C), mineralizable nitrogen (N), beta-glucosidase, and bulk density. In the 0 to 5 cm layer, perennial systems demonstrated the greatest SMAF scores, ranging from 93% to 97% of the soil's inherent potential. Scores for annual cropping systems ranged from 78% to 92%: diversified no-till, corn soybean wheat rotation with cover crops (92%) > no-till, corn-soybean rotation without cover crops (88%) > mulch-till corn-soybean rotation without cover crops (84%). Conversely, in the 5 to 15 cm layer, no-till cropping systems scored lower for overall soil function (58% to 61%) than mulch-till systems (65% to 66%). In the 0 to 5 cm layer, biological soil quality under the diversified no-till system with cover crops was 11% greater than under no-till without cover crops, and 20% greater than under mulch-till without cover crops. The effect of rotation phase was primarily reflected in 64% lower mineralizable N following corn relative to soybean. Additionally, soil nutrient function was significantly affected by biomass removal. The results of this study demonstrate that the benefits of conservation management practices extend beyond soil erosion reduction and improved water quality by highlighting the potential for enhanced soil quality, especially biological soil function. In particular, implementing conservation management practices on marginal and degraded soils in the claypan region can enhance long-term sustainability in annual cropping systems and working grasslands through improved soil quality.
- Authors:
- Zhan DongXia
- Zhang Chao
- Yang Ying
- Luo HongHai
- Zhang YaLi
- Zhang WangFeng
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 107
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Little is known about how water deficit affects cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) canopy architecture and the vertical distribution of photosynthesis within the canopy. The objective of this 2-yr field experiment was to determine the effects of reduced water supply on (i) surface area distribution within a cotton canopy, (ii) the transmission of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) within the canopy, and (iii) the contribution of leaves and non-leaf organs at different positions within the canopy to whole-canopy photosynthesis. The results showed that compared with conventional irrigation, water deficit reduced leaf surface area in the upper canopy layer by 20 to 46% and increased PAR transmission into the mid-canopy layer by 38 to 73%. Slight water deficit reduced leaf photosynthetic rates in the upper canopy layer by 24%, but increased leaf photosynthetic rates in the mid-canopy layer by 23% and the lower canopy layer by 79%. Compared with conventional irrigation, slight water deficit had no significant effect on yield, whereas moderate water deficit significantly reduced both variables. Leaves, especially those in the upper canopy layer, were the main drivers of whole-canopy photosynthesis. On a percentage basis, non-leaf organs accounted for <26% of whole-canopy photosynthesis. Future research is needed to learn more about the photosynthetic potential of non-leaf organs and their response to water deficit.
- Authors:
- Evans,Jason M.
- Calabria,Jon
- Borisova,Tatiana
- Boellstorf,Diane E.
- Sochacka,Nicki
- Smolen,Michael D.
- Mahler,Robert L.
- Risse,L. Mark
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 132
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2015
- Summary: A growing body of research indicates that opinions about long-term climate change and other natural resource issues can be significantly affected by current weather conditions (e.g., outside air temperature) and other highly contingent environmental cues. Although increased severity and frequency of droughts is regarded as a likely consequence of anthropogenic climate change, little previous research has attempted to relate the experience of drought with public attitudes about water supply or water-related climate change issues. For this study, a large set (n = 3,163) of public survey data collected across nine states of the southern United States was spatio-temporally linked with records of short-term (similar to 12 weeks) and long-term (similar to 5 years) drought condition at the level of each respondent's zip code. Multivariate ordinal logistic regression models that included numerous other independent variables (environmental ideology, age, gender, education, community size, residency duration, and local annual precipitation) indicated highly significant interactions with long-term drought condition, but showed no significant effect from short-term drought condition. Conversely, attitudes about water-related climate change showed highly significant interactions with short-term drought, with weaker to no effects from long-term drought. While the finding of significant effects from short-term drought condition on opinions about future drought is broadly consistent with previous public opinion research on climate change, the finding of water supply attitudes being more responsive to longer term drought condition is, to our knowledge, a novel result. This study more generally demonstrates the methodological feasibility and applied importance of accounting for local drought condition when public opinion information is used to evaluate outreach programs for water conservation and climate change.
- Authors:
- Source: Geomicrobiology Journal
- Volume: 32
- Issue: 7
- Year: 2015
- Summary: This study investigated CO2 and N2O emissions from soil receiving long-term cattle feedlot manure applications under rainfed and irrigated conditions in semi-arid southern Alberta, Canada. Soil available N and CO2 and N2O fluxes were measured after fall crop harvesting and prior to next spring's seeding from plots that had received 0 and 60 t ha(-1)yr(-1) cattle feedlot manure application with (Mi0 and Mi60) or without irrigation (Mr0 and Mr60) for 27years. Both CO2 and N2O fluxes varied considerably over the 7-month nongrowing season. Cumulative CO2 emissions from manured treatments (Mr60 at 2.20 t ha(-1) and Mi60 at 2.36 t ha(-1)) were 2.6times values from nonmanured treatments (Mr0 at 0.83 t ha(-1) and Mi0 at 0.92 t ha(-1)). Similarly, cumulative N2O emission from manured treatments (Mr60 at 4.54kg ha(-1) and Mi60 at 5.34kg ha(-1)) were 8-12times values from nonmanured treatments (Mr0 at 0.40kg ha(-1) and Mi0 at 0.70kg ha(-1)). Growing season irrigation had no effect on CO2 and N2O emission over the nongrowing season.
- Authors:
- McCabe,Gregory J.
- Wolock,David M.
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 132
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2015
- Summary: A monthly water-balance model is used with CRUTS3.1 gridded monthly precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PET) data to examine changes in global water deficit (PET minus actual evapotranspiration) for the Northern Hemisphere (NH) for the years 1905 through 2009. Results show that NH deficit increased dramatically near the year 2000 during both the cool (October through March) and warm (April through September) seasons. The increase in water deficit near 2000 coincides with a substantial increase in NH temperature and PET. The most pronounced increases in deficit occurred for the latitudinal band from 0 to 40A degrees N. These results indicate that global warming has increased the water deficit in the NH and that the increase since 2000 is unprecedented for the 1905 through 2009 period. Additionally, coincident with the increase in deficit near 2000, mean NH runoff also increased due to increases in P. We explain the apparent contradiction of concurrent increases in deficit and increases in runoff.
- Authors:
- Mereu,Valentina
- Carboni,Gianluca
- Gallo,Andrea
- Cervigni,Raffaello
- Spano,Donatella
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 132
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Climate change impact on the agricultural sector is expected to be significant and extensive in Sub-Saharan Africa, where projected increase in temperature and changes in precipitation patterns could determine sensible reductions in crop yields and concerns for food security achievement. This study presents a multi-model approach to analysing climate change impacts and associated risks for staple food crops in Nigeria. Previous attempts to evaluate climate change impacts in Nigeria had mainly focused on a reduced number of crops, with analysis limited to single experimental fields or specific areas, and in many cases considering only a limited number of climate models. In this work, crop simulation models implemented in the DSSAT-CSM software were used to evaluate climate change impacts on crop production in different Agro-Ecological Zones, considering multiple combinations of soils and climate conditions, varieties and crop management. The climate impact assessment was made using an ensemble of future climate projections, to include uncertainty related to climate projections. Even if precipitations could increase in most parts of Nigeria, this is not likely to offset the crop yield reduction due to the increase in temperatures, particularly over the medium-term period (2050), with yield decreases projected especially for cereals. The short-term effects are more uncertain and yields for cassava and millet might actually increase by 2020. Moreover, yield reductions are only partially mitigated by the direct effect of increased CO2 atmospheric concentration enhancing crop yield. In both periods and for all crops, there is a higher risk that crop yields may fall below the actual risk threshold.
- Authors:
- Mushtaq,S.
- Maraseni,T. N.
- Reardon-Smith,K.
- Bundschuh,J.
- Jackson,T.
- Source: Journal of Cleaner Production
- Volume: 103
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Robust understanding of possible trade-offs and synergies between climate change, energy and water sector policies is critical to achieving economically viable and environmentally sound agricultural production systems in a low-carbon water-constrained economy, in which greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are penalized and water savings rewarded. Accurate assessment of the potential costs/benefits of investment decisions can help to optimize the economic efficiency of agricultural production while minimizing environmental impacts. This paper presents a novel integrated framework, based on carbon and water accounting, which enables analysis of potential trade-offs between water savings, energy consumption, GHG emissions and economic costs/benefits associated with the adoption of new water efficient irrigation technologies. The framework was applied to an irrigated lucerne cropping system in eastern Australia and compares the costs/benefits of old roll-line sprinkler irrigation systems against new pressurized systems. Positive synergies were found with the adoption of the new technology, which saved both water and energy use, reduced total GHG emissions and resulted in net economic returns across a range of carbon prices. The results of this study provide support for an integrated evidence-based approach to policy development and strategic decision-making and for the prioritization of investments on both economic and environmental grounds. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.