- Authors:
- Sainju,U. M.
- Allen,B. A.
- Caesar-Tonthat,T.
- Lenssen,A. W.
- Volume: 107
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Little is known about the long-term management impact on soil C and N contents in the northern Great Plains. We evaluated the 30-yr effect of tillage and cropping sequence combination on dryland crop biomass yield and soil bulk density, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil inorganic carbon (SIC), soil total nitrogen (STN), NH 4-N, and NO 3-N contents at the 0- to 120-cm depth in a Dooley sandy loam (fine loamy, mixed, frigid Typic Argiboroll) in eastern Montana. Treatments were no-till continuous spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) (NTCW), spring till continuous spring wheat (STCW), fall and spring till continuous spring wheat (FSTCW), fall and spring till spring wheat-barley ( Hordeum vulgare L., 1984-1999) followed by spring wheat-pea ( Pisum sativum L., 2000-2013) (FSTW-B/P), and spring till spring wheat-fallow (STW-F, traditional system). Mean annualized crop biomass returned to the soil was 23 to 30% greater in NTCW, STCW, FSTCW, and FSTW-B/P than STW-F. At 0 to 7.5 cm, bulk density was 13 to 21% greater in STW-F, but SOC, SIC, and STN were 12 to 98% greater in STCW than other treatments. Ammonium-N and NO 3-N contents were 25 to 74% greater in FSTCW than other treatments. At other depths, SOC, SIC, STN, NH 4-N and NO 3-N contents varied among treatments. Reduced tillage with increased crop residue returned to the soil increased soil C and N storage in NTCW and STCW, but increased tillage intensity increased mineral N content in FSTCW compared with STW-F. Improved management practices, such as NTCW and STCW, may be adopted to improve dryland soil C and N stocks.
- Authors:
- Uzoma,K. C.
- Smith,W.
- Grant,B.
- Desjardins,R. L.
- Gao XiaoPeng
- Hanis,K.
- Tenuta,M.
- Goglio,P.
- Li,C. S.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
- Volume: 206
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Biogeochemical models are useful tools for integrating the effects of agricultural management on GHG emissions; however, their development is often hampered by the incomplete temporal and spatial representation of measurements. Adding to the problem is that a full complement of ancillary measurements necessary to understand and validate the soil processes responsible for GHG emissions is often not available. This study presents a rare case where continuous N 2O emissions, measured over seven years using a flux gradient technique, along with a robust set of ancillary measurements were used to assess the ability of the DNDC model for estimating N 2O emissions under varying crop-management regimes. The analysis revealed that the model estimated soil water content more precisely in the normal and wet years (ARE 3.4%) than during the dry years (ARE 11.5%). This was attributed to the model's inability to characterize episodic preferential flow through clay cracks. Soil mineral N across differing management regimes (ARE 2%) proved to be well estimated by DNDC. The model captured the relative differences in N 2O emissions between the annual (measured: 35.5 kg N 2O-N ha -1, modeled: 30.1 kg N 2O-N ha -1) and annual-perennial (measured: 26.6 kg N 2O-N ha -1, modeled: 21.2 kg N 2O-N ha -1) cropping systems over the 7 year period but overestimated emissions from alfalfa production and underestimated emissions after spring applied anhydrous ammonia. Model predictions compared well with the measured total N 2O emissions (ARE -11%) while Tier II comparison to measurements (ARE -75%) helped to illustrate the strengths of a mechanistic approach in characterizing the site specific drivers responsible for N 2O emissions. Overall this study demonstrated the benefits of having near continuous GHG flux measurements coupled with detailed ancillary measurements towards identifying soil process interactions responsible for regulating GHG emissions.
- Authors:
- Veenstra,J. J.
- Burras,C. L.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 79
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Despite a large body of scientific research that shows that soils change on relatively short time scales under different management regimes, classical pedological theory states that we should expect these changes to occur only in the surface few centimeters and that they are not of adequate magnitude to suggest fundamental changes in pedon character over short periods of time. In fact, rarely, do the scientists that make these comparisons report on any properties deeper than 30 to 45 cm in the soil profile. With this study, we evaluate soil transformation to a depth of 150 cm after 50 yr of intensive row-crop agricultural land use in a temperate, humid, continental climate (Iowa, United States), by resampling sites that were initially described by the United States soil survey between 1943 and 1963. We find that, through agricultural land use, humans are accelerating soil formation and transformation to a depth of 100 cm or more by accelerating erosion, sedimentation, acidification, and mineral weathering, and degrading soil structure, while deepening dark-colored, organic-matter rich surface horizons, translocating and accumulating organic matter deeper in the soil profile and lowering the water table. Some of these changes can be considered positive improvements, but many of these changes may have negative effects on the soils' future productive capacity. © Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison WI 53711 USA. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Kaliyan,N.
- Morey,R. V.
- Tiffany,D. G.
- Source: BioEnergy Research
- Volume: 8
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Supply logistics systems for corn (Zea mays L.) stover and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) with two collection methods, round bales and rectangular bales, are developed. A location in the US Midwest is assumed with corn grown on highly productive crop land and switchgrass grown on less productive land. Bales (15 % moisture wet basis) are stored at local storage sites within 3.2 km (2 mi) of the field at harvest time. Biomass is transported to an end user within a 48 km (30 mi) throughout the year. Round bales are converted to bulk product [bulk density of 240 kg m−3 (15 lb ft−3)] by tub grinding followed by roll-press compacting before truck transport. Rectangular bales are delivered by truck without processing. Total delivered cost is $97.70 Mg−1 ($88.63 ton−1) for corn stover and $137.87 Mg−1 ($125.07 ton−1) for switchgrass when delivered as a bulk compacted product. Total delivered cost is $90.25 Mg−1 ($81.87 ton−1) for corn stover and $128.67 Mg−1 ($116.73 ton−1) for switchgrass when delivered as rectangular bales. Life-cycle fossil energy consumption is higher for delivering switchgrass (9.9 to 13.8 % of energy in dry matter) than for corn stover (5.8 to 9.5 % of energy in dry matter). Excluding any potential change in soil organic carbon (SOC), life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are 59.2 to 99.8 kg CO2e Mg−1 for delivering corn stover and 231.8 to 279.6 kg CO2e Mg−1 for delivering switchgrass. The effect of change in SOC on the life-cycle GHG emissions for corn stover and switchgrass is discussed. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
- Authors:
- Gleason, R.
- Finocchiaro, R.
- Tangen, B.
- Source: Science of the Total Environment
- Volume: 533
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Wetland restoration has been suggested as policy goal with multiple environmental benefits including enhancement of atmospheric carbon sequestration. However, there are concerns that increased methane (CH4) emissions associated with restoration may outweigh potential benefits. A comprehensive, 4-year study of 119 wetland catchments was conducted in the Prairie Pothole Region of the north-central U.S. to assess the effects of land use on greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and soil properties. Results showed that the effects of land use on GHG fluxes and abiotic soil properties differed with respect to catchment zone (upland, wetland), wetland classification, geographic location, and year. Mean CH4 fluxes from the uplands were predictably low (<0.02 g CH4 m(-2) day(-1)), while wetland zone CH4 fluxes were much greater (<0.001-3.9 g CH4 m(-2) day(-1)). Mean cumulative seasonal CH4 fluxes ranged from roughly 0-650 g CH4 m(-2), with an overall mean of approximately 160 g CH4 m(-2). These maximum cumulative CH4 fluxes were nearly 3 times as high as previously reported in North America. The overall magnitude and variability of N2O fluxes from this study (<0.0001-0.0023 g N2O m(-2) day(-1)) were comparable to previously reported values. Results suggest that soil organic carbon is lost when relatively undisturbed catchments are converted for agriculture, and that when non-drained cropland catchments are restored, CH4 fluxes generally are not different than the pre-restoration baseline. Conversely, when drained cropland catchments are restored, CH4 fluxes are noticeably higher. Consequently, it is important to consider the type of wetland restoration (drained, non-drained) when assessing restoration benefits. Results also suggest that elevated N2O fluxes from cropland catchments likely would be reduced through restoration. The overall variability demonstrated by this study was consistent with findings of other wetland investigations and underscores the difficulty in quantifying the GHG balance of wetland systems. Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Authors:
- Robertson, G.
- Tang, J.
- Cui, M.
- Gelfand, I.
- Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Volume: 212
- Issue: December 2015
- Year: 2015
- Summary: Climate change is causing the intensification of both rainfall and droughts in temperate climatic zones, which will affect soil drying and rewetting cycles and associated processes such as soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. We investigated the effect of soil rewetting following a prolonged natural drought on soil emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2O) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) in an agricultural field recently converted from 22 years in the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). We compared responses to those in a similarly managed field with no CRP history and to a CRP reference field. We additionally compared soil GHG emissions measured by static flux chambers with off-site laboratory analysis versus in situ analysis using a portable quantum cascade laser and infrared gas analyzer. Under growing season drought conditions, average soil N 2O fluxes ranged between 0.2 and 0.8 g N m -2 min -1 and were higher in former CRP soils and unaffected by nitrogen (N) fertilization. After 18 days of drought, a 50 mm rewetting event increased N 2O fluxes by 34 and 24 fold respectively in the former CRP and non-CRP soils. Average soil CO 2 emissions during drought ranged from 1.1 to 3.1 mg C m -2 min -1 for the three systems. CO 2 emissions increased ~2 fold after the rewetting and were higher from soils with higher C contents. Observations are consistent with the hypothesis that during drought soil N 2O emissions are controlled by available C and following rewetting additionally influenced by N availability, whereas soil CO 2 emissions are independent of short-term N availability. Finally, soil GHG emissions estimated by off-site and in situ methods were statistically identical.
- Authors:
- Danert, C.
- Vera, J. C.
- Portocarrero, R.
- Acreche, M. M.
- Valeiro, A. H.
- Source: Sugar Tech
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2014
- Summary: Concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere are increasing due to anthropogenic actions, and agriculture is one of the most important contributors. This study quantified GHG emissions from green-cane harvested sugarcane with and without post-harvest burning in Tucuman (Argentina). A field trial was conducted in Tucuman during the 2011/2012 season using a randomised complete-block design with four replications. Treatments were: (a) harvest without sugarcane burning (neither before nor after), and (b) harvest with trash burnt after harvest. The method used to capture gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) in the crop cycle was based on closed-vented chambers, while quantification was by gas chromatography. There were significant emission rates of CO2 and N2O during the sugarcane cycle in Tucuman, but no evidence of CH4 emissions or uptakes. N2O and CO2 emission rates were higher in the no-burning treatment than in the burnt, but only in part of the crop cycle. The former is apparently associated with the application of nitrogen fertiliser, while the higher CO2 emissions seem to be associated with trash retention. There were no significant correlations between environmental factors and emission rates. Although these results seem pessimistic, in the context of an entire crop GHG balance (including the emissions due to burning before or after harvest) green-cane harvesting without burning could effectively lead to a reduction of total GHG emissions during the crop cycle.
- Authors:
- Source: GCB Bioenergy
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2014
- Summary: Biofuel crops may help achieve the goals of energy-efficient renewable ethanol production and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation through carbon (C) storage. The objective of this study was to compare the aboveground biomass yields and soil organic C (SOC) stocks under four crops (no-till corn, switchgrass, indiangrass, and willow) 7years since establishment at three sites in Ohio to determine if high-yielding biofuel crops are also capable of high levels of C storage. Corn grain had the highest potential ethanol yields, with an average of more than 4100Lha(-1), and ethanol yields increased if both corn grain and stover were converted to biofuel, while willow had the lowest yields. The SOC concentration in soils under biofuels was generally unaffected by crop type; at one site, soil in the top 10cm under willow contained nearly 13Mg Cha(-1) more SOC (or 29% more) than did soils under switchgrass or corn. Crop type affected SOC content of macroaggregates in the top 10cm of soil, where macroaggregates in soil under corn had lower C, N and C:N ratios than those under perennial grasses or trees. Overall, the results suggest that no-till corn is capable of high ethanol yields and equivalent SOC stocks to 40cm depth. Long-term monitoring and measurement of SOC stocks at depth are required to determine whether this trend remains. In addition, ecological, energy, and GHG assessments should be made to estimate the C footprint of each feedstock.
- Authors:
- Whitaker, J.
- Reay, D. S.
- McNamara, N. P.
- Case, S. D. C.
- Source: GCB Bioenergy
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2014
- Summary: Energy production from bioenergy crops may significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through substitution of fossil fuels. Biochar amendment to soil may further decrease the net climate forcing of bioenergy crop production, however, this has not yet been assessed under field conditions. Significant suppression of soil nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions following biochar amendment has been demonstrated in short-term laboratory incubations by a number of authors, yet evidence from long-term field trials has been contradictory. This study investigated whether biochar amendment could suppress soil GHG emissions under field and controlled conditions in a MiscanthusxGiganteus crop and whether suppression would be sustained during the first 2years following amendment. In the field, biochar amendment suppressed soil CO2 emissions by 33% and annual net soil CO2 equivalent (eq.) emissions (CO2, N2O and methane, CH4) by 37% over 2years. In the laboratory, under controlled temperature and equalised gravimetric water content, biochar amendment suppressed soil CO2 emissions by 53% and net soil CO2 eq. emissions by 55%. Soil N2O emissions were not significantly suppressed with biochar amendment, although they were generally low. Soil CH4 fluxes were below minimum detectable limits in both experiments. These findings demonstrate that biochar amendment has the potential to suppress net soil CO2 eq. emissions in bioenergy crop systems for up to 2years after addition, primarily through reduced CO2 emissions. Suppression of soil CO2 emissions may be due to a combined effect of reduced enzymatic activity, the increased carbon-use efficiency from the co-location of soil microbes, soil organic matter and nutrients and the precipitation of CO2 onto the biochar surface. We conclude that hardwood biochar has the potential to improve the GHG balance of bioenergy crops through reductions in net soil CO2 eq. emissions.
- Authors:
- Hermansen, J. E.
- Chirinda, N.
- Olesen, J. E.
- Meyer-Aurich, A.
- Knudsen, M. T.
- Source: Journal of Cleaner Production
- Volume: 64
- Issue: February
- Year: 2014
- Summary: Many current organic arable agriculture systems are challenged by a dependency on imported livestock manure from conventional agriculture. At the same time organic agriculture aims at being climate friendly. A life cycle assessment is used in this paper to compare the carbon footprints of different organic arable crop rotations with different sources of N supply. Data from long-term field experiments at three different locations in Denmark were used to analyse three different organic cropping systems ('Slurry', 'Biogas' and 'Mulching'), one conventional cropping system ('Conventional') and a "No input" system as reference systems. The 'Slurry' and 'Conventional' rotations received slurry and mineral fertilizer, respectively, whereas the 'No input' was unfertilized. The 'Mulching' and 'Biogas' rotations had one year of grass-clover instead of a faba bean crop. The grass-clover biomass was incorporated in the soil in the 'Mulching' rotation and removed and used for biogas production in the 'Biogas' rotation (and residues from biogas production were simulated to be returned to the field). A method was suggested for allocating effects of fertility building crops in life cycle assessments. The results showed significantly lower carbon footprint of the crops from the 'Biogas' rotation (assuming that biogas replaces fossil gas) whereas the remaining crop rotations had comparable carbon footprints per kg cash crop. The study showed considerable contributions caused by the green manure crop (grass-clover) and highlights the importance of analysing the whole crop rotation and including soil carbon changes when estimating carbon footprints of organic crops especially where green manure crops are included. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.