- Authors:
- Source: Review of agricultural experiments 2006. Trials and research in the agronomy sector.
Oversigt over Landsfors<o>gene 2006. Fors<o>g og unders<o>gelser i de land<o>konomiske foreninger.
- Year: 2006
- Summary: The organization and aims of the 'Landsforsgene', the collective name for the body that coordinates agricultural experiments in Denmark, are described. The growing season 2005-2006 in Denmark was characterized by long periods of severe drought in summer that resulted in lower crop yields, although the economic effect was mitigated to some extent by higher prices. Separate sections of the review deal with winter barley, winter rye, triticale, winter wheat, spring barley, oats, spring wheat, various seed crops, field seeds, winter rape, manures and calcium treatments, growing techniques, organic farming, potatoes, sugar beet, grass and green fodder crops, maize, plant breeding, general information on experimental design and aims, and a list of authors.
- Authors:
- Seidel, R.
- Douds, D.
- Hanson, J.
- Hepperly, P.
- Pimentel, D.
- Source: BioScience
- Volume: 55
- Issue: 7
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Various organic technologies have been utilized for about 6000 years to make agriculture sustainable while conserving soil, water, energy, and biological resources. Among the benefits of organic technologies are higher soil organic matter and nitrogen, lower fossil energy inputs, yields similar to those of conventional systems, and conservation of soil moisture and water resources (especially advantageous under drought conditions). Conventional agriculture can be made more sustainable and ecologically sound by adopting some traditional organic farming technologies.
- Authors:
- Source: Environment International
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2005
- Summary: Reducing and off-setting anthropogenic emissions of CO, and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are important strategies of mitigating the greenhouse effect. Thus, the need for developing carbon (C) neutral and renewable sources of energy is more than ever before. Use of crop residue as a possible source of feedstock for bioenergy production must be critically and objectively assessed because of its positive impact on soil C sequestration.. soil quality maintenance and ecosystem functions. The amount of crop residue produced in the US is estimated at 367x10(6) Mg/year for 9 cereal crops, 450x10(6) Mg/year for 14 cereals and legumes, and 488x10(6) Mg/year for 21 crops. The amount of crop residue produced in the world is estimated at 2802x10(6) Mg/year for cereal crops, 3107x10(6) Mg/year for 17 cereals and legumes, and 3758x10(6) Mg/year for 27 food crops. The fuel value of the total annual residue produced is estimated at 1.5x10(15) kcal, about 1 billion barrels (bbl) of diesel equivalent, or about 8 quads for the US; and 11.3x10(15) kcal, about 7.5 billion bbl of diesel or 60 quads for the world. However, even a partial removal (30-40%) of crop residue from land can exacerbate soil erosion hazard, deplete the SOC pool, accentuate emission of CO, and other GHGs from soil to the atmosphere, and exacerbate the risks of global climate change. Therefore, establishing bioenergy plantations of site-specific species with potential of producing 10-15 Mg biomass/year is an option that needs to be considered. This option will require 40-60 million hectares of land in the US and about 250 million hectares worldwide to establish bioenergy plantations. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Source: Ochrona RoÅlin
- Volume: 50
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: The importance of cover crops for protection of soil from water and aerial erosion, as well as leaching of nutrients from soil is emphasized. Use of green manures as a mechanical barrier against weeds, and beneficial effects of exudates of green manures on control of weeds, pests and diseases of vegetables are discussed. Recommendations are included for autumn and spring sowing of cover crops (e.g. rye, wheat, oat, barley, sorghum, vetch, rape and mustard), which are cut or desiccated in the spring and are left in the field as mulch. Negative effects of mulching are considered, i.e. a decrease of soil temperature in the spring resulting in a slower growth rate and later ripening of tomato. It is also stated that yield of some vegetables, including tomato, can be lower in the no-tillage cultivation compared with traditional cultivation. However, the dry matter content is higher in tomato grown with no-tillage. Field trials were conducted in Lublin, Poland, to study the effect of cover crops, such as rye, white and red clover, and field pea on health of tomato. Data are tabulated on fungi isolated from soil under tomato grown with rye and field pea as mulch crops compared with the traditional cultivation system during 1998-2000. The results showed that use of cover crops resulted in a good control of plant pathogens, especially Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, and an increase in the number of antagonistic fungi, e.g. Trichoderma spp. It is concluded that use of cover crops allows decrease of the number of mechanical cultivations, as well as decrease of the use of fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides.
- Authors:
- Source: Iranian Journal of Weed Science
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Summary: An isolate of F. moniliforme [Gibberella moniliformis], a pathogen of winter wild oat (A. ludoviciana [A. sterilis var. ludoviciana]), was obtained from Tehran Province, Iran, in 1994. A host range test performed on wheat, barley, maize, rye, millet, crested wheatgrass, faba bean, red bean, green bean, sunflower, soyabean, oilseed rape, cotton, safflower, cucumber, water melon, berseem clover, and sainfoin, resulted in no symptom induction by the pathogen. However, winter wild oat, crested wheatgrass, johnsongrass and tomato showed susceptibility to the pathogen with 78, 24, 19 and 17% mortality, respectively. The results indicate that this pathogen could be considered as a potential biological agent for the control of winter wild oat.
- Authors:
- Kim,J. G.
- Chung,E. S.
- Seo,S.
- Kim,M. J.
- Chang,Y. S.
- Chung,B. C.
- Source: Han'gug coji hag'hoeji
- Volume: 25
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2005
- Summary: This study was conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilizer levels and mixture of small grains on the productivity and quality of spring forage rape (Brassica napus) in the south region of Korea (Mokpo). The experiment was arranged in a split plot design with three replications. The main plots consisted of three different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (100, 150 and 200 kg/ha). The sub-plots consisted of five kinds of mixed small grain species (rye (Secale cereale), oat (Avena sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), and rape (B. napus) monoculture). The results were summarized as follows: (1) dry matter (DM) content of rye+rape and barley+rape mixtures increased by 2-3% compared to rape monoculture. The high level of nitrogen application increased the fresh matter yield and yield of rye+rape monoculture were higher than that of others; (2) dry matter yield of rye+rape mixture and rape monoculture with 200 kg/ha of nitrogen application were higher by 9449 and 9227 kg/ha, respectively; (3) the crude protein (CP) content of rape was high as 18.6% while average CP content was 16%. (4) The average total digestible nutrient (TDN) content showed high as 70%. It is suggested that the rye+rape mixture or rape monoculture would recommended for spring use of rape in the southern region of Korea.
- Authors:
- Gyuricza, C.
- Bencsik, K.
- Ujj, A.
- Singh, M. K.
- Source: Cereal Research Communications
- Volume: 33
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2005
- Authors:
- McRae, F. J.
- Brooke, G.
- Francis, R. J.
- Dellow, J. J.
- Source: Weed control in winter crops 2005
- Year: 2005
- Summary: This publication provides a guide to chemical weed control during different growth stages of fallow, wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, rape, safflower, lentil, linseed, lupin, chickpea, faba bean and field pea in New South Wales, Australia. Recommended timing of herbicide application is given. Sensitivity of winter crop cultivars to herbicides is outlined. Information is also included on crop rotation, use of surfactants and oils, water quality for herbicide application, spray equipment clean-up, herbicide spray drift, compatibility of winter crop herbicides and insecticides, and common retail prices of chemicals used on winter crops.
- Authors:
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 68
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2004
- Summary: Deep-rooted cover crops may help alleviate effects of soil compaction, especially in no-till systems. We evaluated the compaction-alleviating ability of 4 cover crops (rape, oilseed radish, forage radish and cereal rye). The experiments were conducted at the University of Maryland Wye Research Station and Education Centre on a Mattapex silt loam (Aquic Hapludults) and at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Centre on an Elkton silt loam (Typic Endoaquults). Using a minirhizotron camera, we observed soyabean ( Glycine max) roots growing through compacted plough pan soil using channels made by decomposing cover crop roots. Soyabean yield response to the preceding cover crops was most pronounced at the site with most severe drought and soil compaction. At this location, with or without deep tillage, soyabean yields were significantly greater following a forage radish cv. Diachon+rye combination cover crop. Rye left a thick mulch, resulting in conservation of soil water early in the season. Root channels left by forage radish may have provided soyabean roots with low resistance paths to subsoil water. Due to lower than normal winter precipitation, this study was a conservative test of the cover crops' ability to alleviate the effects of soil compaction.
- Authors:
- Source: Greenbook 2004: Sustainable Energy from Agriculture
- Year: 2004