- Authors:
- Hons, F.
- Dou, F.
- Wright, A.
- Source: Soil Science
- Volume: 172
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Crop species and conservation tillage may enhance carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) sequestration potential in subsurface soils. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of crop species and tillage on soil organic C (SOC) and total N distribution in six soil depth intervals from 0 to 105 cm after 20 years of treatment imposition. Tillage had the most influence on soil C and N at 0 to 5 cm, and impacts extended to the 15- to 30-cm depth for wheat and sorghum. Overall, SOC and total N for wheat were 18 and 15% higher than sorghum and soybean. Dissolved organic C (DOC) depth distribution was similar to SOC and total N. The proportion of SOC as DOC ranged from 1.3 to 3.3% and increased with soil depth. The highest soil C and N levels occurred for wheat under no tillage. The depth of soil impacted by crop species was shallower for conventional tillage than no tillage, and the depth distribution exhibited a logarithmic pattern. Soil organic C, total N, and DOC decreased 404, 507, and 205%, respectively from 0-5 to 80-105 cm. The maximum depth interval below which no further decreases in SOC and total N occurred was 30 to 55 cm for soybean, 55 to 80 cm for wheat, and 80 to 105 cm for sorghum, demonstrating the importance of subsurface soils for C sequestration. Crop management impacts below the depth of tillage demonstrate the importance of crop rooting and belowground biomass, or translocation of dissolved organic matter, to subsoil C sequestration.
- Authors:
- Lares, M. T.
- Liebig, M. A.
- Tanaka, D. L.
- Merrill, S. D.
- Krupinsky, J. M.
- Hanson, J. D.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Field research was conducted to determine the influence of crop and crop sequencing on crop residue coverage of soil with 10 crops [buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), canola (Brassica napus L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), corn (Zea mays L.), dry pea (Pisum sativum L.), grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), oil seed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), and hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)]. Crop residue production was obtained. Crop residue coverage of the soil surface was measured with a transect technique at the time of seeding spring wheat. Crop residue coverage varied and was more clearly associated with the second-year crop than with the first-year crop of a 2-yr crop sequence. Crop sequences composed of spring wheat, proso millet, and grain sorghum had higher crop residue coverage compared with sequences composed of the other crops. When these three crops and three crops that provide lower crop residue coverage of soil the subsequent year (lentil, chickpea, and sunflower) were analyzed as a subset to compare various sequences of crops providing a range of residue coverage, for example, lower (first yr)/lower (second yr), the surface residue coverage ranged from 65% for the lower/lower combination to 93% for the higher/higher combination in 2004 and from 56 to 94% in 2005, respectively. A producer operating on more fragile soil and concerned about reducing soil erosion hazards would be advised to grow crops that provide higher residue coverage in the year before crops that provide lower residue coverage.
- Authors:
- Lares, M. T.
- Liebig, M. A.
- Merrill, S. D.
- Tanaka, D. L.
- Krupinsky, J. M.
- Hanson, J. D.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Crop sequence is an important management practice that may lower the risk for leaf spot diseases of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Field research was conducted near Mandan, ND, to determine the impact of crop sequences on leaf spot diseases of hard red spring wheat early in the growing season. Spring wheat was evaluated for disease severity following crop sequence combinations of 10 crops [buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)], canola ( Brassica napus L.), chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.), corn ( Zea mays L.), dry pea ( Pisum sativum L.), grain sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], lentil ( Lens culinaris Medik.), oil seed sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.), proso millet ( Panicum miliaceum L.), and hard red spring wheat. Spring wheat leaves with distinct lesions were collected for determination of lesion number and percentage necrosis data, which were used to estimate leaf spot disease severity. Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechs., the cause of tan spot, and Phaeosphaeria nodorum (E. Muller) Hedjaroude, the cause of Stagonospora nodorum blotch, were the major leaf spot diseases and consistently present throughout the growing season. The frequency of isolation following alternative crops was generally lower compared with spring wheat following wheat. Leaf spot diseases on spring wheat were impacted by crop sequencing. Spring wheat following crop sequences with alternative crops for 1 or 2 yr had lower levels of disease severity compared with a continuous spring wheat treatment early in the growing season. Disease severity was apparently not related to the percentage of crop residue coverage on the soil surface associated with various crop sequence combinations. New alternative crops preceding spring wheat reduce levels of leaf spot diseases.
- Authors:
- Ascough, J. C.,II
- McMaster, G. S.
- Andales, A. A.
- Hansen, N. C.
- Sherrod, L. A.
- Source: Transactions of the ASABE
- Volume: 50
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Alternative agricultural management systems in the semi-arid Great Plains are receiving increasing attention. GPFARM is a farm/ranch decision support system (DSS) designed to assist in strategic management planning for land units from the field to the whole-farm level. This study evaluated the regional applicability and efficacy of GPFARM based on simulation model performance for dry mass grain yield, total soil profile water content, crop residue, and total soil profile residual NO 3-N across a range of dryland no-till experimental sites in eastern Colorado, USA. Field data were collected from 1987 through 1999 from an on-going, long-term experiment at three locations in eastern Colorado along a gradient of low (Sterling), medium (Stratton), and high (Walsh) potential evapotranspiration. Simulated crop alternatives were winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum), maize ( Zea mays), sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor), proso millet ( Panicum miliaceum), and fallow. Relative error (RE) of simulated mean, root mean square error (RMSE), and index of agreement (d) model evaluation statistics were calculated to compare modelled results to measured data. A one-way, fixed-effect ANOVA was also performed to determine differences among experimental locations. GPFARM simulated versus observed REs ranged from -3 to 35% for crop yield, 6 to 8% for total soil profile water content, -4 to 32% for crop residue, and -7 to -25% for total soil profile residual NO 3-N. For trend analysis (magnitudes and location differences), GPFARM simulations generally agreed with observed trends and showed that the model was able to simulate location differences for the majority of model output responses. GPFARM appears to be adequate for use in strategic planning of alternative cropping systems across eastern Colorado dryland locations; however, further improvements in the crop growth and environmental components of the simulation model (including improved parameterization) would improve its applicability for short-term tactical planning scenarios.
- Authors:
- Okazaki, M.
- Toyota, K.
- Yanai, Y.
- Source: Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
- Volume: 53
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the effect of charcoal addition on N2O emissions resulting from rewetting of air-dried soil. Rewetting the soil at 73% and 83% of the water-filled pore space (WFPS) caused a N2O emission peak 6 h after the rewetting, and the cumulative N2O emissions throughout the 120-h incubation period were 11 ± 1 and 13 ± 1 mg N m-2 , respectively. However, rewetting at 64% WFPS did not cause detectable N2O emissions (-0.016 ± 0.082 mg N m-2 ), suggesting a severe sensitivity to soil moisture. When the soils were rewetted at 73% and 78% WFPS, the addition of charcoal to soil at 10 wt% supressed the N2O emissions by 89% . In contrast, the addition of the ash from the charcoal did not suppress the N2O emissions from soil rewetted at 73% WFPS. The addition of charcoal also significantly stimulated the N2O emissions from soil rewetted at 83% WFPS compared with the soil without charcoal addition (P < 0.01). Moreover, the addition of KCl and K2SO4 did not show a clear difference in the N2O emission pattern, although Cl- and SO42-, which were the major anions in the charcoal, had different effects on N2O-reducing activity. These results indicate that the suppression of N2O emissions by the addition of charcoal may not result in stimulation of the N2O-reducing activity in the soil because of changes in soil chemical properties.
- Authors:
- Bandyopadhyay, K. K.
- Wanjari, R. H.
- Manna, M. C.
- Misra, A. K.
- Mohanty, M.
- Rao, A. S.
- Ghosh, P. K.
- Source: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
- Volume: 30
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: This article deals with the beneficial effect of important legumes on increasing productivity and nutrient use efficiency in various systems. Sorghum, pearl millet, maize, and castor are mainstay in dry lands and marginal and sub-marginal lands. Sorghum yield increased when sown after cowpea, green gram, and groundnut. Grain legumes like groundnut or cowpea provide an equivalent to 60 kg N ha on the subsequent crop of pearl millet. Various studies have shown that among legume/cereal intercropping system, the combination of maize/pigeon pea is considered to be highly suitable with a minimum competition for nutrients, while legume/legume intercropping system, pigeon pea/groundnut system is the most efficient one in terms of resource use-efficiency. In alley cropping system, Leucaena leucocephala (Subabul) prunings provide N to the extent of 75 kg, which benefits the intercrop castor and sorghum. Nitrogen economy through intercropped legume is still a researchable issue because the key point for leguminous crop grown in intercropping system is the problem of nodulation. Incorporation of whole plant of summer green gram/black gram into soil (after picking pods) before transplanting rice resulted in the economizing (40-60 kg N ha -1, 30 kg P 2O 5, and 15 kg K 2O per ha) of rice in rice-wheat system. Similarly, 6-8 weeks old green manure crop of sunhemp or dhaincha accumulates approximately 3-4 t ha -1 dry matter and 100-120 kg N ha -1 which, when incorporated in situ, supplements up to 50% of the total N requirement of rice. Legumes with indeterminate growth are more efficient in N 2 fixation than determinate types. Fodder legumes in general are more potent in increasing the productivity of succeeding cereals. The carryover of N for succeeding crops may be 60-120 kg in berseem, 75 kg in Indian clover, 75 kg in cluster bean, 35-60 kg in fodder cowpea, 68 kg in chickpea, 55 kg in black gram, 54-58 kg in groundnut, 50-51 kg in soyabean, 50 kg in Lathyrus, and 36-42 kg per ha in pigeon pea. Direct and residual effect of partially acidulated material and mixture of rock phosphate + single superphosphate were observed to be better when these were applied to green gram in winter season than to rice in rainy season simply because of legume effect.
- Authors:
- Paustian, K.
- Williams, S.
- Easter, M.
- Breidt, F. J.
- Ogle, S. M.
- Source: Ecological Modelling
- Volume: 205
- Issue: 3-4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Simulation modelling is used to estimate C sequestration associated with agricultural management for purposes of greenhouse gas mitigation. Models are not completely accurate or precise estimators of C pools, however, due to insufficient knowledge and imperfect conceptualizations about ecosystem processes, leading to uncertainty in the results. It can be difficult to quantify the uncertainty using traditional error propagation techniques, such as Monte Carlo Analyses, because of the structural complexity of simulation models. Empirically based methods provide an alternative to the error propagation techniques, and our objective was to apply this alternative approach. Specifically, we developed a linear mixed-effect model to quantify both bias and variance in modeled soil C stocks that were estimated using the Century ecosystem simulation model. The statistical analysis was based on measurements from 47 agricultural experiments. A significant relationship was found between model results and measurements although there were biases and imprecision in the modeled estimates. Century under-estimated soil C stocks for several management practices, including organic amendments, no-till adoption, and inclusion of hay or pasture in rotation with annual crops. Century also over-estimated the impact of N fertilization on soil C stocks. For lands set-aside from agricultural production, Century under-estimated soil C stocks on low carbon soils and over-estimated the stocks on high carbon soils. Using an empirically based approach allows for simulation model results to be adjusted for biases as well as quantify the variance associated with modeled estimates, according to the measured "reality" of management impacts from a network of experimental sites.
- Authors:
- Source: Environmental Research Letters
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Changes in the global production of major crops are important drivers of food prices, food security and land use decisions. Average global yields for these commodities are determined by the performance of crops in millions of fields distributed across a range of management, soil and climate regimes. Despite the complexity of global food supply, here we show that simple measures of growing season temperatures and precipitation - spatial averages based on the locations of each crop - explain similar to 30% or more of year-to-year variations in global average yields for the world's six most widely grown crops. For wheat, maize and barley, there is a clearly negative response of global yields to increased temperatures. Based on these sensitivities and observed climate trends, we estimate that warming since 1981 has resulted in annual combined losses of these three crops representing roughly 40 Mt or $5 billion per year, as of 2002. While these impacts are small relative to the technological yield gains over the same period, the results demonstrate already occurring negative impacts of climate trends on crop yields at the global scale.
- Authors:
- Essah, S. Y. C.
- Sparks, R. T.
- Dillon, M. A.
- Delgado, J. A.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 62
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2007
- Summary: This literature review examines a decade of advances in cover crops including how cover crops with limited irrigation can increase yields, crop quality, and nutrient and water use efficiencies while protecting the environment.
- Authors:
- Myers, L.
- Sherwood, J.
- Edelson, J.
- Damicone, J.
- Motes, J.
- Source: Plant Disease
- Volume: 91
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2007
- Summary: In five field trials over 3 years, control of aphid-transmitted, nonpersistent virus diseases on pumpkin, caused mostly by the potyviruses Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Papaya ringspot virus type-W (PRSV-W), was achieved by intercropping with grain sorghum, as opposed to clean tillage. Reductions in disease incidence ranged from 43 to 96% ( P≤0.05). Surrounding pumpkin plots with borders of peanut, soybean, or corn was not effective. Borders of grain sorghum were effective, but disease control was generally less than for the intercrop treatment. Intercropping soybean and peanut with pumpkin reduced disease incidence by 27 to 60% ( P≤0.05), but disease control generally was less than for grain sorghum. Peak periods of alate aphid immigration generally preceded virus disease outbreaks by 7 to 14 days. However, alate landing rates, as measured in green tile traps, did not differ among treatments. Marketable yield was not increased by the intercrop treatments, and yield was reduced by up to 50% for the intercrop treatment with grain sorghum in two trials. The use of grass-selective herbicide applied along pumpkin rows, reduced seeding rates of the intercrops, or mowing did not alleviate the adverse effects of competition between pumpkin and the grain sorghum intercrop on yield.