- Authors:
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Management practice and soil texture are known to affect soil C. Relatively little information exists, however, on interactions between textural and management effects. The objective of this study was to evaluate management effects on soil total C along a textural gradient in well-drained Typic Hapludalfs in southwest Michigan. Three management practices considered in this study were conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT) both with conventional chemical inputs, and conventional tillage with leguminous cover crops and no chemical inputs (CT-cover). Four replicate plots were sampled for each practice, with approximately 100 soil samples taken at the 0- to 5-cm depth in each plot. In all management practices, the relationships of total C and N with clay + silt varied depending on the range of clay + silt values, with regression slopes at clay + silt 570 g kg-1. Total C in the CT-cover and NT treatments was higher than that in the CT treatment across the whole range of studied textures; however, a greater difference in total C between NT and CT occurred at greater clay + silt contents. Total C in the CT-cover and NT treatments were not different when clay + silt was 600 g kg-1. The results indicate that the potential for C accumulation in surface soils via NT treatment depends on soil texture.
- Authors:
- Wright, J.
- Herrick, J.
- Fredrickson, E.
- Bestelmeyer, B.
- Brown, J.
- Skaggs, R.
- Peters, D. P. C.
- Havstad, K. M.
- Source: Ecological Economics
- Volume: 64
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: The over 300 million ha of public and private rangelands in the United States are characterized by low and variable precipitation, nutrient-poor soils, and high spatial and temporal variability in plant production. This land type has provided a variety of goods and services, with the provisioning of food and fiber dominating through much of the 20th century. More recently, food production from a rangeland-based livestock industry is often pressured for a variety of reasons, including poor economic returns, increased regulations, an aging rural population, and increasingly diverse interests of land owners. A shift to other provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services is occurring with important implications for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and conservation incentives. There are numerous goods and services possible from rangelands that can supply societal demands such as clean water and a safe food supply. The use of ecologically-based principles of land management remains at the core of the ability of private land owners and public land managers to provide these existing and emerging services. We suggest that expectations need to be based on a thorough understanding of the diverse potentials of these lands and their inherent limits. A critical provisioning service to rangelands will be management practices that either maintain ecological functions or that restore functions to systems that have been substantially degraded over past decades. With proper incentives and economic benefits, rangelands, in the U.S. or globally, can be expected to provide these historical and more unique goods and services in a sustainable fashion, albeit in different proportions than in the past.
- Authors:
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is the world's first and North America's only active voluntary, legally binding integrated trading system to reduce emissions of all six greenhouse gases (GHGs), with Offset Projects worldwide. CCX employs independent verification and has been trading GHG emission reductions since 2003. CCX Members that cannot reduce their own emissions can purchase credits from those who make extra emission cuts or from verified Offset Projects. CCX issues tradable Carbon Financial Instrument (CFI) contracts to owners or aggregators of eligible projects on the basis of sequestration, destruction or displacement of GHG emissions. Eligible projects include: agricultural methane, landfill methane, coal mine methane, agricultural and rangeland soil carbon, forestry and renewable energy.
- Authors:
- Dobermann, A.
- Walters, D. T.
- Binder, D. L.
- Haddix, M. L.
- Adviento-Borbe, M. A. A.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 9
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Crop intensification is often thought to increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but studies in which crop management is optimized to exploit crop yield potential are rare. We conducted a field study in eastern Nebraska, USA to quantify GHG emissions, changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and the net global warming potential (GWP) in four irrigated systems: continuous maize with recommended best management practices (CC-rec) or intensive management (CC-int) and maize-soybean rotation with recommended (CS-rec) or intensive management (CS-int). Grain yields of maize and soybean were generally within 80-100% of the estimated site yield potential. Large soil surface carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes were mostly associated with rapid crop growth, high temperature and high soil water content. Within each crop rotation, soil CO2 efflux under intensive management was not consistently higher than with recommended management. Owing to differences in residue inputs, SOC increased in the two continuous maize systems, but decreased in CS-rec or remained unchanged in CS-int. N2O emission peaks were mainly associated with high temperature and high soil water content resulting from rainfall or irrigation events, but less clearly related to soil NO3-N levels. N2O fluxes in intensively managed systems were only occasionally greater than those measured in the CC-rec and CS-rec systems. Fertilizer-induced N2O emissions ranged from 1.9% to 3.5% in 2003, from 0.8% to 1.5% in 2004 and from 0.4% to 0.5% in 2005, with no consistent differences among the four systems. All four cropping systems where net sources of GHG. However, due to increased soil C sequestration continuous maize systems had lower GWP than maize-soybean systems and intensive management did not cause a significant increase in GWP. Converting maize grain to ethanol in the two continuous maize systems resulted in a net reduction in life cycle GHG emissions of maize ethanol relative to petrol-based gasoline by 33-38%. Our study provided evidence that net GHG emissions from agricultural systems can be kept low when management is optimized toward better exploitation of the yield potential. Major components for this included (i) choosing the right combination of adopted varieties, planting date and plant population to maximize crop biomass productivity, (ii) tactical water and nitrogen (N) management decisions that contributed to high N use efficiency and avoided extreme N2O emissions, and (iii) a deep tillage and residue management approach that favored the build-up of soil organic matter from large amounts of crop residues returned.
- Authors:
- Source: Integrated Crop Management
- Volume: IC-498
- Issue: 7
- Year: 2007
- Authors:
- Ali, M. K.
- Paustian, K.
- Capalbo, S. M.
- Antle, J. M.
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 80
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: The purpose of this paper is to develop and apply a new method to assess economic potential for agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation. This method uses secondary economic data and conventional econometric production models, combined with estimates of soil carbon stocks derived from biophysical simulation models such as Century, to construct economic simulation models that estimate economic potential for carbon sequestration. Using this method, simulations for the central United States show that reduction in fallow and conservation tillage adoption in the wheat-pasture system could generate up to about 1.7 million MgC/yr, whereas increased adoption of conservation tillage in the corn-soy-feed system could generate up to about 6.2 million MgC/yr at a price of $200/MgC. About half of this potential could be achieved at relatively low carbon prices (in the range of $50 per ton). The model used in this analysis produced estimates of economic potential for soil carbon sequestration potential similar to results produced by much more data-intensive, field-scale models, suggesting that this simpler, aggregate modeling approach can produce credible estimates of soil carbon sequestration potential. Carbon rates were found to vary substantially over the region. Using average carbon rates for the region, the model produced carbon sequestration estimates within about 10% of those based on county-specific carbon rates, suggesting that effects of spatial heterogeneity in carbon rates may average out over a large region such as the central United States. However, the average carbon rates produced large prediction errors for individual counties, showing that estimates of carbon rates do need to be matched to the spatial scale of analysis. Transaction costs were found to have a potentially important impact on soil carbon supply at low carbon prices, particularly when carbon rates are low, but this effect diminishes as carbon prices increase.
- Authors:
- Drijber, R.
- Mamo, M.
- Wortmann, C.
- Garcia, J.
- Tarkalson, D.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Stratification of nutrient availability, especially of P, that develops with continuous no-till (NT) can affect runoff nutrient concentration and possibly nutrient uptake. The effects of composted manure application and one-time tillage of NT on the distribution of soil chemical properties, root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), and plant P uptake were determined. Research was conducted on Typic Argiudoll and Mollic Hapludalf soils under rainfed corn ( Zea mays L.) or sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.] rotated with soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in eastern Nebraska. Tillage treatments included NT, disk, chisel, moldboard plow (MP), and mini-moldboard plow (MMP). Subplots had either 0 or 87.4 kg P ha -1 applied in compost before tillage. Bray-P1 was five to 21 times as high for the 0- to 5-cm as compared with the 10- to 20-cm soil depth. Greater redistribution of nutrients and incorporation of compost P resulted from MP tillage than from other tillage treatments. One-time chisel or disk tillage did not effectively redistribute nutrients while MMP tillage had an intermediate effect. Compost application reduced AM colonization of roots at R6 for all crops. Tillage reduced AM colonization with reductions at R6 due to MP tillage of 58 to 87%. The tillage effect on colonization persisted through the second year with no indication of AM recovery. Root P concentration was increased by MP and was negatively correlated to colonization. Decreased colonization did not result in decreased plant P uptake. Infrequent MP tillage can reduce surface soil P and the potential for P loss in runoff, but may reduce AM colonization of the roots, possibly reducing P uptake with some low P soils. The results do not indicate any advantage to one-time tillage of NT if runoff P loss is not a concern.
- Authors:
- Lamond, R.
- Mengel, D.
- Pierzynski, G.
- Godsey, C.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 71
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Recent attention has focused on management of soil acidity in no-till (NT) soils due to the limited movement of surface-applied lime in these systems. Interactions of exchangeable Al and organic matter have been recognized for many years, but limited data exist investigating how these interactions should affect management decisions for NT soils. This study was conducted to identify effects of rotation and tillage on soil pH and soil organic carbon (OC) content and to determine the influence of soil pH and OC on KCl and CuCl 2 extractable-Al (Al KCl and Al CuCl2, respectively). Soil samples were collected to a depth of 15 cm, in 2.5-cm increments, from a long-term rotation and tillage study near Manhattan, KS. Soil pH and OC concentrations were influenced by rotation and tillage, especially in the surface 2.5 cm. Organic C concentrations were on average 2.3 g kg -1 greater with NT than with conventional tillage in the surface 15 cm of soil. Aluminum extracted with KCl and Al CuCl2 increased exponentially with decreasing soil pH. Copper chloride extractable-Al values were on average 8% greater than Al KCl values. When using a regression model to predict the difference between Al CuCl2 and Al KCl, inclusion of OC explained only 4% more variability compared with inclusion of only soil pH in the model. A change in OC concentrations of 2.3 g kg -1, as observed in this study, after reducing tillage would likely not alleviate Al toxicity if pH became very acidic (pH
- Authors:
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Because of improved equipment technology, many producers in the eastern Great Plains are planting winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) no-till (NT) into previous crop residues, but management of fertilizer N and P remains critical. This field study was conducted from 1998 through 2003 in southeastern Kansas on a Parsons silt loam soil (fine, mixed, thermic, Mollic Albaqualf). The objectives were to determine effects and interactions of previous crop [corn, Zea mays L.; grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.); and soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.], preplant placement method of liquid N-P fertilizer [subsurface-knife (KN), surface-band (SB), and surface-broadcast (BC)], and fertilizer N rate (22, 45, 90, and 134 kg N ha -1) on NT winter wheat yield, yield components, and nutrient uptake in a 2-yr cropping rotation. Wheat yields averaged 3.73, 3.56, and 2.97 Mg ha -1 following soybean, corn, and grain sorghum, respectively. However, as fertilizer N rate increased, yield differences between previous crops decreased. Grain yields also were influenced by placement of N-P fertilizer, averaging 3.68 Mg ha -1 for KN, 3.40 Mg ha -1 for SB, and 3.19 Mg ha -1 for BC. Plant and grain N responses indicated that grain yield differences were primarily related to greater immobilization of both fertilizer and soil N following grain sorghum, compared with soybean and corn, and to better utilization of KN N-P than surface-applied. Fertilizing with greater N rates applied as a subsurface band, especially if following grain sorghum, may be necessary to maximize NT wheat yield potential in the eastern Great Plains.
- Authors:
- Franti, T.
- Mamo, M.
- Wortmann, C.
- Quincke, J.
- Drijber, R.
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation occurs mostly in the top 5 cm of soil with continuous no-till (NT) while SOC losses often occur at deeper depths. We hypothesize that one-time tillage conducted once in >10 yr to mix the high SOC surface layer with deeper soil will not result in large SOC losses following tillage with a net positive gain in SOC eventually. Two experiments in long-term NT fields were installed under rainfed corn ( Zea mays L.) or sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.] rotated with soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in eastern Nebraska. Tillage treatments were applied in the spring or fall and included: NT, disk, chisel with 10-cm wide twisted shanks, moldboard plow (MP), and mini-moldboard plow (miniMP). A portable infrared gas analyzer was used to monitor CO 2 flux immediately following tillage. Effect of tillage on profile distribution of total and labile (particulate and oxidizable) SOC was determined. At 24 to 32 mo following tillage, SOC mass was determined for depths of 0 to 5, 5 to 20, and 20 to 30 cm. Some tillage operations effectively redistributed total and labile SOC with little increase in CO 2 flux compared with NT. Total and labile SOC concentrations were reduced by 24 to 88% in the 0- to 2.5-cm depth and increased by 13 to 381% for the 5- to 10-cm depth for the various tillage operations. Moldboard plowing caused the greatest redistribution of SOC. On an equivalent soil mass basis, tillage did not cause significant losses of total or labile SOC between tillage and planting of the next crop or by 24 to 32 mo after tillage. Stratification of SOC in long-term NT soil could be reduced most effectively by means of one-time MP tillage without increased loss of labile SOC.