- Authors:
- Chapman, D. F.
- White, R. E.
- Chen, D.
- Eckard, R. J.
- Source: Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
- Volume: 54
- Year: 2003
- Authors:
- Hutchinson, R. L.
- Boquet, D. J.
- Paxton, K. W.
- Source: Louisiana Agriculture
- Volume: 46
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Studies were conducted in Louisiana, USA, between 1987 and 2002 to determine the effects of tillage practices (no-till and surface till), cover crops (winter wheat, winter hairy vetch and volunteer winter native (fallow) vegetation) and nitrogen rates (0, 35, 70, 105 and 140 pounds per acre) under rainfed or irrigated conditions on cotton growth and yield. Following a cotton crop and without additional fertilizer, the native, vetch and wheat cover crops produced an average 1054, 2054 and 4045 pounds above-ground biomass per acre, respectively. Nitrogen concentration of the cover crop vegetation averaged 2.0, 4.0 and 1.5% in native, vetch and wheat, respectively. The total nitrogen in the cover crop biomass averaged across year, tillage regime and nitrogen rate was 27, 90 and 38 pounds per acre in native, vetch and wheat, respectively. Initially, lint yields in surface-till and no-till were similar but, after five years, no-till yields were higher. No cover crop + tillage treatment recorded the lowest yield. Savings in equipment and labour costs increased the returns for cotton grown with no-till practices. Cotton following vetch needed no nitrogen fertilizer. Cotton following wheat required high nitrogen rates for optimum yield. At the optimum nitrogen rate, all tillage cover crop regimes produced similar yields. Lint yields were lower in rainfed than irrigated conditions. Wheat cover crop was more beneficial to yield in rainfed than irrigated cotton. No-till + wheat cover crop recorded the highest yields and returns from rainfed cotton. No-till cotton produced yields similar to or higher than cotton planted in surface-till treatments.
- Authors:
- Harrington, L.
- Jain, M. C.
- Robertson, G. P.
- Grace, P. R.
- Source: Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Systems: Issues and Impacts
- Volume: ASA Special Publ
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Arable lands in the Indo-Gangetic Plains are already intensively cropped with little scope for expansion because of the competing end uses of land for urbanization and industry. Evidence from long-term experiments in the region indicates that cereal yields are declining, which is in stark contrast to the needed increases in production to meet population demands in the future. The intensification of rice-wheat rotations has resulted in a heavy reliance on irrigation, increased fertilizer usage, and crop residue burning, which all have a direct effect on the variable that most affects global climate change - emissions of greenhouse gases. We estimate that the CO 2 equivalent emissions from a high-input conventionally tilled cropping system with residue burning and organic amendments would equal 8 mg C or 29 mg CO 2 per year if applied to 1 million hectares of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. In a no-till, residue-retained system, with 50% of the recommended NPK application, the total emissions would equal 3.7 mg C or 14 mg CO 2 per year, an effective halving of emissions as we move from a high- to low-input system with improved nutrient use and environmental efficiency. The transition to intensified no-tillage systems, with recommended fertilizer levels, can be both productive and environmentally sound in a world that is rapidly becoming aware of the significant effects of global climate change in both the short and long term.
- Authors:
- Paustian, K.
- Eve, M.
- Sperow, M.
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 57
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Soil carbon sequestration has been suggested as a means to help mitigate atmospheric CO2 increases, however there is limited knowledge aboutthe magnitude of the mitigation potential. Field studies across the U.S. provide information on soil C stock changes that result from changes in agricultural management. However, data from such studies are not readily extrapolated to changes at a national scale because soils, climate, and management regimes vary locally and regionally. We used a modified version of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) soil organic C inventory method, together with the National Resources Inventory (NRI) and other data, to estimate agricultural soil C sequestration potential in the conterminous U.S. The IPCC method estimates soil C stock changes associated with changes in land use and/or land management practices. In the U.S., the NRI provides a detailed record of land use and management activities on agricultural land that can be used to implement the IPCC method. We analyzed potential soil C storage from increased adoption of no-till, decreased fallow operations, conversion of highly erodible land to grassland, and increased use of cover crops in annual cropping systems. The results represent potentials that do not explicitly consider the economic feasibility of proposed agricultural production changes, but provide an indication of the biophysical potential of soil C sequestration as a guide to policy makers. Our analysis suggests that U.S. cropland soils have the potential to increase sequestered soil C by an additional 60–70 Tg (1012g) C yr-1, over present rates of 17 Tg C yr-1 (estimated using the IPCC method), with widespread adoption of soil C sequestering management practices. Adoption of no-till on all currently annually cropped area (129 Mha) would increase soil C sequestration by 47 Tg C yr-1. Alternatively, use of no-till on 50% of annual cropland, with reduced tillage practices on the other 50%, would sequester less – about 37 Tg C yr-1. Elimination of summer fallow practices and conversion of highly erodible cropland to perennial grass cover could sequester around 20 and 28 Tg C yr-1, respectively. The soil C sequestration potential from including a winter cover crop on annual cropping systems was estimated at 40 Tg C yr-1. All rates were estimated for a fifteen-year projection period, and annual rates of soil C accumulations would be expected to decrease substantially over longer time periods. The total sequestration potential we have estimated for the projection period (83 Tg C yr-1) represents about 5% of 1999 total U.S. CO2 emissions or nearly double estimated CO2 emissions from agricultural production (43 Tg C yr-1). For purposes of stabilizing or reducing CO2 emissions, e.g., by 7% of 1990 levels asoriginally called for in the Kyoto Protocol, total potential soil C sequestration would represent 15% of that reduction level from projected 2008 emissions (2008 total greenhouse gas emissions less 93% of 1990 greenhouse gasemissions). Thus, our analysis suggests that agricultural soil C sequestration could play a meaningful, but not predominant, role in helping mitigate greenhouse gas increases.
- Authors:
- Portelli, M.
- Rab, A.
- Mock ,I.
- Knight, A.
- Blott, K.
- Unkovich, M.
- Source: Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
- Volume: 54
- Issue: 8
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Annual crops were grown in alleys between belts of perennial shrubs or trees over 3-4 years at 3 sites across low rainfall (<450 mm) south-eastern Australia. At the two lower rainfall sites (Pallamana and Walpeup), crop grain yields within 2-5 m of shrub belts declined significantly with time, with a reduction equivalent to 45% over 9 m in the final year of cropping. At the third, wetter site (Bridgewater), the reduction in crop grain yields adjacent to tree belts was not significant until the final year of the study (12% over 11 m) when the tree growth rates had increased. The reductions in crop yield were associated with increased competition for water between the shrub or tree belts and the crops once the soil profile immediately below the perennials had dried. At all 3 sites during the establishment year, estimates of water use under the woody perennials were less than under annual crops, but after this, trends in estimates of water use of alley farming systems varied between sites. At Pallamana the perennial shrubs used a large amount of stored soil water in the second summer after establishment, and subsequently were predominantly dependent on rainfall plus what they could scavenge from beneath the adjacent crop. After the establishment year at the Walpeup site, water use under the perennial shrubs was initially 67 mm greater than under the annual crop, declining to be only 24 mm greater in the final year. Under the trees at Bridgewater, water use consistently increased to be 243 mm greater than under the adjacent annual crop by the final year. Although the shrub belts used more water than adjacent crop systems at Walpeup and Pallamana, this was mostly due to the use of stored soil water, and since the belts occupied only 7-18% of the land area, increases in total water use of these alley farming systems compared with conventional crop monocultures were quite small, and in terms of the extent of recharge control this was less than the area of crop yield loss. At the wetter, Bridgewater site, alley farming appeared to be using an increasing amount of water compared with conventional annual cropping systems. Overall, the data support previous work that indicates that in lower rainfall environments (<350 mm), alley farming is likely to be dogged by competition for water between crops and perennials.
- Authors:
- Cotrufo, M. F.
- Peressotti, A.
- Six, J.
- Del Galdo, I.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 8
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol, the potential mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by terrestrial ecosystems has placed focus on carbon sequestration following afforestation of former arable land. Central to this soil C sequestration are the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM). In North Eastern Italy, a mixed deciduous forest was planted on continuous maize field soil with a strong C-4 isotopic C signature 20 years ago. In addition, a continuous maize field and a relic of the original permanent grassland were maintained at the site, thus offering the opportunity to compare the impacts on soil C dynamics by conventional agriculture, afforestation and permanent grassland. Soil samples from the afforested, grassland and agricultured systems were separated in three aggregate size classes, and inter- vs. intra-aggregate particulate organic matter was isolated. All fractions were analyzed for their C content and isotopic signature. The distinct (13) C signature of the C derived from maize vegetation allowed the calculation of proportions of old vs. forest-derived C of the physically defined fractions of the afforested soil. Long-term agricultural use significantly decreased soil C content (-48%), in the top 10 cm, but not SOM aggregation, as compared to permanent grassland. After 20 years, afforestation increased the total amount of soil C by 23% and 6% in the 0-10 and in the 10-30 cm depth layer, respectively. Forest-derived carbon contributed 43% and 31% to the total soil C storage in the afforested systems in the 0-10 and 10-30 cm depths, respectively. Furthermore, afforestation resulted in significant sequestration of new C and stabilization of old C in physically protected SOM fractions, associated with microaggregates (53-250 mum) and siltclay (<53 mum).
- Authors:
- Yang, H.
- Walters, D. T.
- Dobermann, A.
- Cassman, K. G.
- Source: Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Volume: 28
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Agriculture is a resource-intensive enterprise. The manner in which food production systems utilize resources has a large influence on environmental quality. To evaluate prospects for conserving natural resources while meeting increased demand for cereals, we interpret recent trends and future trajectories in crop yields, land and nitrogen fertilizer use, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emissions to identify key issues and challenges. Based on this assessment, we conclude that avoiding expansion of cultivation into natural ecosystems, increased nitrogen use efficiency, and improved soil quality are pivotal components of a sustainable agriculture that meets human needs and protects natural resources. To achieve this outcome will depend on raising the yield potential and closing existing yield gaps of the major cereal crops to avoid yield stagnation in some of the world's most productive systems. Recent trends suggest, however, that increasing crop yield potential is a formidable scientific challenge that has proven to be an elusive goal.
- Authors:
- Paustian, K.
- Six, J.
- Conant, R. T.
- Source: Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Volume: 38
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Changes in grassland management intended to increase productivity can lead to sequestration of substantial amounts of atmospheric C in soils. Management-intensive grazing (MiG) can increase forage production in mesic pastures, but potential impacts on soil C have not been evaluated. We sampled four pastures (to 50 cm depth) in Virginia, USA, under MiG and neighboring pastures that were extensively grazed or hayed to evaluate impacts of grazing management on total soil organic C and N pools, and soil C fractions. Total organic soil C averaged 8.4 Mg C ha -1 (22%) greater under MiG; differences were significant at three of the four sites examined while total soil N was greater for two sites. Surface (0-10 cm) particulate organic matter (POM) C increased at two sites; POM C for the entire depth increment (0-50 cm) did not differ significantly between grazing treatments at any of the sites. Mineral-associated C was related to silt plus clay content and tended to be greater under MiG. Neither soil C:N ratios, POM C, or POM C:total C ratios were accurate indicators of differences in total soil C between grazing treatments, though differences in total soil C between treatments attributable to changes in POM C (43%) were larger than expected based on POM C as a percentage of total C (24.5%). Soil C sequestration rates, estimated by calculating total organic soil C differences between treatments (assuming they arose from changing grazing management and can be achieved elsewhere) and dividing by duration of treatment, averaged 0.41 Mg C ha -1 year -1 across the four sites.
- Authors:
- Paustian, K.
- Smith, G. R.
- Conant, R. T.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 32
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2003
- Summary: The potential to sequester atmospheric carbon in agricultural and forest soils to offset greenhouse gas emissions has generated interest in measuring changes in soil carbon resulting from changes in land management. However, inherent spatial variability of soil carbon limits the precision of measurement of changes in soil carbon and hence, the ability to detect changes. We analyzed variability of soil carbon by intensively sampling sites under different land management as a step toward developing efficient soil sampling designs. Sites were tilled crop-land and a mixed deciduous forest in Tennessee, and old-growth and second-growth coniferous forest in western Washington, USA. Six soil cores within each of three microplots were taken as an initial sample and an additional six cores were taken to simulate resampling. Soil C variability was greater in Washington than in Tennessee, and greater in less disturbed than in more disturbed sites. Using this protocol, our data suggest that differences on the order of 2.0 Mg C ha(-1) could be detected by collection and analysis of cores from at least five (tilled) or two (forest) microplots in Tennessee. More spatial variability in the forested sites in Washington increased the minimum detectable difference, but these systems, consisting of low C content sandy soil with irregularly distributed pockets of organic C in buried logs, are likely to rank among the most spatially heterogeneous of systems. Our results clearly indicate that consistent intramicroplot differences at all sites will enable detection of much more modest changes if the same microplots are resampled.
- Authors:
- Thornton, P. K.
- Jones, P. G.
- Source: Conservation Ecology
- Volume: 5
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2003
- Summary: Making decisions in natural resource management involves an understanding of the risk and uncertainty of the outcomes, such as crop failure or cattle starvation, and of the normal spread of the expected production. Hedging against poor outcomes often means lack of investment and slow adoption of new methods. At the household level, production instability can have serious effects on income and food security. At the national level, it can have social and economic impacts that may affect all sectors of society. Crop models such as CERES-Maize are excellent tools for assessing weather-related production variability. WATBAL is a water balance model that can provide robust estimates of the potential growing days for a pasture. These models require large quantities of daily weather data that are rarely available. MarkSim is an application for generating synthetic daily weather files by estimating the third-order Markov model parameters from interpolated climate surfaces. The models can then be run for each distinct point on the map. This paper examines the growth of maize and pasture in dryland agriculture in southern Africa (includes the southern part of Tanzania, Malawi, much of Mozambique, and all of Zimbabwe, and extends west from the Indian Ocean to include Zambia, the southeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and small portions of Angola). Weather simulators produce independent estimates for each point on the map; however, we know that a spatial coherence of weather exists. We investigated a method of incorporating spatial coherence into MarkSim and show that it increases the variance of production. This means that all of the farmers in a coherent area share poor yields, with important consequences for food security, markets, transport, and shared grazing lands. The long-term aspects of risk are associated with global climate change. We used the results of a global circulation model to extrapolate to the year 2055. We found that low maize yields would become more likely in the marginal areas, whereas they may actually increase in some areas. The same trend was found with pasture growth. We outline areas where further work is required before these tools and methods can address natural resource management problems in a comprehensive manner at local community and policy levels.