- Authors:
- Wall, D. H.
- Pockman, W. T.
- Jobbagy, E. G.
- Banner, J. L.
- Jackson, R. B.
- Source: Nature
- Volume: 418
- Issue: 6898
- Year: 2002
- Authors:
- Kimble, J.
- Follett, R. F.
- Reeves, V. B.
- Reeves, J. B.
- McCarty, G. W.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 66
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2002
- Summary: The ability to inventory soil C on landscapes is limited by the ability to rapidly measure soil C. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopic analysis in the near-infrared (NIR, 400-2500 nm) and mid-infrared (MIR, 2500-25 000 nm) regions provides means for measurement of soil C. To assess the utility of spectroscopy for soil C analysis, we compared the ability to obtain information from these spectral regions to quantify total, organic, and inorganic C in samples representing 14 soil series collected over a large region in the west central United States. The soils temperature regimes ranged from thermic to frigid and the soil moisture regimes from udic to aridic. The soils ranged considerably in organic (0.23-98 g C kg-1) and inorganic C content (0.0-65.4 g CO3-C kg-1). These soil samples were analyzed with and without an acid treatment for removal of CO3. Both spectral regions contained substantial information on organic and inorganic C in soils studied and MIR analysis substantially outperformed NIR. The superior performance of the MIR region likely reflects higher quality of information for soil C in this region. The spectral signature of inorganic C was very strong relative to soil organic C. The presence of CO3- reduced ability to quantify organic C using MIR as indicated by improved ability to measure organic C in acidified soil samples. The ability of MIR spectroscopy to quantify C in diverse soils collected over a large geographic region indicated that regional calibrations are feasible.
- Authors:
- Follett, R. F.
- Paustian, K.
- Sperow, M.
- Eve, M. D.
- Source: Environmental Pollution
- Volume: 116
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2002
- Summary: Average annual net change in soil carbon stocks under past and current management is needed as part of national reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and to evaluate the potential for soils as sinks to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2. We estimated net soil C stock changes for US agricultural soils during the period from 1982 to 1997 using the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) method for greenhouse gas inventories. Land use data from the NRI (National Resources Inventory; USDA-NRCS) were used as input along with ancillary data sets on climate, soils, and agricultural management. Our results show that, overall, changes in land use and agricultural management have resulted in a net gain of 21.2 MMT C year-1 in US agricultural soils during this period. Cropped lands account for 15.1 MMT C year-1, while grazing land soil C increased 6.1 MMT C year-1. The land use and management changes that have contributed the most to increasing soil C during this period are (1) adoption of conservation tillage practices on cropland, (2) enrollment of cropland in the Conservation Reserve Program, and (3) cropping intensification that has resulted in reduced use of bare fallow.
- Authors:
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 66
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2002
- Summary: Soil quality is a concept based on the premise that management can deteriorate, stabilize, or improve soil ecosystem functions. It is hypothesized that the degree of stratification of soil organic C and N pools with soil depth, expressed as a ratio, could indicate soil quality or soil ecosystem functioning, because surface organic matter is essential to erosion control, water infiltration, and conservation of nutrients. Stratification ratios allow a wide diversity of soils to be compared on the same assessment scale because of an internal normalization procedure that accounts for inherent soil differences. Stratification ratios of soil organic C were 1.1, 1.2 and 1.9 under conventional tillage (CT) and 3.4, 2.0 and 2.1 under no tillage (NT) in Georgia, Texas, and Alberta/British Columbia, respectively. The difference in stratification ratio between conventional and NT within an environment was inversely proportional to the standing stock of soil organic C to a depth of 15-20 cm across environments. Greater stratification of soil C and N pools with the adoption of conservation tillage under inherently low soil organic matter conditions (i.e., warmer climatic regime or coarse-textured soil) suggests that standing stock of soil organic matter alone is a poor indication of soil quality. Stratification of biologically active soil C and N pools (i.e., soil microbial biomass and potential activity) were equally or more sensitive to tillage, cropping intensity, and soil textural variables than stratification of total C and N. High stratification ratios of soil C and N pools could be good indicators of dynamic soil quality, independent of soil type and climatic regime, because ratios >2 would be uncommon under degraded conditions. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
- Authors:
- Cross, A. F.
- Engle, D. M.
- Tunnell, T. R.
- Zhang, H.
- Fuhlendorf, S. D.
- Source: Restoration Ecology
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2002
- Summary: A comparative analysis of soils and vegetation from cultivated areas reseeded to native grasses and native prairies that have not been cultivated was conducted to evaluate restoration of southern mixed prairie of the Great Plains over the past 30 to 50 years. Restored sites were within large tracts of native prairie and part of long-term grazing intensity treatments (heavy, moderate, and ungrazed), allowing evaluation of the effects of grazing intensity on prairie restoration. Our objective was to evaluate restored and native sites subjected to heavy and moderate grazing regimes to determine if soil nutrients from reseeded cultivated land recovered after 30 years of management similar to the surrounding prairie and to identify the interactive influence of different levels of grazing and history of cultivation on plant functional group composition and soils in mixed prairies. For this mixed prairie, soil nitrogen and soil carbon on previously cultivated sites was 30 to 40% lower than in uncultivated native prairies, indicating that soils from restored sites have not recovered over the past 30 to 50 years. In addition, it appears that grazing alters the extent of recovery of these grassland soils as indicated by the significant interaction between grazing intensity and cultivation history for soil nitrogen and soil carbon. Management of livestock grazing is likely a critical factor in determining the potential restoration of mixed prairies. Heavy grazing on restored prairies reduces the rate of soil nutrient and organic matter accumulation. These effects are largely due to changes in composition (reduced tallgrasses), reduced litter accumulation, and high cover of bare ground in heavily grazed restored prairies. However, it is evident from this study that regardless of grazing intensity, restoration of native prairie soils requires many decades and possibly external inputs to adequately restore organic matter, soil carbon, and soil nitrogen.
- Authors:
- Jackson, R. B.
- Maherali, H.
- Anderson, L. J.
- Johnson, H. B.
- Polley, H. W.
- Gill, R. A.
- Source: Nature
- Volume: 417
- Issue: 6886
- Year: 2002
- Summary: Carbon sequestration in soil organic matter may moderate increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (C-a) as C-a increases to more than 500 mumol mol(-1) this century from interglacial levels of less than 200 mumol mol(-1) (refs 1- 6). However, such carbon storage depends on feedbacks between plant responses to Ca and nutrient availability(7,8). Here we present evidence that soil carbon storage and nitrogen cycling in a grassland ecosystem are much more responsive to increases in past Ca than to those forecast for the coming century. Along a continuous gradient of 200 to 550 mumol mol(-1) (refs 9, 10), increased C-a promoted higher photosynthetic rates and altered plant tissue chemistry. Soil carbon was lost at subambient C-a, but was unchanged at elevated C-a where losses of old soil carbon offset increases in new carbon. Along the experimental gradient in C-a there was a nonlinear, threefold decrease in nitrogen availability. The differences in sensitivity of carbon storage to historical and future C-a and increased nutrient limitation suggest that the passive sequestration of carbon in soils may have been important historically, but the ability of soils to continue as sinks is limited.
- Authors:
- Tibke, G. L.
- Skidmore, E. L.
- Huang, X.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 57
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2002
- Summary: Achieving and maintaining a good soil quality is essential for sustaining agricultural production in an economically viable and environmentally safe manner. The transition of land management provides an opportunity to measure soil-quality indicators to quantify the effects of those management practices. This study compared soil chemical and physical properties after io years of grass on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land with those in continuously cropped land (CCL). The sample sites, located in central Kansas, have two mapping units, Harney silt loam (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Arigiustolls) and Naron fine sandy loam (fine-loamy, mixed, thermic Udic Argiustolls). Soil samples were collected at two depth increments, 0 to 5 cm and 5 to 10 cm. Soil-quality indicators measured were soil acidity (pH), exchangeable cations, nutrients, total carbon, structure, and aggregation. Soil pH was significantly lower in CCL than in CRR Soil total C and N in the surface layer (0 to 5 cm) was much greater than in the deeper layer (5 to 10 cm) in the CRP site. The mass of total carbon of Naron soil was significantly higher for 0 to 5 cm and lower for 5 to io cm depth in CRP land than in CCL. However, the mass of total carbon of Harney soil was significantly higher in no-tilled CCL than in CRP. Bulk density significantly increased in CCL. Based on dry and wet aggregate stability analysis, the results indicated that CRP land had a greater resistance to erosion by both water and wind than CCL. The improvements in soil quality resulting from CRP included reducing soil acidification, alleviating compaction, and reducing topsoil susceptibility to erosion. However, when CRP was taken out for crop production with conventional tillage, total carbon in the surface layer (0 to 5cm) and aggregate stability gradually decreased. This suggested that appropriate land management practices are needed to extend residual benefit from CRP on soil quality.
- Authors:
- Grove, J. H.
- Díaz-Zorita, M.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 66
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2002
- Summary: Surface accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) under conservation tillage has significant effects on stratification of other nutrients, on crop productivity and in ameliorating the greenhouse effect via atmospheric CO, sequestration. A measure of SOC stratification relative to deeper soil layers has been proposed as a soil quality index. Our objective was to determine the effects of the duration of tillage practices upon the SOC and extractable P distribution with depth in Maury silt loams (Typic Paleudalfs) at similar levels of corn (Zea mays L.) productivity without P fertilization. Soil samples (0-20.0 cm in 2.5 cm increments) were collected under moldboard tillage (MT), chisel tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) and in surrounding tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea L.) sods selected from three tillage experiments (1-2-, 8- and 29-year durations) in Kentucky. SOC stratification was greater under conservation tillage (CT and NT) and sods than under MT. SOC and soil-test-extractable P stratification were positively related. Increasing the duration under NT caused the thickness of C stratification to increase. In NT soils, C stratification ratio (CSR) approached CSR in the nearby long-term sods with time. Conservation tillage rapidly promoted the occurrence of CSR greater than 2 while MT always resulted in values lower than 2. The rapid initial change in CSR suggests characterization of thin soil layers (i.e. 2.5 cm depth increments) is desirable under conservation tillage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Grove, J. H.
- Diaz-Zorita, M.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 65
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2002
- Summary: The western part of the Argentine Pampas is a subhumid and semiarid region consisting of extensive plain with deep sandy and sandy-loam soils. The agricultural system includes pastures in rotation with annual grain crops and grazed crops or continuous annual row cropping. The objective of this review was to present and discuss changes in soil properties due to different soil management systems, mainly no-tillage practices, in the western part of the Argentine Pampas. The effects of tillage, crop sequences under no-till, and grazing on soil properties and crop productivity have been studied since 1990 on loamy and sandy Haplic Phaeozem (Typic Hapludolls and Entic Hapludolls) and Haplic Kastanozem (Typic Haplustolls). A database developed from the yield and soil test records of growers affiliated with Regional Consortium for Agricultural Experimentation (CREA) were also utilized in the study. The results showed that soil organic C (SOC) content depends both on soil texture and soil management. SOC decreases when the length of the row crop cycle increases and also in moldboard plow and chisel-tillage systems. Pastures and no-till row crop sequences with more years of maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), than sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) or soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) tended to increase the SOC content in the 0-20 cm layer. Deep tillage of no-till soils with compacted layers improved maize dry matter production but, in the same experiment, yield was increased more by nitrogen fertilization than by subsoil tillage. The grazing of crop residues increases the soil bulk density only in the 0-5 cm layer of tilled soils, but did not significantly change bulk density on soils under continuous no-till. Crop productivity was related to SOC content of the 0-20 cm layer of the soils. Due to the positive effect of SOC on crop yields, no-till soil management and pasture-annual row crop rotations are two practices that permit the development of sustainable production systems in the western part of the Argentine Pampas.
- Authors:
- Kennedy, G. G.
- Barbercheck, M. E.
- Walgenbach, J. F.
- Hummel, R. L.
- Hoyt, G. D.
- Arellano, C.
- Source: Environmental Entomology
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2002
- Summary: Populations of endemic soil entomopathogens (nematodes and fungi) were monitored in vegetable production systems incorporating varying degrees of sustainable practices in Fletcher, NC. Two tillage types (conventional plow and disk versus conservation tillage), two input approaches (chemically versus biologically based), and two cropping schedules (continuous tomato versus 3-yr rotation of corn, cucumber, cabbage, and tomato) were employed in large plots from 1995 to 1998. A Galleria mellonella (L.) trap bioassay was used to identify and monitor activity of Steinernema carpocapsae, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Beauveria bassiana, and Metarhizium anisopliae populations during the vegetable growing season (April-September). Seasonal detection of entomopathogens was significantly higher in conservation compared with conventional tillage systems. The strip-till operation did not affect levels of detection of S. carpocapsae. Pesticide use significantly reduced detection of entomopathogenic fungi. Type of ground cover significantly affected temperature in the upper 12 cm of soil; highest soil temperatures were observed under black plastic mulch and bare ground, whereas lowest temperatures were observed under rye mulch and clover intercrop. The high soil temperatures associated with certain ground covers may have reduced entomopathogen detection or survival. Although type of tillage appeared to be the primary factor affecting survival of endemic soil entomopathogens in our system, other factors, such as pesticide use and type of ground cover, can negate the positive effects of strip-tillage.