- Authors:
- Lyon, D. J.
- Peterson, G. A.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Leavitt, S. W.
- Follett, R. F.
- Paul, E. A.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 61
- Issue: 4
- Year: 1997
- Summary: The size and turnover rate of the resistant soil organic matter (SOM) fractions were measured by 14C dating and 13C/12C measurements. This involved soils archived in 1948, and recent samples, from a series of long-term sites in the North American Great Plains. A reevaluation of C dates obtained in the 1960s expanded the study scope. The 14C ages of surface soils were modern in some native sites and near modern in the low, moist areas of the landscape. They were much older at the catena summits. The 14C ages were not related to latitude although this strongly influenced the total SOM content. Cultivation resulted in lower C contents and increased the 14C age by an average of 900 yr. The 10- to 20-cm depths from both cultivated and native sites were 1200 yr older than the 0- to 10-cm depth. The 90- to 120-cm depth of a cultivated site at 7015 yr before present (BP) was 6000 yr older than the surface. The nonhydrolyzable C of this depth dated 9035 yr BP. The residue of 6 M HCl hydrolysis comprised 23 to 70% of the total soil C and was, on the average, 1500 yr older. The percentage of nonhydrolyzable C and its 14C age analytically identify the amount and turnover rate of the old resistant soil C.
- Authors:
- Peterson, G. A.
- Lyon, D. J.
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Leavitt, S. W.
- Paul, E. A.
- Follett, R. F.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 61
- Issue: 4
- Year: 1997
- Summary: The purposes of this study were to improve knowledge of regional vegetation patterns of C-3 and C-4 plants in the North American Great Plains and to use delta(13)C methodology and long-term research sites to determine contributions of small-grain crops to total soil organic carbon (SOC) now present, Archived and recent soil samples were used, Detailed soil sampling was in 1993 at long-term sites near Akron, CO, and Sidney, NE, After soil sieving, drying, and deliming, SOC and delta(13)C were determined using an automated C/N analyzer interfaced to an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer, Yield records from long-term experimental sites were used to estimate the amount of C-3 plant residue C returned to the soil, Results from delta(13)C analyses of soils from near Waldheim, Saskatchewan, to Big Springs, TX, showed a strong north to south decrease in SOC derived from C-3 plants and a corresponding increase from C-4 plants. The delta(13)C analyses gave evidence that C-3 plant residue C (possibly from shrubs) is increasing at the Big Springs, TX, and Lawton, OK, sites, Also, delta(13)C analyses of subsoil and topsoil layers shows evidence of a regional shift to more C-3 species, possibly because of a cooler climate during the past few hundreds to thousands of years, Data from long-term research sites indicate that the efficiency of incorporation of small-grain crop residue C was about 5.4% during 84 Jr at Akron, CO, and about 10.5% : during 20 yr at Sidney, NE, The C-14 age of the SOC at 0- to IO-tm depth was 193 yr and at 30 to 45 cm was 4000 yr; C-14 age of nonhydrolyzable C was 2000 and 7000 yr for these same two respective depths, Natural partitioning of the C-13 isotope by the photosynthetic pathways of C-3 and C-4 plants provides a potentially powerful tool to study SOC dynamics at both regional and local scales.
- Authors:
- Kissel, D. E.
- Havlin, J. L.
- Source: Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Agroecosystems: Long-Term Experiments in North America
- Volume: 1
- Year: 1997
- Authors:
- Bauer, P. J.
- Hunt, P. G.
- Matheny, T. A.
- Source: Journal of Production Agriculture
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1997
- Summary: Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production has dramatically increased in the Southeast, but the role of conservation tillage in doublecropped cotton systems has not been clearly defined. Therefore, from 1988 to 1994, we investigated doublecropped wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and cotton on plots that had been in continuous conservation vs. conventional tillage since 1979. The experimental site wits located near Florence, SC, on a Norfolk loamy sand (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Kandiudult). Conventional tillage consisted of multiple diskings and cultivations; surface tillage was eliminated for conservation tillage. Wheat yields were not significantly affected by tillage, but cotton yields were significantly higher for conservation tillage (P less than or equal to 0.01). Cotton planting dates ranged from 7 to 18 June, and 5 of the 7 yr had more than 145 frost-free days. Two years had crop failure because of early freezes, and a June drought prevented the planting of cotton in 1 yr. In the 4 yr with harvestable yields, seed cotton yields among the eight cultivars ranged from about 500 to 2200 and 300 to 1850 lb/acre for conservation and conventional tillage, respectively. The early maturing cultivar, 'Deltapine (DP) 20,' had the highest seed cotton yields with means of 1442 and 1123 lb/acre for conservation and conventional tillage, respectively Development of earlier maturing cotton and wheat cultivars will be important for this cropping system in the northern Coastal Plain portion of the Cotton Belt.
- Authors:
- Tyler, D. D.
- Bock, B. R.
- Thornton, F. C.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 25
- Issue: 6
- Year: 1996
- Summary: This study characterizes soil emissions of NO and N2O from banded applications of anhydrous ammonium (AA) and urea over the period from 6 May 1994 to 12 Sept. 1994 from a loess soil in western Tennessee. The N application rate for both sources was 168 kg ha-1. Fertilizer type strongly influenced emissions of N2O (F = 231; P = 0.0001) and NO (F = 69; P = 0.0001). During the 129 d measurement period, the AA treatment lost 12.33 kg of N2O-N or 7.33% of the applied N. The N2O-N loss from the urea treatment was about one-half that from AA; 6.34 kg ha-1 or 3.77% of the applied N. Loss of NO-N from both treatments was small compared with N2O-N loss. The urea treatment lost 0.27 kg ha-1 as NO-N and the AA treatment lost 0.2 kg ha-1 during the study period. While the measured loss rate of N2O-N from AA is similar to previous literature estimates, our values for urea are 20 to 40 times greater than the current literature reports of N2O-N loss of 0.1 to 0.2% of the urea applied. Higher N2O losses from urea in this study may be related to the fact that urea was banded below the soil surface, whereas urea has been broadcast on the soil surface in other N2O emissions studies.
- Authors:
- Harriss, R. C.
- Narayanan, V.
- Li, C.
- Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 2
- Year: 1996
- Summary: The Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC) model was used to elucidate the role of climate, soil properties, and farming practices in determining spatial and temporal variations in the production and emission of nitrous oxide (N[2]O) from agriculture in the United States. Sensitivity studies documented possible causes of annual variability in N[2]O flux for a simulated Iowa corn-growing soil. The 37 scenarios tested indicated that soil tillage and nitrate pollution in rainfall may be especially significant anthropogenic factors which have increased N[2]O emissions from soils in the United States. Feedbacks to climate change and biogeochemical manipulation of agricultural soil reflect complex interactions between the nitrogen and carbon cycles. A 20% increase in annual average temperature in °C produced a 33% increase in N[2]O emissions. Manure applications to Iowa corn crops enhanced carbon storage in soils, but also increased N[2]O emissions. A DNDC simulation of annual N[2]O emissions from all crop and pasture lands in the United States indicated that the value lies in the range 0.9 - 1.2 TgN. Soil tillage and fertilizer use were the most important farming practices contributing to enhanced N[2]O emissions at the national scale. Soil organic matter and climate variables were the primary determinants of spatial variability in N[2]O emissions. Our results suggest that the United States Government, and possibly the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC), have underestimated the importance of agriculture as a national and global source of atmospheric N[2]O. The coupled nature of the nitrogen and carbon cycles in soils results in complex feedbacks which complicate the formulation of strategies to reduce the global warming potential of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
- Authors:
- Mikkelsen, R. L.
- Parsons, J. E.
- Gilliam, J. W.
- Source: Buffer Zones: Their Processes and Potential in Water Protection
- Year: 1996
- Summary: riparian Buffers have been proven to be very effective in the removal of sediment associated nitrogen from surface runoff and nitrate from subsurface flows. In both surface and subsurface flows, hydrologic characteristics are the key to determining how effective the buffer will be in nitrogen removal. Even though buffers are extremely important to minimise entry of non-point source nitrogen into surface waters and removals of 90% are common, they do not work well in some hydrologic conditions.
- Authors:
- Yoo, K. H.
- Shirmohammadi, A.
- Yoon, K. S.
- Rawls, W. J.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
- Volume: 31
- Issue: 3
- Year: 1996
- Summary: A Continuous version of distributed parameter model, ANSWERS (ANSWERS 2000) was applied to a field-sized watershed planted to cotton in the Limestone Valley region of northern Alabama. The field was cultivated for three years with conventional tillage followed by three years of conservation tillage. Overall, the ANSWERS model simulated runoff and nutrient losses in surface runoff within an acceptable range for the conventional tillage system conditions in continuous simulation mode. But the sediment losses predicted by ANSWERS were initially on the order of fifteen times or more higher than measured regardless of tillage systems. In order to duplicate measured data, the sediment detachment coefficient of rainfall and flow had to be reduced for calibration. The model poorly predicted soluble nutrient losses for the conservation tillage system due to the model's weakness in representing the surface application of fertilizer under this practice. The model simulates only one soil layer, in which soil moisture, nutrient concentration, and soil characteristics are assumed homogeneous. Currently, the model does not consider vertical nutrient concentration variation in soil profile. During the conservation tillage system, corn stalk and the residue of a winter cover crop were spread on the soil surface. However, the model did not properly represent surface spreading of crop residue, thus the model was unable to consider the organic-nitrogen contribution from crop residue to the erodible soil surface. This resulted in poor prediction of sediment-bound TKN, especially for conservation tillage system.
- Authors:
- Source: Soil Management and Greenhouse Effect
- Year: 1995
- Authors:
- Rowell, A. L.
- Weinrich, K. B.
- Barnwell, T. O.
- Jackson, R. B.,IV
- Patwardhan, A. S.
- Donigian, A. S.
- Source: Soil Management and Greenhouse Effect
- Year: 1995