- Authors:
- Fortuna, A. M.
- Kennedy, A. C.
- Stubbs, T. L.
- Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Volume: 58
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Residue from cultivars of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), winter wheat, and spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) was characterized for fiber and nutrient traits using reference methods and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Calibration models were developed for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), carbon (C), sulfur (S), nitrogen (N), and C:N. When calibrations were tested against validation sets for each crop year, NIRS was an acceptable method for predicting NDF (standard error of prediction (SEP) 0.90) and ADF (SEP0.92) and moderately successful for ADL in 1 year of the study (SEP=0.44; R2=0.81) but less successful for C, S, N, and C:N ( R2 all <0.57). These results indicate that NIRS can predict the NDF and ADF of cereal residue from dryland cropping systems and is a useful tool to estimate residue decomposition potential.
- Authors:
- Buttar, G. S.
- Thind, H. S.
- Aujla, M. S.
- Source: Irrigation Science
- Volume: 28
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2010
- Summary: A 4-year field experiment was conducted in a semi-arid area to evaluate the response of each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation in wheat-cotton system using irrigation waters of different qualities in a calcareous soil. Irrigation was applied to each and alternate furrow of bed-planted wheat followed by ridge-planted cotton for comparison with standard check-basin method of irrigation to both the crops. These methods of irrigation were evaluated under three water qualities namely good quality canal water (CW), poor quality tube well water (TW) and pre-sowing irrigation to each crop with CW and all subsequent irrigations with TW (CWpsi+TW). The pooled results over 4 years revealed that wheat grain yield was not affected significantly with quality of irrigation water, but significant yield reduction was observed in alternate bed irrigation under canal water and tube well water irrigations. In cotton, poor quality tube well water significantly reduced the seed cotton yield in all the three methods of planting. The pre-sowing irrigation with canal water and all subsequent irrigations with tube well water improved the seed cotton yield when compared with tube well water alone. However, this yield increase was significant only in alternate furrow irrigation, and the yield obtained was on a par with yield under alternate furrow in CW. When compared to check-basin irrigation, each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation resulted in a saving of 30 and 49% of irrigation water in bed-planted wheat, whereas the corresponding savings in ridge-planted cotton were 20 and 42%, respectively. Reduced use of irrigation water under alternate furrow, without any significant reduction in yield, resulted in 28.1, 23.9 and 43.2% higher water use efficiency in wheat under CW, TW and CWpsi+TW, respectively. The corresponding increase under cotton was 8.2, 2.1 and 19.5%. The implementation of alternate furrow irrigation improved the water use efficiency without any loss in yield, thus reduced use of irrigation water especially under poor quality irrigation water with pre-sowing irrigation with canal water reduced the deteriorating effects on yield and soil under these calcareous soils.
- Authors:
- Halvorson, A. D.
- Archer, D. W.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 74
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Recent soil and crop management technologies have potential for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions; however, these management strategies must be profitable if they are to be adopted by producers. The economic feasibility of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated cropping systems was evaluated for 5 yr on a Fort Collins clay loam soil (a fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Aridic Haplustalf). Cropping systems included conventional tillage continuous corn ( Zea mays L.) (CT-CC), no-till continuous corn (NT-CC), and no-till corn-bean (NT-CB) including 1 yr soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and 1 yr dry bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The study included six N fertilization rates ranging from 0 to 246 kg ha -1. Results showed highest average net returns for NT-CB, exceeding net returns for NT-CC and CT-CC by US$182 and US$228 ha -1, respectively, at economically optimum N fertilizer rates. Net global warming potential (GWP) generally increased with increasing N fertilizer rate with the exception of NT-CC, where net GWP initially declined and then increased at higher N rates. Combining economic and net GWP measurements showed that producers have an economic incentive to switch from CT-CC to NT-CB, increasing annual average net returns by US$228 ha -1 while reducing annual net GWP by 929 kg CO 2 equivalents ha -1. The greatest GWP reductions (1463 kg CO 2 equivalents ha -1) could be achieved by switching from CT-CC to NT-CC while also increasing net returns, but the presence of a more profitable NT-CB alternative means NT-CC is unlikely to be chosen without additional economic incentives.
- Authors:
- Hoffmann, A. A.
- Umina, P. A.
- Weeks, A. R.
- Arthur, A. L.
- Source: Experimental and Applied Acarology
- Volume: 52
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2010
- Summary: Balaustium medicagoense and Bryobia spp. have recently been identified as emerging pests of winter crops and pastures in Australia. These mites have a high natural tolerance to currently registered pesticides, highlighting the need to develop alternative control strategies such as cultural controls which require an understanding of plant associations. In shade-house experiments, Bryobia spp. survived and reproduced successfully on pasture, lupins and oats, but progeny failed to reach the adult stage on canola and wheat. Balaustium medicagoense progeny failed to produce a generation on any crop but parental adults survived a few months on all crops, particularly wheat. Bryobia spp. damaged canola, pasture and lupins, but caused minimal damage to oats and wheat, whereas Ba. medicagoense caused considerable damage to wheat and lupins, but only moderate damage to canola, oats and pasture. Field survey data, taken from approximately 450 sites across southern Australia, combined with analysis of historical pest reports, suggest broadleaf crops such as canola, lucerne, lupins and weeds appear particularly susceptible to attack by Bryobia species. Balaustium medicagoense was more commonly found on cereals and grasses, although they also attacked broadleaf crops, particularly canola, lucerne and lupins. These findings show that the mites have the potential to be an important pest on several winter grain crops and pasture, but there are important differences that can assist in management strategies such as targeted crop rotations.
- Authors:
- Paltridge, N.
- Tao, J.
- Unkovich, M.
- Gason, A.
- Grover, S.
- Wilkins, J.
- Coventry, D.
- Tashi, N.
- Bonamano, A.
- Source: Crop & Pasture Science
- Volume: 60
- Issue: 7
- Year: 2009
- Summary: In the south of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China there is a network of valleys where intensive agriculture is practiced. Although considered highly productive by Tibetans, farm incomes in the region are low, leading to a range of government initiatives to boost grain and fodder production. However, there is limited information available on current farming practices, yields, and likely yield constraints. The present paper uses available data and farmer interviews to describe the agro-climate and current systems of crop and livestock production, and considers possible strategies to boost production. Although winters in Tibet are cold and dry, summer and autumn provide ideal conditions for crop growth. Cropping systems are characterised by heavy tillage, frequent irrigation, high seeding rates and fertiliser applications, some use of herbicides, and little stubble retention or mechanisation. Spring barley and winter wheat are the predominant crops, followed by rapeseed, winter barley, and minor fodder and vegetable crops. Average yields for the main grain crops are around 4.0 t/ha for spring barley and 4.5 t/ha for winter wheat, significantly lower than should be possible in the environment. Farmers typically keep five or six cattle tethered near the household. Cattle are fed diets based on crop residues but are generally malnourished and rarely produce beyond the needs of the family. It is suggested that research and extension in the areas of crop nutrition, weed control, irrigation, seeding technology, and crop varieties should enable significant increases in grain yield. Increases in cattle production will require increases in the supply of good quality fodder. Cereal/fodder intercrops or double crops sown using no-till seed drills might enable the production of useful amounts of fodder in many areas without jeopardising food grain supply, and allow more crop residues to be retained in fields for improved soil health.
- Authors:
- Phillips, R. L.
- Tanaka, D. L.
- Archer, D. W.
- Hanson, J. D.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 38
- Issue: 4
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Microbial production and consumption of greenhouse gases (GHG) is influenced by temperature and nutrients, especially during the first few weeks after agricultural fertilization. The effect of fertilization on GHG fluxes should occur during and shortly after application, yet data indicating how application timing affects both GHG fluxes and crop yields during a growing season are lacking. We designed a replicated ( n=5) field experiment to test for the short-term effect of fertilizer application timing on fluxes of methane (CH 4), carbon dioxide (CO 2), and nitrous oxide (N 2O) over a growing season in the northern Great Plains. Each 0.30-ha plot was planted to maize ( Zea mays L.) and treated similarly with the exception of fertilizer timing: five plots were fertilized with urea in early spring (1 April) and five plots were fertilized with urea in late spring (13 May). We hypothesized time-integrated fluxes over a growing season would be greater for the late-spring treatment, resulting in a greater net GHG flux, as compared to the early-spring treatment. Data collected on 59 dates and integrated over a 5-mo time course indicated CO 2 fluxes were greater ( P<0.0001) and CH 4 fluxes were lower ( P<0.05) for soils fertilized in late spring. Net GHG flux was also significantly affected by treatment, with 0.840.11 kg CO 2 equivalents m -2 for early spring and 1.040.13 kg CO 2 equivalents m -2 for late spring. Nitrous oxide fluxes, however, were similar for both treatments. Results indicate fertilizer application timing influences net GHG emissions in dryland cropping systems.
- Authors:
- Wuest, S. B.
- Siemens, M. C.
- Gollany, H. T.
- Williams, J. D.
- Long, D. S.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 64
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Conservation tillage systems that reduce Soil erosion and maintain or increase soil carbon offer long-term benefits for producers in the inland Pacific Northwestern United States but Could result in reduced grain yields due to increased pressure from weeds, disease, and insect pests. Our objective was to compare runoff, soil erosion, and crop yields from a conventional tillage, wheat-fallow two-year rotation and a no-till four-year rotation. The experiment was undertaken within a small,watershed to provide results that would be representative of conservation effectiveness at the field scale. Two neighboring drainages, 5.8 and 10.7 ha (14 and 26 ac), in the 340 mm y(-1) (13.4 in yr(-1)) precipitation zone of northeastern Oregon, were instrumented to record rainfall, runoff, and erosion over a four-year period (2001 through 2004). One drainage was cropped to a winter wheat-fallow rotation and received inversion tillage (tillage fallow). The second drainage was cropped in a four-year no-till rotation: winter wheat-chemical fallow-winter wheat-chickpea (no-till Fallow). We recorded 13 runoff events from the inversion tillage system and 3 from the no-till system. Total runoff and erosion values from inversion tillage drainage were 5.1 mm (0.20 in) and 0.42 Mg ha(-1) (0.19 tn ac(-1)) versus 0.7 mm (0.03 in) and 0.01 Mg ha(-1) (<0.005 in ac(-1)) from no-till drainage. The no-till rotation was substantially more effective in conserving soil and water in this field-scale comparison. Soil erosion observed in this research is a fraction of that reported for similar tillage practices outside of the Pacific Northwestern. Mean wheat yields did not significantly differ between inversion tillage and no-till treatment despite intensifying the rotation by replacing one year of fallow with a chickpea crop in the four-year rotation. Because of high year-to-year variability in yield and limited sample size, more study is needed to compare winter wheat yields in no-till production systems with inversion tillage. The no-till cropping system was more e effective in reducing runoff and soil erosion and provides producers with an ability to protect soil and water resources in the dryland Pacific Northwest.
- Authors:
- Source: Agricultural Information Research
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2009
- Summary: In the arid areas of Northwest China, agriculture especially crop farming consumes most of water resource. Water-intensive and low value-added wheat is cultivated as a staple food of the local people in large scale. Because of the surface water scarcity, irrigation mainly depends on pumping the groundwater in these areas. Based on field surveys conducted in 2005 and 2006 both in the south and the north of Minqin County, Gansu province, this study is designed to study the role of groundwater irrigation on wheat production and how to improve the technical efficiencies (TEs) of wheat farmers by estimating a Stochastic Frontier Production Function (SFPF). The above information is valuable for how to save wheat water consumption and improving the food safety in the arid areas. The empirical results showed that expenditure on pumping groundwater played important role in wheat production. Meanwhile, the same expenditure played more effectively on wheat intercropping with maize in the south than that in the north. As a result, the farmers in the south are more likely to increase expenditures on pumping water than the farmers in the north. Therefore, the government should make new program to restrict wheat water consumption and to secure the farmers in both areas to use the groundwater fairly. Meanwhile, it is suggested that younger farmers can achieve a higher TE both in the south and the north. For the input-intensive intercropping in the south, a larger family, higher education of the farm managers, and coordination of their part-time jobs with agricultural production activities can also help to get higher TEs.
- Authors:
- Manoj, K.
- Suresh, K.
- Yadav, S.
- Pawan, K.
- Source: Haryana Journal of Agronomy
- Volume: 25
- Issue: 1/2
- Year: 2009
- Summary: A field experiment was conducted for four consecutive years from 2002-03 to 2005-06 in pearl millet-wheat cropping system under semi-arid conditions at research farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India. The experiment consisted of four treatments viz., T 1: Recommended package for both the crops, T 2: Recommended package for both crops+FYM 10 t/ha to pearl millet, T 3: Recommended package for bothcrops+FYM 10 t/ha to pearl millet+30% higher seed rate and T 4: Recommended package for bot the hcrops+Intercropping of clusterbean in paired rows of pearl millet. Incorporation of FYM 10 t/ha during the kharif season in pearl millet and 30% higher seed rate alongwith recommended package of practices resulted in increased grain yield of pearl millet as well as wheat leading to maximum cropping system productivity, profitability and water productivity. Incorporation of FYM 10 t/ha during the kharif season in pearl millet also increased yield of both the crops, while intercropping of clusterbean in paired rows of pearl millet resulted in increase of pearl millet yield only.
- Authors:
- Source: American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science
- Volume: 5
- Issue: 6
- Year: 2009
- Summary: Irrigated rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.) cultivation is currently expanding in rotation with winter cereals in Iran where its reproductive growth is often exposed to water deficit in many parts, particularly in the south. A two growing seasons (2006-2008) field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Research Center, Shiraz University to study the effects of water stress at different growth stages [Normal irrigation at all growth stages (control), water stress at flowering, at pod development and at seed filling stages] and nitrogen (N) levels (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha -1) on yield and yield components of rapeseed (Telayeh cultivar). The design was split plots arranged in randomized complete block with four replications. Full irrigation and the highest N level had the highest plant height, number of branches per plant, pods per plant, seed and oil yields. However, increased N levels decreased seed oil content and had no significant effect on 1000-seed weight. Flowering was the most sensitive stage for water stress damage resulting a drastic reduction in seed and oil yields by 29.5% and 31.7%, respectively. Pods per plants was the most sensitive yield components to water stress during reproductive growth in both year and it had the highest significant positive correlation with seed and biological yields. The seed and oil yields of the 1st season were more than the 2nd season due to favorable weather conditions for growth. Overall, supplying sufficient water to rapeseed crop, particularly at flowering and pod formation, in comparison with 225 kg ha -1 of N fertilizer are important to produce higher yields.