- Authors:
- Source: Journal of Agricultural Science
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 9
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Carbon sequestration in cropland soils which could be achieved through improved management practices (IPMs) represents an important opportunity to offset a portion of greenhouse gas emissions. North China is the main wheat and maize production region where many IMPs have been widely used during the last several decades, but the effect size and duration of IMPs on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in wheat-maize double cropping system in this region is scarcely studied. In this study, a meta-analysis was conducted to compare the effect size and duration of four IMPs on SOC sequestration in wheat-maize double cropping system in north China. A total of 29 long-term experiments, consisting of 119 paired treatments were compiled in this analysis. The results indicated that the four IMPs of organic manure application (OM), organic manure combined with chemical fertilizer application (MF), straw return (SR) and reduced or no tillage (RNT) all had significant effects on SOC sequestration in the study area. On average, the IMPs of OM, MF, SR and RNT enhanced SOC density by 260, 328, 278 and 134 kg ha -1 yr -1, respectively. The effect duration of OM, MF, SR and RNT on SOC sequestration were about 48, 26, 22 and 18 years, respectively. Accumulation enhancements of SOC for OM, MF, SR and RNT over SOC sequestration period were about 34.7%, 36.1%, 22.0% and 12.7%, respectively. OM and MF could be the appropriate practices on SOC sequestration in wheat-maize double cropping system in the research area.
- Authors:
- Azooz, R. H.
- Soon, Y. K.
- Arshad, M. A.
- Lupwayi, N. Z.
- Chang, S. X.
- Volume: 104
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Wood ash has the properties to be an effective liming material, and research is needed to compare its effectiveness relative to agricultural lime on acidic agricultural soils. Wood ash at a calcium carbonate rate of 6.72 t ha -1 was compared with an equivalent rate of agricultural lime on a clay loam soil with an initial pH of 4.9. Replicated plots were managed under a barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.)-canola ( Brassica rapa L.)-pea ( Pisum sativum L.) rotation for 4 yr (2002-2005). Soil pH increased in the order of: wood ash=lime > control (without lime or wood ash). Available soil P increased in the order of: wood ash > lime ≥ control. The effect of wood ash and lime application on pH and available P was greatest in the 0- to 5-cm depth, less but still significant in the 5- to 10-cm depth, and not significant below 10 cm. The effect on soil aggregation was: wood ash > lime > control. Averaged over 4 yr, application of wood ash increased grain yields of barley, canola, and pea by 49, 59, and 55%, respectively, compared to a corresponding increase of 38, 31, and 49% by agricultural lime. The increase in crop yield with wood ash compared with lime is attributed partly to increased P availability in wood ash-amended plots. It is concluded that wood ash applied at rates equivalent to agricultural lime improved some soil chemical and physical properties and increased crop production relative to agricultural lime.
- Authors:
- Tenuta, M.
- Sparling, B.
- Bell,L. W.
- Entz, M. H.
- Source: Web Of Knowledge
- Volume: 158
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Soil carbon stocks are useful indicators of both C sequestration capacity and sustainability of agricultural systems. Yet, most investigations have only studied the effects of agricultural management on soil carbon in surface layers (<0.3 m). Current soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil nitrogen (TN) and plant available phosphorus (P Olsen) to a depth of 1.2 m was measured at two long-term (9 and 18 years) farming systems experiments in southern Manitoba, Canada. Both experiments compared an annual-crop rotation, an alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.)/crop rotation and re-established perennial grassland. At one site the two cropping systems were managed conventionally as well as in adherence to organic farming guidelines, but without manure additions. Due to higher net primary productivity and higher carbon inputs, particularly below ground, SOC stocks (0-120 cm) were 21-65 t C ha -1 higher under the re-established grassland than cropping systems at the clay soil site after 18 years, but not at the site with sandy loam soil after 9 years. On the clay soil, 30-40% of the additional C in the soil profile under the re-established grassland was found below 30 cm indicating the capacity of deep plant roots to sequester C in the sub-soil. Using alfalfa cut for hay in crop rotations did not increase SOC or N stocks compared to annual crop rotations, but plant-available P concentrations were depleted, especially under organic management. SOC was 25-30 t C ha -1 lower under organic than conventionally managed cropping systems, due to lower inputs of plant C (0.8 t C ha -1 yr -1) over the life of the experiment. This highlights that without additional C inputs organic management can reduce SOC compared to conventional cropping systems unless C inputs are maintained which may require manure or compost additions.
- Authors:
- Juszczak, R.
- Augustin, J.
- Yeluripati, J.
- Smith, P.
- Smith, J.
- Jones, E.
- Bell, M. J.
- Olejnik, J.
- Sommer, M.
- Source: Web Of Knowledge
- Volume: 92
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: The global warming potential of nitrous oxide (N2O) and its long atmospheric lifetime mean its presence in the atmosphere is of major concern, and that methods are required to measure and reduce emissions. Large spatial and temporal variations means, however, that simple extrapolation of measured data is inappropriate, and that other methods of quantification are required. Although process-based models have been developed to simulate these emissions, they often require a large amount of input data that is not available at a regional scale, making regional and global emission estimates difficult to achieve. The spatial extent of organic soils means that quantification of emissions from these soil types is also required, but will not be achievable using a process-based model that has not been developed to simulate soil water contents above field capacity or organic soils. The ECOSSE model was developed to overcome these limitations, and with a requirement for only input data that is readily available at a regional scale, it can be used to quantify regional emissions and directly inform land-use change decisions. ECOSSE includes the major processes of nitrogen (N) turnover, with material being exchanged between pools of SOM at rates modified by temperature, soil moisture, soil pH and crop cover. Evaluation of its performance at site-scale is presented to demonstrate its ability to adequately simulate soil N contents and N2O emissions from cropland soils in Europe. Mitigation scenarios and sensitivity analyses are also presented to demonstrate how ECOSSE can be used to estimate the impact of future climate and land-use change on N2O emissions.
- Authors:
- Huggins, D. R.
- Brown, T. T.
- Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Volume: 67
- Issue: 5
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Knowledge of soil organic carbon (SOC) changes that occur under different agricultural practices is important for policy development, carbon (C) marketing, and sustainable land management. Our objective was to quantify agricultural impacts on SOC sequestration for dryland cropping systems in different agroclimatic zones (ACZs) of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Data from 131 SOC studies were analyzed to assess land management-induced changes in SOC, including the conversion of native ecosystems to agricultural crops, conversion from conventional tillage (CT) to no-tillage (NT), and alternative crop rotations and management practices. Cumulative probabilities of SOC change were developed for assessing uncertainties inherent in SOC studies and for informing SOC markets. These analyses showed that 75% of converted native land lost at least 0.14 to 0.70 Mg C ha(-1) y(-1) (0.06 to 0.31 tn C ac(-1) yr(-1)) over an average of 55 to 74 years depending on ACZ. Converting from CT to NT was predicted to increase SOC at least 0.12 to 0.21 Mg C ha(-1) y(-1) (0.05 to 0.09 tn C ac(-1) yr(-1)) over 10 to 12 years in 75% of studies analyzed and was also ACZ specific. Compared to annual cropping, mixed perennial-annual systems would be expected to gain at least 0.69 Mg C ha(-1) y(-1) (0.31 tn C ac(-1) ha(-1)) over 12 years in 75% of ACZ 2 sites. Other conclusions were that (1) SOC databases are lacking for low precipitation areas of the PNW; such as the dryland wheat-fallow region; (2) baseline sampling of SOC prior to management change is largely nonexistent for PNW databases except for a few notable cases; (3) soil erosion processes have likely impacted SOC and contributed to large variability among studies; (4) sampling methodologies and analyses for SOC have been inconsistent, thereby contributing to SOC variability; and (5) a validated C model for the PNW would aid evaluation of SOC changes due to management, particularly for specific farms and sites with unique SOC history and circumstances.
- Authors:
- Shaver, G. R.
- Reich, P. B.
- Pendall, E.
- Mitchell, R. J.
- Melillo, J. M.
- Hobbie, S. E.
- Frey, S. D.
- Dukes, J. S.
- Blair, J. M.
- Brzostek, E. R.
- Stefanski, A.
- Tjoelker, M. G.
- Finzi, A. C.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 8
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Nitrogen regulates the Earth's climate system by constraining the terrestrial sink for atmospheric CO 2. Proteolytic enzymes are a principal driver of the within-system cycle of soil nitrogen, yet there is little to no understanding of their response to climate change. Here, we use a single methodology to investigate potential proteolytic enzyme activity in soils from 16 global change experiments. We show that regardless of geographical location or experimental manipulation (i.e., temperature, precipitation, or both), all sites plotted along a single line relating the response ratio of potential proteolytic activity to soil moisture deficit, the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration. In particular, warming and reductions in precipitation stimulated potential proteolytic activity in mesic sites - temperate and boreal forests, arctic tundra - whereas these manipulations suppressed potential activity in dry grasslands. This study provides a foundation for a simple representation of the impacts of climate change on a central component of the nitrogen cycle.
- Authors:
- Huang, S. M.
- Yang, X. Y.
- Zhang, W. J.
- Wang, X. J.
- Xu, M. G.
- Cong, R. H.
- Wang, B. R.
- Source: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
- Volume: 93
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Soil carbon dynamics would be influenced by fertilization management in the agro-ecosystem. In this study, we analyze carbon inputs and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics under wheat-corn double cropping system based on four long-term experimental sites in different climate zones of China. We examine soil carbon responses to various carbon inputs by using linear (S = aA - b) and non-linear () equations. The term S is the SOC change rate; a, the proportion of C inputs incorporated into soil; b, minimum change rate of SOC; S (M) , the asymptotic maximum value at SOC change rate approaching infinity (Mg C ha(-1) year(-1)); S (L) , the decomposition rate of SOC substrates, and K (S) , a constant value (or 'half-saturation constant'). The S value is fitted using linear equation with SOC data over the duration of the experiment. The annual C input (A) is estimated by measured crop biomass and C input from manure. Different amounts of balanced fertilization show little impact on the C inputs derived by plants, reaching to similar to.5 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1). The SOC change rate is much higher under the manure application than treatments with chemical fertilizers only. Statistical analysis shows that the linear and non-linear equations perform equally well (p < 0.01) within the experimental data interval. But the non-linear equation is more suitable for specific purpose. Using the non-linear equation, we can predict that minimum C input to maintain the current SOC level would be 0.33-1.32 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) at the most sites but only 0.03 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) at the Changping site. The chemical nitrogen and phosphate fertilization yield sufficient carbon biomass inputs to maintain the current SOC levels. However, to increase SOC at 1 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1), soils need over 10 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) at most sites. Our results suggest that the increment of SOC stocks would be mainly related to the additional carbon inputs for the long-term perspectives.
- Authors:
- Schmidt, J. P.
- Kleinman, P. J. A.
- Dell, C. J.
- Beegle, D. B.
- Source: Journal of Environmental Quality
- Volume: 41
- Issue: 3
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Low-disturbance manure application methods can provide the benefits of manure incorporation, including reducing ammonia (NH 3) emissions, in production systems where tillage is not possible. However, incorporation can exacerbate nitrate (NO 3-) leaching. We sought to assess the trade-offs in NH 3 and NO 3- losses caused by alternative manure application methods. Dairy slurry (2006-2007) and liquid swine manure (2008-2009) were applied to no-till corn by (i) shallow (<10 cm) disk injection, (ii) surface banding with soil aeration, (iii) broadcasting, and (iv) broadcasting with tillage incorporation. Ammonia emissions were monitored for 72 h after application using ventilated chambers and passive diffusion samplers, and NO 3- leaching to 80 cm was monitored with buried column lysimeters. The greatest NH 3 emissions occurred with broadcasting (35-63 kg NH 3-N ha -1), and the lowest emissions were from unamended soil (<1 kg NH 3-N ha -1). Injection decreased NH 3-N emissions by 91 to 99% compared with broadcasting and resulted in lower emissions than tillage incorporation 1 h after broadcasting. Ammonia-nitrogen emissions from banding manure with aeration were inconsistent between years, averaging 0 to 71% that of broadcasting. Annual NO 3- leaching losses were small (<25 kg NO 3-N ha -1) and similar between treatments, except for the first winter when NO 3- leaching was fivefold greater with injection. Because NO 3- leaching with injection was substantially lower over subsequent seasons, we hypothesize that the elevated losses during the first winter were through preferential flow paths inadvertently created during lysimeter installation. Overall, shallow disk injection yielded the lowest NH 3 emissions without consistently increasing NO 3- leaching, whereas manure banding with soil aeration conserved inconsistent amounts of N.
- Authors:
- Worm, K.
- Koller, R.
- Cesarz, S.
- Eisenhauer, N.
- Reich, P. B.
- Source: Global Change Biology
- Volume: 18
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: The world's ecosystems are subjected to various anthropogenic global change agents, such as enrichment of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, nitrogen (N) deposition, and changes in precipitation regimes. Despite the increasing appreciation that the consequences of impending global change can be better understood if varying agents are studied in concert, there is a paucity of multi-factor long-term studies, particularly on belowground processes. Herein, we address this gap by examining the responses of soil food webs and biodiversity to enrichment of CO 2, elevated N, and summer drought in a long-term grassland study at Cedar Creek, Minnesota, USA (BioCON experiment). We use structural equation modeling (SEM), various abiotic and biotic explanatory variables, and data on soil microorganisms, protozoa, nematodes, and soil microarthropods to identify the impacts of multiple global change effects on drivers belowground. We found that long-term (13-year) changes in CO 2 and N availability resulted in modest alterations of soil biotic food webs and biodiversity via several mechanisms, encompassing soil water availability, plant productivity, and - most importantly - changes in rhizodeposition. Four years of manipulation of summer drought exerted surprisingly minor effects, only detrimentally affecting belowground herbivores and ciliate protists at elevated N. Elevated CO 2 increased microbial biomass and the density of ciliates, microarthropod detritivores, and gamasid mites, most likely by fueling soil food webs with labile C. Moreover, beneficial bottom-up effects of elevated CO 2 compensated for detrimental elevated N effects on soil microarthropod taxa richness. In contrast, nematode taxa richness was lowest at elevated CO 2 and elevated N. Thus, enrichment of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations and N deposition may result in taxonomically and functionally altered, potentially simplified, soil communities. Detrimental effects of N deposition on soil biodiversity underscore recent reports on plant community simplification. This is of particular concern, as soils house a considerable fraction of global biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
- Authors:
- Source: Plant and Soil
- Volume: 353
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2012
- Summary: Aims A field experiment was conducted where maintenance of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal populations was attempted using AM host cover crops arranged temporally or spatially during growth of nonmycorrhizal crops. Methods To arrange AM hosts temporally, sunflower or oat was grown as a cover crop after non-host cropping (cabbage) or fallowing. In order to arrange AM hosts spatially, red clover, white clover or vetch was intercropped during growth of non-host cabbage. Results The AM colonization and growth of maize with previously introduced sunflower or oat were much greater than those without introduction of cover crops or those with introduction of non-host cover crops. The AM colonization and yield of winter wheat grown after cabbage with AM host intercropping were greater than those after cabbage only cropping, suggesting that arrangement of AM hosts between cabbage rows is effective for maintaining the AM fungal population in soil during non-host cropping. Conclusions Mycorrhizal hosts cropped after or during non-host cropping is an effective means to increase indigenous AM fungal populations. The results show that AM colonization, P uptake and productivity of crops after cultivation of nonmycorrhizal crops can be improved by arranging AM hosts temporally or spatially as cover crops.