- Authors:
- Qu, A.
- Rhinhart, K.
- Petrie, S.
- Machado, S.
- Source: Soil & Tillage Research
- Volume: 94
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Conventional tillage winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) (WW)-summer fallow reduces soil productivity and increases soil erosion. Conservation tillage management, together with intensive cropping may have the potential to reverse these sustainability concerns. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) systems on grain yield of long-term annual cropping of monoculture WW, spring wheat (SW), and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) (SB) grown with or without fertilizer, in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA. In unfertilized crops, grain yield of WW, SW, and SB was 15%, 25%, and 50% higher, respectively, in CT than in NT plots, an indication of the involvement of yield limiting factors under the NT cropping system. When fertilized, there were no significant differences in grain yield of WW. Yields of SW and SB, however, remained 21% and 15% higher, respectively, in CT than in NT, an indication that factors other than fertility were involved. These results suggest that in order for NT management to be widely adopted by area growers, the yield-limiting factors need to be addressed.
- Authors:
- Paustian, K.
- Capalbo, S.
- Antle, J.
- Gerow, K.
- Mooney, S.
- Source: Climatic Change
- Volume: 80
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Several studies have suggested that geostatistical techniques could be employed to reduce overall transactions costs associated with contracting for soil C credits by increasing the efficacy of sampling protocols used to measure C-credits. In this paper, we show how information about the range of spatial autocorrelation can be used in a measurement scheme to reduce the size of the confidence intervals that bound estimates of the mean number of C-credits generated per hectare. A tighter confidence interval around the mean number of C-credits sequestered could increase producer payments for each hectare enrolled in a contract to supply C-credits. An empirical application to dry land cropping systems in three regions of Montana shows that information about the spatial autocorrelation exhibited by soil C could be extremely valuable for reducing transactions costs associated with contracts for C-credits but the benefits are not uniform across all regions or cropping systems. Accounting for spatial autocorrelation greatly reduced the standard errors and narrowed the confidence intervals associated with sample estimates of the mean number of C-credits produced per hectare. For the payment mechanism considered in this paper, tighter confidence intervals around the mean number of C-credits created per hectare enrolled could increase producer payments by more than 100 percent under a C-contract.
- Authors:
- Robertson, G. P.
- Grandy, A. S.
- Source: Ecosystems
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Restoring soil C pools by reducing land use intensity is a potentially high impact, rapidly deployable strategy for partially offsetting atmospheric CO2 increases. However, rates of C accumulation and underlying mechanisms have rarely been determined for a range of managed and successional ecosystems on the same soil type. We determined soil organic matter (SOM) fractions with the highest potential for sequestering C in ten ecosystems on the same soil series using both density- and incubation-based fractionation methods. Ecosystems included four annual row-crop systems (conventional, low input, organic and no-till), two perennial cropping systems (alfalfa and poplar), and four native ecosystems (early successional, midsuccessional historically tilled, midsuccessional never-tilled, and late successional forest). Enhanced C storage to 5 cm relative to conventional agriculture ranged from 8.9 g C m(-2) y(-1) in low input row crops to 31.6 g C m(-2) y(-1) in the early successional ecosystem. Carbon sequestration across all ecosystems occurred in aggregate-associated pools larger than 53 mu m. The density-based fractionation scheme identified heavy-fraction C pools (SOM > 1.6 g cm(-3) plus SOM 250 mu m), as having the highest potential C accumulation rates, ranging from 8.79 g C m(-2) y(-1) in low input row crops to 29.22 g C m(-2) y(-1) in the alfalfa ecosystem. Intra-aggregate light fraction pools accumulated C at slower rates, but generally faster than in inter-aggregate LF pools. Incubation-based methods that fractionated soil into active, slow and passive pools showed that C accumulated primarily in slow and resistant pools. However, crushing aggregates in a manner that simulates tillage resulted in a substantial transfer of C from slow pools with field mean residence times of decades to active pools with mean residence times of only weeks. Our results demonstrate that soil C accumulates almost entirely in soil aggregates, mostly in macroaggregates, following reductions in land use intensity. The potentially rapid destruction of macroaggregates following tillage, however, raises concerns about the long-term persistence of these C pools.
- Authors:
- Source: Agronomy Journal
- Volume: 99
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Management practice and soil texture are known to affect soil C. Relatively little information exists, however, on interactions between textural and management effects. The objective of this study was to evaluate management effects on soil total C along a textural gradient in well-drained Typic Hapludalfs in southwest Michigan. Three management practices considered in this study were conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT) both with conventional chemical inputs, and conventional tillage with leguminous cover crops and no chemical inputs (CT-cover). Four replicate plots were sampled for each practice, with approximately 100 soil samples taken at the 0- to 5-cm depth in each plot. In all management practices, the relationships of total C and N with clay + silt varied depending on the range of clay + silt values, with regression slopes at clay + silt 570 g kg-1. Total C in the CT-cover and NT treatments was higher than that in the CT treatment across the whole range of studied textures; however, a greater difference in total C between NT and CT occurred at greater clay + silt contents. Total C in the CT-cover and NT treatments were not different when clay + silt was 600 g kg-1. The results indicate that the potential for C accumulation in surface soils via NT treatment depends on soil texture.
- Authors:
- Wright, J.
- Herrick, J.
- Fredrickson, E.
- Bestelmeyer, B.
- Brown, J.
- Skaggs, R.
- Peters, D. P. C.
- Havstad, K. M.
- Source: Ecological Economics
- Volume: 64
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: The over 300 million ha of public and private rangelands in the United States are characterized by low and variable precipitation, nutrient-poor soils, and high spatial and temporal variability in plant production. This land type has provided a variety of goods and services, with the provisioning of food and fiber dominating through much of the 20th century. More recently, food production from a rangeland-based livestock industry is often pressured for a variety of reasons, including poor economic returns, increased regulations, an aging rural population, and increasingly diverse interests of land owners. A shift to other provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services is occurring with important implications for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and conservation incentives. There are numerous goods and services possible from rangelands that can supply societal demands such as clean water and a safe food supply. The use of ecologically-based principles of land management remains at the core of the ability of private land owners and public land managers to provide these existing and emerging services. We suggest that expectations need to be based on a thorough understanding of the diverse potentials of these lands and their inherent limits. A critical provisioning service to rangelands will be management practices that either maintain ecological functions or that restore functions to systems that have been substantially degraded over past decades. With proper incentives and economic benefits, rangelands, in the U.S. or globally, can be expected to provide these historical and more unique goods and services in a sustainable fashion, albeit in different proportions than in the past.
- Authors:
- Qi, J.
- Thelen, K.
- Kravchenko, A.
- Senthilkumar, S.
- Huang, X.
- Source: Geoderma
- Volume: 141
- Issue: 1-2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Accurate mapping of total soil carbon is important for reliable assessment of carbon sequestration potential from a field to regional scales. Highly variable soil and topographical attributes of glacial till terrain cause difficulties in mapping soil carbon based only on a limited number of soil samples. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate the feasibility of mapping total soil carbon using newly developed on-the-go near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) measurements and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) image reflectance in glacial till soils with and without additional topographical information. The studied field was about 50 ha in size and located in Kalamazoo County of Michigan. The predominant soil is Kalamazoo loam (fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalfs). NIRS spectra were collected along 22 north-south transects separated by a distance of 25 m and the distance between the measurements within a transect was equal to 5 m. The field was bare of vegetation and relatively dry during soil sampling. Landsat ETM imagery during soil sampling period was obtained. Eighty-five soil samples were collected on the NIRS transects from 0-10 cm depth. Principal component regression was used to relate NIRS spectra and ETM data to measured soil carbon. Regression coefficients between measured and predicted carbon values were equal to 0.70 and 0.46 using NIRS data and ETM imagery, respectively. When topographical attributes, such as elevation and terrain curvature were included into the regression model along with NIRS and ETM data, the regression coefficients improved to 0.81 and 0.62, respectively. The results indicated that combination of the NIRS and ETM measurements with topography is a valuable tool for accurate total carbon mapping in glacial till soils. Field soil moisture and texture were found to be helpful in explaining carbon variation and improving its prediction for ETM imagery data, but were not useful when added to NIRS measurements.
- Authors:
- Randall, G. W.
- Lamb, J. A.
- Clapp, C. E.
- Allmaras, R. R.
- Huggins, D. R.
- Source: Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Volume: 71
- Issue: 1
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Soil organic carbon (SOC) in agroecosystems is regulated by crop rotation and soil disturbance. We assessed crop sequence and tillage effects on SOC dynamics and storage using natural 13C abundance of corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.), Merr.]. Treatments consisted of tillage: moldboard plow (MP), chisel plow (CP), and no-tillage (NT); and crop sequence: continuous corn (CC), continuous soybean (SS), and alternating corn-soybean (CS). Soil samples were collected after 14 yr in each treatment and in fallow alley-ways and were analyzed for SOC, {delta}13C, bulk density, and pH. Tillage by crop sequence interactions occurred as treatments with MP and SS as well as fallow averaged 135 Mg SOC ha-1 (0- to 45-cm depth), while CP treatments with corn (CC and CS) and NT with CC averaged 164 Mg SOC ha-1. Crop sequence effects on SOC (0- to 45-cm depth) occurred when tillage was reduced with CP and NT averaging 15% greater SOC in CC than SS. In addition to less C inputs than CC, SS accelerated rates of SOC decomposition. Tillage effects on SOC were greatest in CC where CP had 26% and NT 20% more SOC than MP, whereas SOC in SS was similar across tillage treatments. Up to 33% of the greater SOC under CC for CP and NT, compared with MP, occurred below tillage operating depths. Substantial losses of SOC were estimated (1.6 Mg SOC ha-1 yr-1) despite lowering SOC decay rates with reduced tillage and high levels of C inputs with CC.
- Authors:
- Desjardins, R. L.
- Campbell, C. A.
- Hutchinson, J. J.
- Source: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Volume: 142
- Issue: 2-4
- Year: 2007
- Summary: One of the main options for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation identified by the IPCC is the sequestration of carbon in soils. Since the breaking of agricultural land in most regions, the carbon stocks have been depleted to such an extent, that they now represent a potential sink for CO, removal from the atmosphere. Improved management will however, be required to increase the inputs of organic matter in the top soil and/or decrease decomposition rates. In this paper we use data from selected regions to explore the global potential for carbon sequestration in arable soils. While realising that C sequestration is not limited to the selected regions, we have, however, focussed our review on two regions: (i) Canadian Prairies and (ii) The Tropics. In temperate regions, management changes for an increase in C involve increase in cropping frequency (reducing bare fallow), increasing use of forages in crop rotations, reducing tillage intensity and frequency, better crop residue management, and adopting agroforestry. In the tropics, agroforestry remains the primary method by which sequestration rates may be significantly increased. Increases in soil C may be achieved through improved fertility of cropland/pasture; on extensive systems with shifting cultivation cropped fallows and cover crops may be beneficial, and adopting agro forestry or foresting marginal cropland is also an alternative. In addition, in the tropics it is imperative to reduce the clearing of forests for conversion to cropland. Some regional analyses of soil C sequestration and sequestration potential have been performed, mainly for temperate industrialized North America where the majority of research pertaining to C sequestration has been carried out. More research is needed, especially for the Tropics, to more accurately capture the impact of region-specific interactions between climate, soil, and management of resources on C sequestration, which are lost in global level assessments. By itself, C sequestration in agricultural soils can make only modest contributions (3-6% of fossil fuel contributions) to mitigation of overall greenhouse gas emissions. However, effective mitigation policies will not be based on any single 'magic bullet' solutions, but rather on many modest reductions which are economically efficient and which confer additional benefits to society. In this context, soil C sequestration is a significant mitigation option. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Authors:
- Verge, X. P.
- Worth, D. E.
- Campbell, C. A.
- Desjardins, R. L.
- Smith, W. N.
- Grant, B. B.
- Hutchinson, J. J.
- Source: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume: 87
- Issue: 2
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Using a revised Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology and the process-based model DeNitrification and DeComposition (DNDC), we estimated N2O emissions from agroecosysterns in Canada for each census year from 1981 to 2001. Based on the IPCC methodology, direct emissions of N2O ranged from 12.9 to 17.3 with an average of 15.1 Tg CO2 equivalents, while the DNDC model predicted values from 16.0 to 24.3 with an average of 20.8 Tg CO2 equivalents over the same period, and showed a large interannual variation reflecting weather variability. On a provincial basis, emissions estimated by IPCC and DNDC methods were highest in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario, intermediate for Manitoba and Quebec and lowest in British Columbia and the Atlantic provinces. The greatest source of emissions estimated by the IPCC method was from N fertilizer (avg. 6.32 Tg CO2 equiv. in Canada), followed by crop residues (4.24), pasture range and paddocks (PRP) (2.77), and manure (1.65). All sources of emissions, but especially those from fertilizers, increased moderately over time. Monte Carlo Simulation was used to determine the uncertainty associated with the 2001 emission estimates for both IPCC and DNDC methodologies. The simulation generated most likely values of 19.2 and 16.0 Tg CO2 equivalents for IPCC and DNDC, respectively, with uncertainties of 37 and 41%, respectively. Values for the IPCC estimates varied between 28% for PRP and manure and 50% for N fertilizer and crop residues. At the provincial level, uncertainty ranged between 15 and 47% with higher values on the prairies. Sensitivity analyses for IPCC estimates showed crop residues as the most important source of uncertainty followed by synthetic N-fertilizers. Our analysis demonstrated that N2O emissions can be effectively estimated by both the DNDC and IPCC methods and that their uncertainties can be effectively estimated by Monte Carlo Simulation.
- Authors:
- Year: 2007
- Summary: Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is the world's first and North America's only active voluntary, legally binding integrated trading system to reduce emissions of all six greenhouse gases (GHGs), with Offset Projects worldwide. CCX employs independent verification and has been trading GHG emission reductions since 2003. CCX Members that cannot reduce their own emissions can purchase credits from those who make extra emission cuts or from verified Offset Projects. CCX issues tradable Carbon Financial Instrument (CFI) contracts to owners or aggregators of eligible projects on the basis of sequestration, destruction or displacement of GHG emissions. Eligible projects include: agricultural methane, landfill methane, coal mine methane, agricultural and rangeland soil carbon, forestry and renewable energy.